Would my hair all fall out if I did this?


I am so very blessed
I just cleaned out my bathroom cabinets and discovered...I kid you not....no less than 27 bottles of assorted shampoo and another 15 or so bottles of conditioner. Most bottles have about 1/3 left in the bottom of the container.

What would happen if I mixed them all together in one big bottle? You know...marrying all the leftover contents of shampoo's and getting rid of most of the empty bottles in the process.

I'm just getting sick of having all these miscellaneous bottles hiding out in my bathroom cabinets.

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
BadGirl said:
I just cleaned out my bathroom cabinets and discovered...I kid you not....no less than 27 bottles of assorted shampoo and another 15 or so bottles of conditioner. Most bottles have about 1/3 left in the bottom of the container.

What would happen if I mixed them all together in one big bottle? You know...marrying all the leftover contents of shampoo's and getting rid of most of the empty bottles in the process.

I'm just getting sick of having all these miscellaneous bottles hiding out in my bathroom cabinets.
Hints from Heloise once had a person write in that said she uses shampoo for body wash and it is wonderful as a body wash. I don't know about all that though.


New Member
BadGirl said:
I just cleaned out my bathroom cabinets and discovered...I kid you not....no less than 27 bottles of assorted shampoo and another 15 or so bottles of conditioner. Most bottles have about 1/3 left in the bottom of the container.

What would happen if I mixed them all together in one big bottle? You know...marrying all the leftover contents of shampoo's and getting rid of most of the empty bottles in the process.

I'm just getting sick of having all these miscellaneous bottles hiding out in my bathroom cabinets.

mix them (I do that too)


off the shelf
BadGirl said:
I just cleaned out my bathroom cabinets and discovered...I kid you not....no less than 27 bottles of assorted shampoo and another 15 or so bottles of conditioner. Most bottles have about 1/3 left in the bottom of the container.

What would happen if I mixed them all together in one big bottle? You know...marrying all the leftover contents of shampoo's and getting rid of most of the empty bottles in the process.

I'm just getting sick of having all these miscellaneous bottles hiding out in my bathroom cabinets.

They all pretty much have the same ingredients....just different "smells"

I say mix them....and just to be on the save side, let bob try it for a week first :yay:


I have actually never mixed my shampoos before...but I use like three at the time. I never use the same shampoo twice in a row, because I feel my hair loses volume when I keep using the same shampoo over and over and over again. Thats why I keep three in rotation. I really don't think your hair would fall out, but I think after a certain period of time that shampoo goes "bad."


New Member
nitwhit3286 said:
I have actually never mixed my shampoos before...but I use like three at the time. I never use the same shampoo twice in a row, because I feel my hair loses volume when I keep using the same shampoo over and over and over again. Thats why I keep three in rotation. I really don't think your hair would fall out, but I think after a certain period of time that shampoo goes "bad."

:killingme :killingme :killingme


New Member
ServiceGuy said:
I am not always the sharpest knife in the drawer but maybe you could just finish one bottle before opening another? :popcorn:

You're sharper than some, as you have just nitwhitnessed :lmao:


I am so very blessed
ServiceGuy said:
I am not always the sharpest knife in the drawer but maybe you could just finish one bottle before opening another? :popcorn:
Dur. That makes too much sense.

You have no idea of the inner psyche of the female mind, do you? It is practically a requirement of woman-hood that we switch shampoos almost as often as we blink our eyes.


BadGirl said:
Dur. That makes too much sense.

You have no idea of the inner psyche of the female mind, do you? It is practically a requirement of woman-hood that we switch shampoos almost as often as we blink our eyes.

Exactly..thank you for saying that!!! hooray!


Lem Putt
BadGirl said:
What would happen if I mixed them all together in one big bottle?

Nitwit said go for it. I don't see how you could get a better endorsement.

Could you please wait a little while to do it? I'll be leaving St. Inigoes in a few minutes, and I'd like to escape the cloud of noxious gasses.


I am so very blessed
Speedy70 said:
I've heard some women use conditioner to shave their legs. :shrug:
And their :gossip: , too. Makes it nice and silky soft. Of course, the guys trying this would be wise to stay away from the Perma-Soft line of hair care products.


Well-Known Member
I am guilty of shampoo switching. I can't finish one kind before starting another. :blushing: Most of the time it's because my shampoo runs out before the conditioner does....so I have lots of types of conditioner.

But my hair lady did say that your hair gets used to shampoos....so it's best to switch it up now and then. :yay: