World Cup


They call me ... Sarcasmo
How does the future look good? The US, by all rights, should have been down 3, maybe 4 goals long before 90 minutes was up. Belgium displayed a skill level, across the board, that the US is nowhere near matching, let alone surpassing. It is one thing to get through to the round of 16 and that's pretty heady stuff for where we are now but, it is a WHOLE other thing to be on the level of Belgium or Argentina or Germany or France or Brazil or even teams like Spain that got sent packing. At best, that late shot at, what, 88 minutes, goes in, we win one of those quintessential soccer games where one team dominates the entire game but, can't buy a goal and the clearly lesser team squeaks one in to win.

Don't get me wrong, it would have been great fun to have won and faced Argentina but, we are well out of our class when it comes to the truly elite teams. Do we have one player that would have started for Belgium?

In any event, it was fun while it lasted and now down to some SERIOUS world class soccer.


The future looks good because we have some young promising players in the pipe, (Yedlin, 20 & Green, 19) and the game is gaining popularity in the US. There are plenty of players on USMNT thatplay in the Premier League as well as other leagues in Europe. Do you think these guys do not benefit from that coaching? As far as tweaking our play style, we, as Americans, focus too much on individual play as opposed to a total TEAM approach. THAT is what makes us sort of an 'also-ran' when it come to world class soccer. Watch several European league games, then watch South American soccer and look for the differences. I think we may be caught in between both styles and are still trying to find our style.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
The future looks good because we have some young promising players in the pipe, (Yedlin, 20 & Green, 19) and the game is gaining popularity in the US. There are plenty of players on USMNT thatplay in the Premier League as well as other leagues in Europe. Do you think these guys do not benefit from that coaching? As far as tweaking our play style, we, as Americans, focus too much on individual play as opposed to a total TEAM approach. THAT is what makes us sort of an 'also-ran' when it come to world class soccer. Watch several European league games, then watch South American soccer and look for the differences. I think we may be caught in between both styles and are still trying to find our style.

The above could have been written 4 years ago. Or 8. Or 12 or 16 or even 20. And, still, we are, at best, an also ran. Foreigners are the best coaches and this is down to DIII, not just the top. How many people on the team were not born here?

In a nation that has been trying to love soccer for WELL over 2 generations now, it is still just a bleh sport. Americans do NOT like the endless play acting, the clear fouls that get missed, the phantom fouls that are called. We like calls to be as right as possible. We don't like that the ref throws up some arbitrary number at the end of each half 'extra time'. We like clocks. That tell THE time.

Flopping is ridiculed in our sports, like basketball.

Getting behind the defense is the point of most American sports, not an infraction.

And can you imagine baseball going to a home run derby to settle a game? Or trotting out field goal kickers at the end of the Super bowl? Or. what, playing horse to settle the NBA finals?

There are many, if not most, Hispanics falling in love with the NFL. That was one of the other great hopes.

I am enthralled with it every four years but, I am a sports guy. Had dinner with my step son last night, he could not care less.

I dunno. :shrug:


Well-Known Member
I'll be glad on Tuesday when all the ESPN networks are no longer being held hostage by World Cup. I've been hearing for 40 years that soccer is on the verge of becoming big in the US. Perhaps it will be in another 40 years.


mama to two
Ok, y'all. If all the energy and support that was just put into this world wide tournament could be focused on changing the world, we would be in a better place. Think about it. That's all.

Yes, I was subjected to this game today at the family reunion, and I didn't watch a second of it. Too busy cooking, serving, and cleaning up. Mamatutu 1 and soccer 0. I win! Sports are overrated, and sportsmen are too overpaid. JMO
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Well-Known Member
Ok, y'all. If all the energy and support that was just put into this world wide tournament could be focused on changing the world, we would be in a better place. Think about it. That's all.

Yes, I was subjected to this game today at the family reunion, and I didn't watch a second of it. Too busy cooking, serving, and cleaning up. Mamatutu 1 and soccer 0. I win! Sports are overrated, and sportsmen are too overpaid. JMO

Not all of us can donate....


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
Watching the NFL recently had me thinking about the recent world cup. If soccer changed it's rules like the NFL they could put a more exciting product out. A few decades ago the NFL was 2 running plays then a pass if it was 4 yards or more for a first down. Then the NFL powers to be tweaked the rules to allow more scoring. Baseball does the same thing by changing the level of the pitchers mound.

If soccer ditched the offsides rule or maybe expanded the goal, it would appeal to more fans in the US.


mama to two
Watching the NFL recently had me thinking about the recent world cup. If soccer changed it's rules like the NFL they could put a more exciting product out. A few decades ago the NFL was 2 running plays then a pass if it was 4 yards or more for a first down. Then the NFL powers to be tweaked the rules to allow more scoring. Baseball does the same thing by changing the level of the pitchers mound.

If soccer ditched the offsides rule or maybe expanded the goal, it would appeal to more fans in the US.

Sports is not my forte. I am now wondering where warneckutz is because he hasn't posted in a long while. He was my :otter: buddy. Hope he is ok.


They call me ... Sarcasmo
We need more of this in the US. Yeah, the #11, wing, that's my position and this is how I think I play.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Leave soccer alone. It is the beautiful game after all, and this past WC was a ton of fun to watch, especially with the Spaniards, Brazilians, Italians, English getting dumped so ignominiously.

Do you think 45-42 NFL games, week in and out, are really that good to watch, unless you have players on your fantasy team involved? To me, that's like watching 9-8 MLB games every night. Or 6-5 NHL games daily from every match up.

My opinion, of course. A good defensive struggle is just as entertaining as a high scoring affair to me.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Watching the NFL recently had me thinking about the recent world cup. If soccer changed it's rules like the NFL they could put a more exciting product out. A few decades ago the NFL was 2 running plays then a pass if it was 4 yards or more for a first down. Then the NFL powers to be tweaked the rules to allow more scoring. Baseball does the same thing by changing the level of the pitchers mound.

If soccer ditched the offsides rule or maybe expanded the goal, it would appeal to more fans in the US.

Not ditched but modified the off sides rule. Set guys our for penalties, 2 minutes, 5 minutes, use replay to penalize fakers, floppers and thespians.


New Member
If you want to watch high scoring soccer got to an indoor soccer match. I say leave it as it is played on the outdoor pitch, and seriously doubt the rest of the world would want changes.

I am fine with a 1-0 match. To me that is exciting.