Y'ah ever notice how...


This Space for Rent
dmc854 said:
I am sorry. My response is an emotional and gut reaction to things going on over there and in my life. I don't mind red karma, but we all have different opinions as to the elections and the war. I hope we can manage a swift end to our occupation in Iraq without too many more American lives lost.

Why are our American lives worth more than their Iraqi lives? Just wondering.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
DMC, my son is over there right now. He is extremely proud to be a part of this and says that almost everyone else over there is, too. Says the Iraqis are ready to run their country and any troops that stay over there will be just reinforcement of the new government.

I am thrilled to say that my son is over there instead of home delivering pizzas or something.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I think a little perspective is in order...

This Govt. is trying to install our beliefs in a country that is in a state of complete turmoil. While I support the troops, I do not believe the 'American Way' is for every country. I applaud the effort, but we cannot force our views down everyones ballot box. This will be a long struggle, possibly not resulting in the ways our Govt. is trying to institute.

We aren't forcing a damn thing ON the Iraqi people. We forced OUT a dipshit dictator who threatened our national interests and security long enough to finally do something about it.

Having done that, we are helping Iraq build a new political reality to fill the void; one of THEIR choosing. We didn't force some 8 million or so folks to risk homocidal maniacs 'just' to vote.

Can we remember what the 'American' way is? We are the world. We are THE hodge podge of just about every walk of life on the planet. We have a huge segment of our own population who hate and can not stand our existing legitimate leadership. So much for some defining 'American way'.

We are providing Iraq an opportunity to develop a rule of law that makes justice and individual rights and freedoms possible, all in their own flavor and own style.

If you think that THAT is something that only 'we' seek, represented as we are by every single race, creed and color, then we see the world through a different lens.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
To whomever had the gall...

...to give me bad karma for being a policital junky, and you know who you are, I say:


I also play a bunch of guitar and will be uploading some fun stuff for your enjoyment just as soon as I can figure out how to do it.

I spend a bunch of quality time with the family.

And I like sports.

And I love beer.

And I like long, romantic walks on the beach, reciting poetry about what an ####### Ted Kennedy is this week.


Lovin' being Texican
virgovictoria said:
SWhere has Dems been for the last few days?

Active in the private forums. Feeling burned for her contributions in the public forums.


Dancing Up A Storm
otter said:
Yep, that is being looked at in another thread, otter.

However, what Pat Sajak says is true: John Kerry comes off as a very bitter man, who lost a Presidential election, who could not clearly define what he stood for, nor what his plan was for the future of this country would resemble, a man who could not starkly distinguish himself from his opponent, and one who simply dissapeared in the last days of the campaign, in the view of the general public.

So there he was, being a jerk, in Pat Sajak's words, trying to sound statesman-like on "Meet-the-Press" yesterday, and failing miserably.

I hope that he, Barbara Boxer, Ted Kennedy, Howard Dean, Joe Biden, Charles Schummer, and Nancy Pelosi, etc., keep this rhetoric going. The Liberals will never regain either the White House or Congress again, as long as they continue to underestimate the collective intelligence of our population.