

aka Mrs. Giant
Toxick said:
No - I'm Mr. Faithful.

I do, however, think there should be a website called, bewarethegolddiggingwhore.com

Every person, male or female, that was suckered by a gold digger, learned a valuable lesson. Myself included. :shrug: Besides you don't give what you don't want to. :stupid:


I'm Rick James #####!
Toxick said:
Wow - a whole website by and for really bitter women.

Sign me up.

There are whole sections in book stores DEDICATED to bitter women! I bet this website is just the tip of the iceberg (pun intended) when it comes to online resources for cold, bitter, women. :lmao:


Well-Known Member
Lugnut said:
There are whole sections in book stores DEDICATED to bitter women! I bet this website is just the tip of the iceberg (pun intended) when it comes to online resources for cold, bitter, women. :lmao:
PMS Outlaws was great. :yay:


It has always amazed me that women can date, and marry such losers, and the decent men they throw away. I'll never figure that one out, but then if I did figure it out, I would actually understand women. :lmao:


CageKicker Extraordinaire
Toxick said:
No - I'm Mr. Faithful.

I do, however, think there should be a website called, bewarethegolddiggingwhore.com

Find me somebody that can take care of the software and we'll talk :yay:

Might have a b**** or two to start the list off.


aka Mrs. Giant
Vince said:
It has always amazed me that women can date, and marry such losers, and the decent men they throw away. I'll never figure that one out, but then if I did figure it out, I would actually understand women. :lmao:
It always amazes me that men toss away the decent women. :shrug:


morganj614 said:
That has to be the longest profile on record :jameo:

I wouldn't want him interrogating me because he lacks objectivity, fairness, ethics, professionalism and moral turpitude.

can someone define that word for me:confused:

where is Jazz when I need her


Dougstermd said:
I wouldn't want him interrogating me because he lacks objectivity, fairness, ethics, professionalism and moral turpitude.

can someone define that word for me:confused:

where is Jazz when I need her


n.VILENESS :whistle:


Super Genius
Dougstermd said:
I wouldn't want him interrogating me because he lacks objectivity, fairness, ethics, professionalism and moral turpitude.

can someone define that word for me:confused:

where is Jazz when I need her
Main Entry: tur·pi·tude
Pronunciation: 't&r-p&-"tüd, -"tyüd
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle French, from Latin turpitudo, from turpis vile, base
: inherent baseness : DEPRAVITY <moral turpitude>; also : a base act