You are the next President of the U.S....


Where are my pants?
Well, I am sick of hearing about Bush and Kerry for the time being. I've had enough of Democrats and Republicans going at it. Each side blames the other for not having the right answers/solutions to our problems. At this point in time, I really don't know who to vote for and I'm sick of discussing it. :cussing:

So, what I thought of is what YOU would do if you were elected as the President. Take the partisan politics out of it and just address each of the problems we face today, with your suggestions as to what steps YOU would take to fix them.

1) Iraq---How long will you commit the troops to be there? What is your long term goal for Iraq? How will you help the fledgling government? What other countries will you involve in helping to restore stability in Iraq? Involve the UN? Etc..

2) Foreign relations---How will you restore the international "image" of the U.S.? Which countries do you repair relations with? What is your stance on other countries with terrorist idealogies? Etc..

3) Economy/Unemployment----What will you do to put the economy on the upswing and create more jobs? Will you raise/lower taxes? Etc..

4) Homeland security/Civil rights/The Patriot Act----I lumped these together since they seem to go hand in hand. How will you protect Americans, while still maintaining their rights? What rights are they or aren't they entitled to? What measures do you take to increase security?

These are just the major issues I can think of, at the moment. There are SO many issues you could discuss and make decisions on. Feel free to add them as you wish. These are serious topics, but this should be fun, as well.

A CNN report the other day on whether or not the country is divided, influenced this post (that, and the fact that I'm really bored). I'm wondering if what people want to do is really so different. If you remove all the arguing over Bush/Kerry, etc., it might make it easier to really look at the issues facing us and the solutions you would present.



Active Member
iraq- un involvement troops under a blue helmet they would be used for peacekeeping purposes only though they have permission to attack so a rowanda doesnt happen

getting UN involvement in iraq would help immensely with foreign relations as would starting to comply with international environmental standards

unemployment- offer incentives to companies that dont export labor

no patriot act, no ashcroft, no patriot act 2, no victory act


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
1) Iraq--- Leave the evil UN out of it and keep the coalition as it stands. We stay for good because the fanatics have got 'em surrounded and the second we leave, some warlord will take over and we'll be right back where we started. Fight the war to WIN, not be popular with the terrorists and the liberals. Iraqis must police their own - if they don't , they get their terrorist-harboring villages wiped out.

2) Foreign relations---"Power unexercised is power wasted" It's pretty obvious to me that the rest of the world suffers from penis envy (with a few exceptions) - to hell with them and what they think of us. Why worry about what they think when they can't even get their own country together? I'd also stop ALL foreign aid unless we're getting something out of the deal. I could care less if Somalians are starving to death - that's not our problem. However, if they've got something to sell us, we'll be happy to give them some money or food. If they then turn on us in any way shape or form, we'll invade their countries, overthrow their leaders, yadda yadda. Oh yeah, and the Palestinians definitely get gone. No homeland for them - they don't deserve it.

3) Economy/Unemployment----The economy IS on the upswing right now and jobs are fine. The problem is too many people who want to sit on their ass and collect unemployment benefits. I'd do away with unemployment benefits altogether. There a plenty of jobs - just look in any newspaper to see them. If you want to be on the dole, you're gonna work for it - wait tables, cashier at the 7-11, doesn't matter to me. But nobody rides for free in my dictatorship.

4) Homeland security/Civil rights/The Patriot Act----If you're suspected of terrorism or even harboring terrorists, I'd get some big ugly guys to stick bamboo shoots under your fingernails until you gave up any information you have. Then I'd shoot you in the head. You get no rights to a lawyer - sorry, but I'm more concerned about the people you were trying to kill rather than you getting your day in court.


Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by vraiblonde
1) Iraq--- Leave the evil UN out of it and keep the coalition as it stands. We stay for good because the fanatics have got 'em surrounded and the second we leave, some warlord will take over and we'll be right back where we started. Fight the war to WIN, not be popular with the terrorists and the liberals. Iraqis must police their own - if they don't , they get their terrorist-harboring villages wiped out.

