Find em Hot, Leave em Wet
On Louis Bailey Rd. Reported working house fire
1144; Engine 14 marking up at the dispatch
1146; First due pumper-tanker enroute
1146; Caller advises vacant house with fire coming from the home
1148; Four pumper tankers enroute.
1149; Alerting Hollywood now for the truck
1150; 51 on the scene, single story working house fire. Advising heavy fire
1151; 53 picking the line up
1153; Returning Truck 7, Truck 1 marked up staffed
1156; Trying to get the lines charged
1156; SMECO, fire marshall contacted
1157; Trying to complete a lay. Sounds like they're battling a long driveway
1157; Requesting a 3 inch line
1158; Now having Engine 14 lay LDH
1158; Starting additional pumper tanker
1158; SMECO 15 minute ETA
1159; Water Supply 5 has failed, sounds like they're worried about water at this point.
1201; Requesting police department for traffic control.
1202; PD: 3 minute ETA
1202; Requesting the police to shut the road down completely
1203; Starting the fill ins
1204; Trying to get some crews situated on the fire
1207; Having Truck 1 stage on Louis Bailey. No room down the driveway
1208; Truck 1 moving some vehicles around
1210; SMECO advises power has been secured
1210; Fire marshal enroute from Prince Frederick
1211; Tanker 2 out of service due to a flat tire
1211; Requesting additional tanker
1211; Diverting Engine 91 from the fill in
1212; Going to have the pumper tankers go back to the firehouse to fill up if needed
1214; Replacing 91 with Engine 74 to fill in
1215; One of the engines is now out of water
1216; They are now seriously in a mess. There are trucks blocking each other in. They can't back out
1217; Main attack engine is now out of water
1218; Main attack engine now shutting their lines down
1219; Trying to get one of the engines turned around to get water
1220; Most of the fire is knocked
1224; 24 now empty
1232; Sounds like they may want to set up a folding tank
1233; Now wanting to set up the folding tank operations
1237; Bulk of the fire is knocked, some fire still in the attic
1238; Trying to get a tanker shuttle set up since apparently no apparatus has a folding tank
1241; Starting ANOTHER tanker. Diverting Engine 74 to the fireground.
1242; Shutting down the water again.
1242; Homeowner is on scene. Command having her stay away from the house
1244; OK, now it sounds like they're getting a folding tank set up. They're either ditching the tanker shuttle or are going to try both
1245; Water Supply 5 advises water supply is set up. I guess they're still having it at the firehouse
1247; Just over an hour duration and a stable water supply hasn't been set up.
1256; Having units stay out on 242 so apparatus can move
1257; About to knock the chimneys down
1259; Hitting hot spots now
1301; Folding tank now set up
1304; Sounds like they have a decent water supply now set up
1307; Knocking the chimney over
1314; Putting an additional 3 inch line in service
1317; Sammiches on the way!
1317; Keeping 3-4 lines in service at a time to knock the hot spots down
1319; Knocking down the second chimney
1342; Still hitting hotspots, extensive overhaul. Advising they'll be on the scene atleast another hour for overhaul.
1524; Units returning to service
1144; Engine 14 marking up at the dispatch
1146; First due pumper-tanker enroute
1146; Caller advises vacant house with fire coming from the home
1148; Four pumper tankers enroute.
1149; Alerting Hollywood now for the truck
1150; 51 on the scene, single story working house fire. Advising heavy fire
1151; 53 picking the line up
1153; Returning Truck 7, Truck 1 marked up staffed
1156; Trying to get the lines charged
1156; SMECO, fire marshall contacted
1157; Trying to complete a lay. Sounds like they're battling a long driveway
1157; Requesting a 3 inch line
1158; Now having Engine 14 lay LDH
1158; Starting additional pumper tanker
1158; SMECO 15 minute ETA
1159; Water Supply 5 has failed, sounds like they're worried about water at this point.
1201; Requesting police department for traffic control.
1202; PD: 3 minute ETA
1202; Requesting the police to shut the road down completely
1203; Starting the fill ins
1204; Trying to get some crews situated on the fire
1207; Having Truck 1 stage on Louis Bailey. No room down the driveway
1208; Truck 1 moving some vehicles around
1210; SMECO advises power has been secured
1210; Fire marshal enroute from Prince Frederick
1211; Tanker 2 out of service due to a flat tire
1211; Requesting additional tanker
1211; Diverting Engine 91 from the fill in
1212; Going to have the pumper tankers go back to the firehouse to fill up if needed
1214; Replacing 91 with Engine 74 to fill in
1215; One of the engines is now out of water
1216; They are now seriously in a mess. There are trucks blocking each other in. They can't back out
1217; Main attack engine is now out of water
1218; Main attack engine now shutting their lines down
1219; Trying to get one of the engines turned around to get water
1220; Most of the fire is knocked
1224; 24 now empty
1232; Sounds like they may want to set up a folding tank
1233; Now wanting to set up the folding tank operations
1237; Bulk of the fire is knocked, some fire still in the attic
1238; Trying to get a tanker shuttle set up since apparently no apparatus has a folding tank
1241; Starting ANOTHER tanker. Diverting Engine 74 to the fireground.
1242; Shutting down the water again.
1242; Homeowner is on scene. Command having her stay away from the house
1244; OK, now it sounds like they're getting a folding tank set up. They're either ditching the tanker shuttle or are going to try both
1245; Water Supply 5 advises water supply is set up. I guess they're still having it at the firehouse
1247; Just over an hour duration and a stable water supply hasn't been set up.
1256; Having units stay out on 242 so apparatus can move
1257; About to knock the chimneys down
1259; Hitting hot spots now
1301; Folding tank now set up
1304; Sounds like they have a decent water supply now set up
1307; Knocking the chimney over
1314; Putting an additional 3 inch line in service
1317; Sammiches on the way!
1317; Keeping 3-4 lines in service at a time to knock the hot spots down
1319; Knocking down the second chimney
1342; Still hitting hotspots, extensive overhaul. Advising they'll be on the scene atleast another hour for overhaul.
1524; Units returning to service
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