Worst president in history?


Enjoying life!
In Bush's defense...but with a jab at Reagan.

CBS White House correspondent Mark Knoller says that getting the news from his wife or aides seems to work for Bush. "We very rarely catch him unaware of something in the way that we used to catch Ronald Reagan. He is a very well-informed president."


Also, all of the sources I found were obvious Bush basher sites or articles authored by Bush bashing journalists. Figures.


Enjoying life!
Asa side note, I just received this joke:

During a campaign tour of the Apache Nation Wednesday, Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry said he had a plan to increase every Native American's income by $40,000 a year. Senator Kerry refused repeated requests for details of his plan, however. He also told the Apaches that during his Senate career, he has voted YES 9,637 times for every Indian issue ever introduced.

Before his departure, the Apache Tribe presented the Presidential candidate a plaque inscribed with his new Indian name, Running Eagle.

After Kerry left, tribal officials explained that Running Eagle is a bird so full of s### it can't fly.


Asperger's Poster Child
Originally posted by vraiblonde
anti-American, Communist sympathizer

Jeez, and I thought the far-lefties were being whacko for hurling the "fascist" label at Bush.

Seriously, the best insult one can give Clinton or Bush is to not to get worked up over them. Negative attention is still attention. I won't waste my hate on them, I'll keep it for myself.


This was sent to me by a fellow somd-er

"... Clinton's administration or intelligence during Clinton's administration DID IN FACT foil a terrorist plot... remember the millenium plot at LAX?"


No, it is the New York Times that is left wing...:wink:


Enjoying life!
Uh, I don't think so...

"The millennium bomb plot collapsed on December 14, 1999, when Ressam, trying to cross the border by ferry from Canada, was arrested after he fled a routine automobile inspection at a U.S. entry point near Seattle.

Agents found explosive materials, including the fertilizer urea and nitric acid, and homemade timing devices in the trunk of Ressam's rented sedan. "



Enjoying life!
And both the NYT and Washington Post are left-leaning papers. The Washington Times is more to the right.


Football season!
Originally posted by Steve
In Bush's defense...but with a jab at Reagan.

CBS White House correspondent Mark Knoller says that getting the news from his wife or aides seems to work for Bush. "We very rarely catch him unaware of something in the way that we used to catch Ronald Reagan. He is a very well-informed president."


Also, all of the sources I found were obvious Bush basher sites or articles authored by Bush bashing journalists. Figures.

Yea, Bush even talks about this himself:
"I glance at the headlines just to kind of get a flavor for what's moving. I rarely read the stories, and get briefed by people who are probably read the news themselves." —George W. Bush, Washington, D.C., Sept. 21, 2003


Nothing to see here
Originally posted by rraley
So would you say like most conservatives that the Washington Post is nothing but a form of left-wing propaganda?

I would say it still leans to the left but not as badly as it used to. I read it, among other papers/websites, I am not anti-dem as much as I am a Clinton hater. The Clintons and their ilk are the worst thing that ever happened to this country and the democratic party. I firmly believe that the Clintons rode an already recovering economy to being thought of as saviors and accorded an undeserved status. The sooner the democratic party opens their eyes and sees that the emperor/empress has no clothes, the better off they will be. (Of course, this is my very bias'ed opinion).
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Enjoying life!
Originally posted by otter
The sooner the democratic party opens their eyes and sees that the emperor/emperoress has no clothes, the better off they will be. (Of course, this is my very bias'ed opinion).

Thanks. I needed that visual.