So far, it's not having much trouble getting through the legislative bodies of Wyoming, and evidently passed the Senate committee unanimously.
So far it's looking like a tempest in a teapot. It's not going anywhere.
But like every sensationalist story, there's always more to it than what is reported by a biased media outlet. Obviously it ALSO sets a minimum age for marriage at 18. You CAN get married younger than 18 but older than 16 but with a judge's consent.
Some of the other arguments - well, they're dumb. One such argument goes that if a child can get pregnant at 15 - as my mom did - then they should be allowed to marry. Well I don't think young teens should be getting married at all, anyway. It's just stupid and unlikely to work out - statistically, they don't. And other things happen when immature kids marry - domestic violence is MUCH higher, and health problems occur at a higher rate.
I'm inclined to believe it ISN'T because some thirty year old wants a 12 year old bride. Maybe THAT has advocates, but if it does, they're not getting their way in the legislature.
I don't know where Mormons get blamed for this - they forbid marriage before 18 already. They do marry young but they also have rules.