You are not going to believe this...(re: lost dogs post)

Nanny Pam

:yahoo: I am so happy for you! I know you'll have them chipped now.

and to the person who left the damn gate open ... :smack:


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Sangrolu said:
They went missing the Thursday before Thanksgiving.

Poor things were covered in ticks. Probably mad at me for annoying them plucking the creepy little things off.

MPD? :confused:

Nonetheless, glad the pups are home.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Good news, sounds like they were swamping it instead of running around the roads.


That's wonderful news! Animals seem to have a great sense of direction when it comes to things like this, and come right home when they realize no one out there is going to feed and pet them when they need it.

Thank goodness they came back in one piece! I wish I could even begin to explain how happy I am for you, losing a pet is a scary thing!


New Member
Nanny Pam said:
and to the person who left the damn gate open ... :smack:

Just to be clear, the gate wasn't left open. It was LOCKED even after they escaped.

The gate has a bent hinge such that on a windy day, it can flex enough to pop open even if locked.

I knew this, and immobilized the gate by pounding some stakes in front of this, so that wouldn't happen.

But, have I mentioned the puppies are still very chewy? Those plastic tent stakes must have looked like good chew toys. They managed to pull the last of them out, the windy day hit, and the rest is history.


New Member
I'm so happy for you. Don't you wish they could talk so they could tell you where they have been.


R.I.P. Bobo, We miss you!
amethyst_babes said:
I was just standing in the kitchen when I heard a scratch at my back door. I opened the door and both my dogs came rushing in!!

We are in serious shock here, but I wanted to let you all know since we had so many people thinking about us and helping us look.

They look a little skinny (and FILTHY) but seem to be okay otherwise. I'll be taking them to the vet for a checkup as soon as I can get them in.

Thanks again!
:cartwheel :thewave: That's great news. Homeward Bound III!!

Nanny Pam

Sangrolu said:
Just to be clear, the gate wasn't left open. It was LOCKED even after they escaped.

The gate has a bent hinge such that on a windy day, it can flex enough to pop open even if locked.

I knew this, and immobilized the gate by pounding some stakes in front of this, so that wouldn't happen.

But, have I mentioned the puppies are still very chewy? Those plastic tent stakes must have looked like good chew toys. They managed to pull the last of them out, the windy day hit, and the rest is history.
Oh, that's right. I have memory problems, you know.
Glad your dogs didn't.