Wreck on RT 4


Fat Momma

BS Gal said:
I wish I would have done that with the boy. He's an adult now and gets his paybacks frequently. "Mom, I'm gonna stop by this weekend sometime." Me: "might wanna call first cause we're usually naked." :lmao:

Boy: "You'll be glad to know I sold my motorcycle."
Me: "You'll be glad to know I just got my motorcycle license at 47."
Boy: "When did it all turn around and I had to worry about my parents intead of my parents worrying about me?"
Me: "I have leather chaps."

:lmao: :huggy:


BS Gal said:
:lmao: Will do. We'll be in our chaps and nothing else. Feel free to drop the dog off. Course, you'll have to haul the kennel inside. :lmao:

Quit giving me ideas. He's on here and he is gonna be totally grossed out, which makes it only funnier.

Ooops, sorry BSGal's son.

Ok, so I'm not really sorry, but :flowers: anyway.

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
julz20684 said:
Ooops, sorry BSGal's son.

Ok, so I'm not really sorry, but :flowers: anyway.

He's used to it. Just not his mama on a motorcycle. OOOPS. It really, really bothers him. :lmao: It just makes me laugh that 8 years ago when he started driving I was so worried and he couldn't get around that. What, Mom? I'm fine. Tables do turn and it's payback time. :lmao:


New Member
BS Gal said:
He's used to it. Just not his mama on a motorcycle. OOOPS. It really, really bothers him. :lmao: It just makes me laugh that 8 years ago when he started driving I was so worried and he couldn't get around that. What, Mom? I'm fine. Tables do turn and it's payback time. :lmao:

I am soooo ready for the days when it turns around!!! 16 y.o. girl thinks I am a total embarrassment! can't stand 10 and 8 y.o. brothers. I told her there is no royal blood in our family and I did not give birth to a princess. :lmao:


off the shelf
mommarock said:
I am soooo ready for the days when it turns around!!! 16 y.o. girl thinks I am a total embarrassment! can't stand 10 and 8 y.o. brothers. I told her there is no royal blood in our family and I did not give birth to a princess. :lmao:

I live to embarrass my mutts :biggrin:

Next time your girl thinks her sh!t don't stink....walk her into school, sign her in(making comments about running out of tampons) and when she gets about half-way down the hall, scream "Honey, you forgot to get your tampons out of the car you want me to go get them and bring them to your class" :howdy:

Did this to the girl I was fostering....she didn't speak to me for 2 days

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
mommarock said:
I am soooo ready for the days when it turns around!!! 16 y.o. girl thinks I am a total embarrassment! can't stand 10 and 8 y.o. brothers. I told her there is no royal blood in our family and I did not give birth to a princess. :lmao:
Treasure the moments with them, but.....I had always wanted a motorcycle, didn't think I could do it when he was little. Now......it's just fun. The shock of seeing his mom on a motorcycle was priceless. He was in the driveway telling his dad "this isn't a good idea." When I got the bigger one, it was even funnier. :lmao:


New Member
onebdzee said:
I live to embarrass my mutts :biggrin:

Next time your girl thinks her sh!t don't stink....walk her into school, sign her in(making comments about running out of tampons) and when she gets about half-way down the hall, scream "Honey, you forgot to get your tampons out of the car you want me to go get them and bring them to your class" :howdy:

Did this to the girl I was fostering....she didn't speak to me for 2 days

Gotta try this one!!! :killingme


New Member
BS Gal said:
Treasure the moments with them, but.....I had always wanted a motorcycle, didn't think I could do it when he was little. Now......it's just fun. The shock of seeing his mom on a motorcycle was priceless. He was in the driveway telling his dad "this isn't a good idea." When I got the bigger one, it was even funnier. :lmao:

Our kids don't realize we have lives that don't always revolve around them and we still like to enjoy ourselves. I do enjoy my kids, cheerleading, softball, baseball, cub scouts, etc., never missed a game or competition, never will god willing, but I do agree that you should continue to have fun for yourself!!! Enjoy the bike, ride safe and often!! :howdy:


off the shelf
mommarock said:
Gotta try this one!!! :killingme

You could also go to pick them up in your jammies(fuzzy slippers optional)

