Yet another reason you need to defend your 2nd Amendment rights


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
and you better be able to defend yourself.

County denies liability in killing
By ERIC HARTLEY, Staff Writer

Anne Arundel County can't be sued for botching an emergency call about a Glen Burnie woman's 2001 killing because 911 operators and police have no legal duty to help someone being abducted, assaulted or murdered, a county lawyer told a federal judge yesterday.

The family of Yvette Beakes, however, said she might still be alive if a 911 dispatcher had told officers about the 26-year-old pharmacist's kidnapping or passed along an eyewitness' description of her abductors' van.

Wake up call!


This is fun right?
2ndAmendment said:
and you better be able to defend yourself.

Wake up call!

This is what Sheeple need to understand. the Supreme court has affirmed that the police (and 911) are not responsible for your protection. when Brady and others (Feinstein) tell you that you dont need a gun for protection, the police will do it, they KNOW they are lying to you.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
SAHRAB said:
This is what Sheeple need to understand. the Supreme court has affirmed that the police (and 911) are not responsible for your protection. when Brady and others (Feinstein) tell you that you dont need a gun for protection, the police will do it, they KNOW they are lying to you.
Lying just like Sarbanes, Milkulski, Hoyer, and all Democrats that want to take away the Second Amendment rights of citizens.


This is fun right?
2ndAmendment said:
Lying just like Sarbanes, Milkulski, Hoyer, and all Democrats that want to take away the Second Amendment rights of citizens.

If it was just DemocRATs who had this stance it would be easier to defeat them, unfortunately some our RepuTARd representitives feel the same way



Board Mommy
PREMO Member
police have no legal duty to help someone being abducted, assaulted or murdered, a county lawyer told a federal judge yesterday.


This is one messed up country and I hold lawyers completely responsible for it.


She was screwed either way in MD. Imagine the story if she pulls a gun out of her purse and starts shooting for her life. The headline reads as...

Woman Sued For Illegal Shooting

A woman, Yvette Beakes, was found guilty of illegally shooting Mr. Jamal Barnes of Glen Burnie. The shooting followed a minor accident while Ms. Beakes was heading back from Pickles Pub in Baltimore on Aug. 8, 2001, when she was rear-ended by a van on Arundel Corporation Road in Glen Burnie just before midnight.

According to an unnamed friend of Mr. Barnes, Ms. Beakes stopped and got out, and became irrational and started screaming at Mr. Barnes. Mr. Barnes thought that she might be injured, and he and his friend tried to help her into their van so she could sit down. Mr. Barnes then claimed that Ms. Beakes pulled a pistol and began shooting, resulting in both men being wounded.

Ms. Beakes was arrested on several charges including illegal possession of a concealed weapon, discharging a weapon, assault with a deadly weapon, and attempted homicide. A witness to the event had called 911 to report what they thought was an abduction, but there was no evidence to support that claim that called into question the integrity of Mr. Barnes and his friend, so the police arrested Ms. Beakes. Although the jury in the criminal case failed to convict Ms. Beakes, the civil trial jury found that there was sufficient evidence to find for the victims of the shooting and awarded them $8.5 million dollars in damages.

The story in Florida would be...

Two Men Dead, Third Charged With Murder

Following an auto accident on Aug. 8, 2001, three men attempted to force a woman into their van. The woman, Yvette Beakes, screamed for help, with her screams being heard by Dewanda Williams, a woman who was in her car. Ms. Williams removed a pistol from her glove compartment and aimed it at the two men trying to force Ms. Beakes into the van. At that time two other drivers, Mr. Mark Peters and Mr. Dave King, pulled pistols from their cars and also ordered the men to stop. One of the abductors, Mr. Jamal Burnes, continued to force Ms. Beakes into the van at which time Ms. Williams and Mr. Peters opened fire, killing Mr. Burnes and a 15-yr old accomplice, while Mr. King called 9-11 to report the incident. Police arrived as the 15-year old accomplice (name withheld) was shot and killed by Mr. Peters.

Police arrested the third abductor (name withheld) and charged him with two counts of second-degree murder for the deaths of Mr. Burnes and the 15-yr old accomplice. Ms. Beakes was shook up but taken home by her family after a short stay at the hospital. Mr. Peters, Mr. King, and Ms. Williams gave statements to the police and went about their business.
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Mr Jody Hudson

Self defense is a difficult problem in this time and place, as stated above. In addition the Martial Arts as taught here are of little if any use either against street thugs.

It is hard to know what to do except, to do everything possible to be alert to a large sphere around oneself and to stay away from probable dangers whenever possible... and pray too.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Mr Jody Hudson said:
Self defense is a difficult problem in this time and place, as stated above. In addition the Martial Arts as taught here are of little if any use either against street thugs.

It is hard to know what to do except, to do everything possible to be alert to a large sphere around oneself and to stay away from probable dangers whenever possible... and pray too.
I don't know what martial arts you are talking about, but I teach real Okinawan karate on PAX; not sports stuff but the kind to break arms, legs, and generally devastate the other person. The problem I see with martial arts students is they are not willing to put in the time to be proficient. I am never unarmed. I have a habit of taking my arms, legs, and teeth everywhere I go.

On the other hand, you can't deflect a bullet with your hands, and it is generally a bad idea to show up at a gun fight with a knife.


I think the real issue isn't the availability to have a gun or even to carry a gun. The real issue is how the state deals with one's efforts to protect themselves and others. How many times have we seen some scumbag criminal sitting in civil court, sueing their victim because the victim defended themself and injured the criminal? No amount of guns on the street, or under the jacket, is going to help with that problem.

What MD needs is a good "Castle" law, a Stand Your Ground law, and a "shall issue" law. Those three items together will get the job done better than just having a gun.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Bruzilla said:
I think the real issue isn't the availability to have a gun or even to carry a gun. The real issue is how the state deals with one's efforts to protect themselves and others. How many times have we seen some scumbag criminal sitting in civil court, sueing their victim because the victim defended themself and injured the criminal? No amount of guns on the street, or under the jacket, is going to help with that problem.

What MD needs is a good "Castle" law, a Stand Your Ground law, and a "shall issue" law. Those three items together will get the job done better than just having a gun.
Your are right; we need those, but you have to have a gun to make any of those useful.