Y'ah ever notice how...

Larry Gude

Strung Out


Routinely Derailed
[:sarcasm:] Well, y'know, since we're fighting an immoral war and killing hundreds of thousands of innocent people over there, anything else that happens over there can't be good or legitimate. The crooked, lying Bush white house is probably having the CIA alter the election results to fit their hidden agenda. [:/sarcasm:]:barf:

It truly IS a case of sour grapes, IMHO, coming from the Dems regarding the Iraqi elections. And all the folks who have protested this by saying we forced it one the Iraqi people, must be scratching various parts of their anatomy trying to figure out how to respond to a 72% voter turnout! :dude:


New Member
virgovictoria said:
Speaking of the Democratic Party... Where has Dems been for the last few days?
I'm sure she'd give you her home phone number if you are so concerned :shrug:


Do you see the irony in the Republicans instituting a Democratic process?...lol


I eat red meat
dmc854 said:
Do you see the irony in the Republicans instituting a Democratic process?...lol
Nope, not at all. Do you care to elaborate what you mean by saying it is ironic?


Dancing Up A Storm
In a statement Sunday, Sen. Edward M. Kennedy (news, bio, voting record),D-Mass, said Bush "must look beyond the election."

"The best way to demonstrate to the Iraqi people that we have no long-term designs on their country is for the administration to withdraw some troops now and to begin to negotiate a phase-down of our long-term military presence," Kennedy added

Uh-huh, this is exactly what the terrorists/insurgents want to hear. We should not draw down from Iraq until their police and military forces are trained and ready to take over that job.

Kennedy will say anything to make this administration and Pres. Bush look bad.:ohwell:

Watch for Sens, Boxer and Kerry to step up their rants.


Animal said:
Nope, not at all. Do you care to elaborate what you mean by saying it is ironic?
This Govt. is trying to install our beliefs in a country that is in a state of complete turmoil. While I support the troops, I do not believe the 'American Way' is for every country. I applaud the effort, but we cannot force our views down everyones ballot box. This will be a long struggle, possibly not resulting in the ways our Govt. is trying to institute. I do have one son in the military who is non deployable at this time, though his unit will be going. My other son served in Somalia in the mid 90's and unless you lived the gut wrenching, day to day life of having a family member in a war situation, then how could you understand the emotions?


New Member
dmc854 said:
This Govt. is trying to install our beliefs in a country that is in a state of complete turmoil. While I support the troops, I do not believe the 'American Way' is for every country. I applaud the effort, but we cannot force our views down everyones ballot box. This will be a long struggle, possibly not resulting in the ways our Govt. is trying to institute. I do have one son in the military who is non deployable at this time, though his unit will be going. My other son served in Somalia in the mid 90's and unless you lived the gut wrenching, day to day life of having a family member in a war situation, then how could you understand the emotions?
Incoherent response of the day :yay: although I suppose 2:30 isn't to early to be drunk already :shrug:


This Space for Rent
I get so tired of listening to them talk about how many can't vote.. Heck, they supposedly beat 60-65%... That is far better than we get here.

Then they complain about those who choose not to vote. Let me get this straight, you are complaining because they have the opportunity but choose not to take it?!! When is the last time I heard a Dem screaming about all the anarchist groups in America refusing to participate in goverment?


Well-Known Member
dmc854 said:
This Govt. is trying to install our beliefs in a country that is in a state of complete turmoil. While I support the troops, I do not believe the 'American Way' is for every country. I applaud the effort, but we cannot force our views down everyones ballot box. This will be a long struggle, possibly not resulting in the ways our Govt. is trying to institute. I do have one son in the military who is non deployable at this time, though his unit will be going. My other son served in Somalia in the mid 90's and unless you lived the gut wrenching, day to day life of having a family member in a war situation, then how could you understand the emotions?
Is there something wrong with our belief that the people should be able to chose the direction of their future?


This Space for Rent
dmc854 said:
My other son served in Somalia in the mid 90's and unless you lived the gut wrenching, day to day life of having a family member in a war situation, then how could you understand the emotions?

Excuse me, but how many people here do you think haven't had a family member in that situation? In fact, how many people on this board do you think have served in the military in a war situation? Most the big posters here have both been in military or had family in military in those situations.
SOMD is a military community, for the most part.


willie said:
Is there something wrong with our belief that the people should be able to chose the direction of their future?
No, there is nothing wrong with it. Read what I said. I support the troops, I applaud our effort, but in the long run, it might not be for every country or work, in this instance. And unless you have a friend or family member that you supported in a war situtation, the conflicting emotions mean nothing to you. I truly hope the U.S.'s efforts are not in vain.


FromTexas said:
Excuse me, but how many people here do you think haven't had a family member in that situation? In fact, how many people on this board do you think have served in the military in a war situation? Most the big posters here have both been in military or had family in military in those situations.
SOMD is a military community, for the most part.

I understand that many here are military. That's how I ended up in So. Md. I also know that many have lived a comfortable life of not knowing what the emotions are of having a friend or family member in a war situation. I am STILL waiting on word to find out if a friend was killed in Iraq. All I am saying is while our effort is good, it might not be what their people want. Time will tell. Good lord, I am not trying to start a war here!


Oh, I was waiting for red Karma on this one...you do not know me. Did you understand what I said? I support and applaud our effort, but time will tell. Talk to me personally, I will tell you some stories...


Lovin' being Texican
dmc854 said:
This Govt. is trying to install our beliefs in a country that is in a state of complete turmoil. While I support the troops, I do not believe the 'American Way' is for every country. I applaud the effort, but we cannot force our views down everyones ballot box. This will be a long struggle, possibly not resulting in the ways our Govt. is trying to institute. I do have one son in the military who is non deployable at this time, though his unit will be going. My other son served in Somalia in the mid 90's and unless you lived the gut wrenching, day to day life of having a family member in a war situation, then how could you understand the emotions?

I see that you have received red karma for expressing this sentiment. I'll not slam you but I believe your family military history has clouded your perceptions of what's happenign in Iraq. The United States is not imposing our beliefs in that country. The election today was to choose an assembly to write a constitution that decides what Iraqi and Muslim beliefs will operate in the new government. We are not imposing a Federalist government nor are we requiring they have a Democrat party.

On another vein:

"The best way to demonstrate to the Iraqi people that we have no long-term designs on their country is for the administration to withdraw some troops now" and negotiate further withdrawals, Kennedy added.

Can anyone explain why we have to negotiate military withdrawals? Why cant' we just say "OK, you've got it in hand. We're leaving now."


Lenny said:
I see that you have received red karma for expressing this sentiment. I'll not slam you but I believe your family military history has clouded your perceptions of what's happenign in Iraq. The United States is not imposing our beliefs in that country. The election today was to choose an assembly to write a constitution that decides what Iraqi and Muslim beliefs will operate in the new government. We are not imposing a Federalist government nor are we requiring they have a Democrat party.

On another vein:

Can anyone explain why we have to negotiate military withdrawals? Why cant' we just say "OK, you've got it in hand. We're leaving now."
I am sorry. My response is an emotional and gut reaction to things going on over there and in my life. I don't mind red karma, but we all have different opinions as to the elections and the war. I hope we can manage a swift end to our occupation in Iraq without too many more American lives lost.