Did that one to my oldest when he was a senior at Great Mills....he was walking out of the school with his friends and I stood by my car waving frantically saying "I'm here honey, hurry along now your cookies are getting cold"....his friends shook their heads....He ran up and gave me a big hug and said "I love you mommy"(he was use to me trying to embarrass him) :lol:

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
mommarock said:
Our kids don't realize we have lives that don't always revolve around them and we still like to enjoy ourselves. I do enjoy my kids, cheerleading, softball, baseball, cub scouts, etc., never missed a game or competition, never will god willing, but I do agree that you should continue to have fun for yourself!!! Enjoy the bike, ride safe and often!! :howdy:
Scorekeeper for years at his little league games, hockey mom from hell. Can't remember ever missing a game or event in his life. He's 24 now......I hope he can change diapers. :lmao:


New Member
BS Gal said:
Scorekeeper for years at his little league games, hockey mom from hell. Can't remember ever missing a game or event in his life. He's 24 now......I hope he can change diapers. :lmao:

Tru Dat!!! My favorite book of all time "Love you forever" I cry everytime. I have one for each of my kids!!! :huggy:


off the shelf
BS Gal said:
Scorekeeper for years at his little league games, hockey mom from hell. Can't remember ever missing a game or event in his life. He's 24 now......I hope he can change diapers. :lmao:

all of mine are going to put me in a really good home....hopefully it won't have "criminally insane" anywhere in the discription :lol:


New Member
onebdzee said:
all of mine are going to put me in a really good home....hopefully it won't have "criminally insane" anywhere in the discription :lol:

I have a sign at the front door of my house that says "crimminally insane" :lmao:

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
mommarock said:
Tru Dat!!! My favorite book of all time "Love you forever" I cry everytime. I have one for each of my kids!!! :huggy:
My hubby bought me the book and CD called "Live like it's your last day." Now, I got all sentimental about this and cried listening to the CD and thought it was a sweet gift.

Thinking back, I'm now starting to think he either thinks I'm gonna die on the bike or he's warning me that I need to get over the PMS thing. Not sure. I'm a bit concerned.


New Member
BS Gal said:
My hubby bought me the book and CD called "Live like it's your last day." Now, I got all sentimental about this and cried listening to the CD and thought it was a sweet gift.

Thinking back, I'm now starting to think he either thinks I'm gonna die on the bike or he's warning me that I need to get over the PMS thing. Not sure. I'm a bit concerned.

Who is your beneficiary :lmao:


off the shelf
BS Gal said:
My hubby bought me the book and CD called "Live like it's your last day." Now, I got all sentimental about this and cried listening to the CD and thought it was a sweet gift.

Thinking back, I'm now starting to think he either thinks I'm gonna die on the bike or he's warning me that I need to get over the PMS thing. Not sure. I'm a bit concerned.

Trust me....it's the PMS thing

If you don't get over it....he will eventually kill you :lol:

oh, wait...........I still get him if anything happens to you, right?


mommarock said:
Tru Dat!!! My favorite book of all time "Love you forever" I cry everytime. I have one for each of my kids!!! :huggy:

"I'll love you forever

I'll like you for always

As long as I'm living

My baby you'll be."

I still sing that to my 18 year old, and sang it to my 10 year old before I tucked him in tonight. They sing along..."My mommy you'll be."

Awesome book. :yay:

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
onebdzee said:
Trust me....it's the PMS thing

If you don't get over it....he will eventually kill you :lol:

oh, wait...........I still get him if anything happens to you, right?
Oh, yeah. I'm leaving him to you in my Will.

It says: "If anything happens to me and I die, 1bdz gets DR and I hope he doesn't shoot her in the ass while she's planting flowers in my gardens with the blow-dart gun he recently purchased." Oh, and after that, it says, Love BS Gal, your lesbian biker chick lover.

You also get the remote controlled fart machine I recently purchased. :huggy:


New Member
onebdzee said:
Trust me....it's the PMS thing

If you don't get over it....he will eventually kill you :lol:

oh, wait...........I still get him if anything happens to you, right?

I think PMS is a good defense. We cannot be held responsible. Men should know better than to breathe the same air we do at that time! I warn my husband ahead of time. He travels alot for work......oh ummm, let me rethink this.....he does seem to only travel during that time........ :jameo: