Wounded Vet Sueing Micheal Moore

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
This ought to get the Fat Man's dander up. :lmao: Go get 'em Sarge, take him to the bank.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
How about...

...we address the tire problem, eh?

I haven't seen the film so I don't know how this guy was portrayed nor do I know the rules as to how permission is addressed in a movie, so, good luck, I guess.

Attorney: "Your Honor, my client claims that Michael Moore is disingenuous, deceitful and uses anyone or anything he can that makes his point, that he doesn't have enough money, and doesn't care about any damage or suffering he causes in his persuit of filthy lucre."

Judge: "I'm sorry son, the facts as pertains Mr. Moore are already well known. How does this make your client special and in need of relief moreso than all the rest of humanity that Mr. Moore has afflicted?"