2) Foreign relations---"Power unexercised is power wasted" It's pretty obvious to me that the rest of the world suffers from penis envy (with a few exceptions) - to hell with them and what they think of us. Why worry about what they think when they can't even get their own country together? I'd also stop ALL foreign aid unless we're getting something out of the deal. I could care less if Somalians are starving to death - that's not our problem. However, if they've got something to sell us, we'll be happy to give them some money or food. If they then turn on us in any way shape or form, we'll invade their countries, overthrow their leaders, yadda yadda. Oh yeah, and the Palestinians definitely get gone. No homeland for them - they don't deserve it.

3) Economy/Unemployment----The economy IS on the upswing right now and jobs are fine. The problem is too many people who want to sit on their ass and collect unemployment benefits. I'd do away with unemployment benefits altogether. There a plenty of jobs - just look in any newspaper to see them. If you want to be on the dole, you're gonna work for it - wait tables, cashier at the 7-11, doesn't matter to me. But nobody rides for free in my dictatorship.

4) Homeland security/Civil rights/The Patriot Act----If you're suspected of terrorism or even harboring terrorists, I'd get some big ugly guys to stick bamboo shoots under your fingernails until you gave up any information you have. Then I'd shoot you in the head. You get no rights to a lawyer - sorry, but I'm more concerned about the people you were trying to kill rather than you getting your day in court.

I just visualized you in a short black skirt, black boots, doing a goose-step. Damn! :crazy:


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
1) Iraq---How long will you commit the troops to be there? What is your long term goal for Iraq? How will you help the fledgling government? What other countries will you involve in helping to restore stability in Iraq? Involve the UN? Etc..

Immediately remove all military, American and allied civilians and equipment from the middle east region. Start with a few hundred volleys in a grid pattern, 1 - 6 Megaton range and clean up the affected region.

2) Foreign relations---How will you restore the international "image" of the U.S.? Which countries do you repair relations with? What is your stance on other countries with terrorist idealogies? Etc..

Immediately remove all military, American and allied civilians and equipment from the nation of France. Use one of the 20 - 50 Megatoners to improve relations with the French and get the rest of the Europeans attenion.

3) Economy/Unemployment----What will you do to put the economy on the upswing and create more jobs? Will you raise/lower taxes? Etc..

Immediately place all returning American civilians in the newly booming Nuclear Weapons Manufacturing Business.

4) Homeland security/Civil rights/The Patriot Act----I lumped these together since they seem to go hand in hand. How will you protect Americans, while still maintaining their rights? What rights are they or aren't they entitled to? What measures do you take to increase security?

Start a round-up and expulsion of all non-citizens, duct-tape them to the next volley of missles. Gather the far left and Hollyweirds and duct-tape them to the remaining straglers.

All remaining loyal citizens will continue to enjoy the rights afforded under the constitution.


b*tch rocket
Originally posted by vraiblonde
1) Iraq--- Leave the evil UN out of it and keep the coalition as it stands. We stay for good because the fanatics have got 'em surrounded and the second we leave, some warlord will take over and we'll be right back where we started. Fight the war to WIN, not be popular with the terrorists and the liberals. Iraqis must police their own - if they don't , they get their terrorist-harboring villages wiped out.

2) Foreign relations---"Power unexercised is power wasted" It's pretty obvious to me that the rest of the world suffers from penis envy (with a few exceptions) - to hell with them and what they think of us. Why worry about what they think when they can't even get their own country together? I'd also stop ALL foreign aid unless we're getting something out of the deal. I could care less if Somalians are starving to death - that's not our problem. However, if they've got something to sell us, we'll be happy to give them some money or food. If they then turn on us in any way shape or form, we'll invade their countries, overthrow their leaders, yadda yadda. Oh yeah, and the Palestinians definitely get gone. No homeland for them - they don't deserve it.

3) Economy/Unemployment----The economy IS on the upswing right now and jobs are fine. The problem is too many people who want to sit on their ass and collect unemployment benefits. I'd do away with unemployment benefits altogether. There a plenty of jobs - just look in any newspaper to see them. If you want to be on the dole, you're gonna work for it - wait tables, cashier at the 7-11, doesn't matter to me. But nobody rides for free in my dictatorship.

4) Homeland security/Civil rights/The Patriot Act----If you're suspected of terrorism or even harboring terrorists, I'd get some big ugly guys to stick bamboo shoots under your fingernails until you gave up any information you have. Then I'd shoot you in the head. You get no rights to a lawyer - sorry, but I'm more concerned about the people you were trying to kill rather than you getting your day in court.


Hey lookie, it's Christyvrainia's first bit of legislation. :party: :lol:

I would like to add a motion to deport anyone deemed a moron. :biggrin:

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by vraiblonde
Motion voted on and approved. Anything else?

Yeah, I think the female authority of Christyvrainia should go for that militant Hooter's sort of look. Should help keep the male citizen's attention off your master plan. :killingme


b*tch rocket
Originally posted by Ken King
Yeah, I think the female authority of Christyvrainia should go for that militant Hooter's sort of look. Should help keep the male citizen's attention off your master plan. :killingme

I'm thinking more along the lines of the "Femmebots" from Austin Powers. :shrug:

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Christy
I'm thinking more along the lines of the "Femmebots" from Austin Powers. :shrug:
Is that latex bodywear? :clap: Never watched Austin Powers. :shrug:


Move to France

9-11 happened because Al Quadia saw us as weak.


New Member
Originally posted by Club'nBabySeals
1) Iraq

First, I would draft a memo that said only "I told ya so!" append it to every outgoing White House communication. Sorry, folks, but we're stuck there, quagmire and all. I guess we'd need a draft to bolster troop numbers and a militant-crunching force on the ground to restore order and get the oil and electricity flowing, oh yeah, like we should have in the first place. Powell doctrine basics, people.

2) Foreign relations

I would shmooze our European allies for economic reasons, but not waste too much time on it. The only one that counts strategically is Britain anyway. Any British rejection of the EU is good for America, trust me. The rest of the EU won't be a strategic threat for a while. In the meantime, I'd be talking up China. That regime is steadily crumbling in a semi-orderly fashion. It'd be nice to be on handshake terms with the next lot, hammering out our economic problems and getting their help in keeping NK's craziness firmly under our boot. As far as that other terrorist regime is concerned, I think a better dialogue with Iran would be helpful. They're Islamic and a tad crazy, but THEY AREN'T ARAB. Very helpful if we could get them to tame the Shia nutballs. As for AQ, they're more of a name than an organized threat now. Keep the pressure up, and make sure they don't creep back into Africa. Wouldn't mind putting the Saudis in our gun sights if I had a bigger army...

3) Economy/Unemployment

I prefer the word "tax reform." I think the rich of America can take a bit more of a hit, since we're spending so much money to make the world safe for their corporations' offshore flags of convenience. As far as the rest of the economy is concerned, we need to find a new Greenspan (or Volker), since the Fed is going to need a leadership change. I think I'd try to abolish all tariffs and kill the farm subsidies too. Free trade, baby! Everything else is up to the people.

4) Homeland security/Civil rights/The Patriot Act

I think the Constitutional rights of all citizens should be maintained at all costs. It may be a different world, but it ain't that different. We don't all have to turn into sniveling cowards at the first sight of a homeland attack. This nation has been lucky enough to keep wars off the mainland for a couple centuries, and we need to learn to protect our ideals when the bombs start falling here. Otherwise, we just turn into the moral cowards that the terrorists say we are. Any measure seeking to curtail habeas corpus, the right to a speedy trial, or reasonable privacy would be shot down with a veto cannon. No torture of foreign nationals either. That's just a downhill path full of murky morality and bad intel. As for their constitutional rights, well, that's gonna be a case-by-case problem.


b*tch rocket
Re: Re: You are the next President of the U.S....

