Xbox live


Be about it
D does the same thing. He LOVES it. Plays until all hours of the night, and then b*tches all day the next day about being so tired. He got a Wii last week, so the xBox has gotten a break for a few.


Finishing last
I've been thinking about an Xbox360. Used to play Halflife and COD on my PC till the wee hours of the morning. Even set up a Halflife server for a year or so. Like the looks of COD 2 - 3, Like the looks of Lost Planet but guess I'll rent it first if I do get the 360. Hoping Halflife 3 will be out soon.


Well-Known Member
Foxhound said:
I've been thinking about an Xbox360. Used to play Halflife and COD on my PC till the wee hours of the morning. Even set up a Halflife server for a year or so. Like the looks of COD 2 - 3, Like the looks of Lost Planet but guess I'll rent it first if I do get the 360. Hoping Halflife 3 will be out soon.

I love my 360, but it's going to collect dust for the next 4 months. I just started my classes again and they seem like they're going to be too intense, along with two jobs to play any video games :(.

It's a fun system though, plenty of things to do. :yay:


Finishing last
Yeah, the cost may keep me from getting it. I mean I can afford 400, but I have things it would be better spent on. Then there's the Live scritp fee and games of course. But it is sooooo tempting.

Then there's the fact it will turn me into a complete couch potato!

We'll see.


I know nothing
JabbaJawz said:
D does the same thing. He LOVES it. Plays until all hours of the night, and then b*tches all day the next day about being so tired. He got a Wii last week, so the xBox has gotten a break for a few.

My younger brother got one for this past Christmas. 2 nights ago I called him and got his gamer tag. We were playing COD3 for hours together. He's in San Diego and it felt like he was in the same room. Too Cool.

Its a good this K is taking classes for her masters. While she is studying, Im on xbox. :biggrin: