Work Bathroom Etiquette


Well-Known Member
don't want to get off topic, but WTF are some women eating that they smell so freakin' bad at 7:30 in the morning--try cleansing at night............1 more thing, how can people not remember to flush the damn toilet :barf:


Well-Known Member
I flush tampons...but I don't flush the applicator. Even though I get the cardboard kind, I sitll wrap them up really well and throw them in the main trashcan. We don't have the individual stall cans at my work. I agree that it's gross if women don't wrap it up before they toss it!


I bowl overhand
Cowgirl said:
I flush tampons...but I don't flush the applicator. Even though I get the cardboard kind, I sitll wrap them up really well and throw them in the main trashcan. We don't have the individual stall cans at my work. I agree that it's gross if women don't wrap it up before they toss it!
YEEEECCCH.. if you flush them something, or someone has to remove them prior to the water treatment plant.. I'd HATE to have THAT job!!


New Member
BadGirl said:
I wrap mine thoroughly in tissue and deposit it in the regular wastecan by the sink, trying to position it so that it isn't right on top. Yuck.

I don't know how regularly the stall trash cans are emptied, and I don't want to risk it lingering in there for more than a few hours.



New Member
Tinkerbell said:
Ladies...guys go away...we all know that the stalls in our work bathrooms have nifty little trashcans in each one - often hanging right on the wall. We all know what that trash can is for. My question is this -- when you deposit your item into this little specialty trash can do you wrap it in toilet paper first? I do. It isn't that much of an extra step and I'd REALLY appreciate it if the women around here would. :dead:

:jameo: :barf:


Baby blues
itsbob said:
YEEEECCCH.. if you flush them something, or someone has to remove them prior to the water treatment plant.. I'd HATE to have THAT job!!
Really??? Someone has to do that? wow.... :twitch:


Well-Known Member
itsbob said:
YEEEECCCH.. if you flush them something, or someone has to remove them prior to the water treatment plant.. I'd HATE to have THAT job!!

I used to work at Blue Plains water treatment plant, and all I can say is.....the Seagalls love them!