Xbox problem


They're out to get us
Also, you're not supposed to plug the power cord into an additional power strip/surge protector, it should be plugged directly into a plug. The power supply brick acts as it's own protection. I've heard using a power strip can cause not enough power getting to the XBox, causing problems.

Hadn't heard that before and hadn't had any problems with it. Surge protector, or any power strip in general?


This. ------------------>
Hadn't heard that before and hadn't had any problems with it. Surge protector, or any power strip in general?

What I read said to plug it directly into the wall, as the power brick itself served as a built in surge protector & power regulator. I can't access those gaming forums at work, or else I'd try to dig it up for ya.

It's probably fine to have it on a strip, but I had just read that the XBox was designed to be plugged into the wall, so that's what I did. As with everything you read in forums, take it for what it is. If the only way you can plug it in is to have it on a strip, i wouldn't worry about it.


This. ------------------>
Found something from Microsoft itself discussing red light problems on the power brick itself (not the RRoD). It also states to plug it into the wall in Solution #2.

Xbox 360 power supply light is red

FWIW, I also have my power supply sitting on a very small cutting board (as opposed to directly on the carpet) just to help prevent any heat problems with the power brick.

And this is their support page for the RRoD, just to be thorough.

Three lights flash red on your Xbox 360 console
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