Originally posted by soul4sale
Originally posted by Club'nBabySeals
1) Iraq

First, I would draft a memo that said only "I told ya so!" append it to every outgoing White House communication. Sorry, folks, but we're stuck there, quagmire and all. I guess we'd need a draft to bolster troop numbers and a militant-crunching force on the ground to restore order and get the oil and electricity flowing, oh yeah, like we should have in the first place. Powell doctrine basics, people.

2) Foreign relations

I would shmooze our European allies for economic reasons, but not waste too much time on it. The only one that counts strategically is Britain anyway. Any British rejection of the EU is good for America, trust me. The rest of the EU won't be a strategic threat for a while. In the meantime, I'd be talking up China. That regime is steadily crumbling in a semi-orderly fashion. It'd be nice to be on handshake terms with the next lot, hammering out our economic problems and getting their help in keeping NK's craziness firmly under our boot. As far as that other terrorist regime is concerned, I think a better dialogue with Iran would be helpful. They're Islamic and a tad crazy, but THEY AREN'T ARAB. Very helpful if we could get them to tame the Shia nutballs. As for AQ, they're more of a name than an organized threat now. Keep the pressure up, and make sure they don't creep back into Africa. Wouldn't mind putting the Saudis in our gun sights if I had a bigger army...

3) Economy/Unemployment

I prefer the word "tax reform." I think the rich of America can take a bit more of a hit, since we're spending so much money to make the world safe for their corporations' offshore flags of convenience. As far as the rest of the economy is concerned, we need to find a new Greenspan (or Volker), since the Fed is going to need a leadership change. I think I'd try to abolish all tariffs and kill the farm subsidies too. Free trade, baby! Everything else is up to the people.

4) Homeland security/Civil rights/The Patriot Act

I think the Constitutional rights of all citizens should be maintained at all costs. It may be a different world, but it ain't that different. We don't all have to turn into sniveling cowards at the first sight of a homeland attack. This nation has been lucky enough to keep wars off the mainland for a couple centuries, and we need to learn to protect our ideals when the bombs start falling here. Otherwise, we just turn into the moral cowards that the terrorists say we are. Any measure seeking to curtail habeas corpus, the right to a speedy trial, or reasonable privacy would be shot down with a veto cannon. No torture of foreign nationals either. That's just a downhill path full of murky morality and bad intel. As for their constitutional rights, well, that's gonna be a case-by-case problem.

You have officially been denied citizenship of Christyvrainia. :lol:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by soul4sale
As for AQ, they're more of a name than an organized threat now.[/B]
You better tell that to the people of Spain.

You're an Al Qaeda operative, aren't you?


Asperger's Poster Child
First, I would do away with all income taxes and all tax subsidies, everything from the Earned Income Tax Credit to corporate tax breaks. I would replace them with a national sales tax. It wouldn't penalize earnings and would stimulate investment, since money saved wouldn't be taxed. And it would be equitable, since people tend to spend according to their income.

About Iraq, my first idea would be to get our troops off the ground and fight the terrorists using air power (jets and missiles). I'm not a military expert, but it just seems that our ground troops make easy targets.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Tonio
About Iraq, my first idea would be to get our troops off the ground and fight the terrorists using air power
Haven't you heard? There ARE no terrorists. All those bombings? Lies from the media and the Bush Administration. In fact, Bush himself flew one of the planes that took out the WTC, then parachuted out before impact.

9-11 Commission says so.


Sorry about that chief.
Originally posted by vraiblonde
Haven't you heard? There ARE no terrorists. All those bombings? Lies from the media and the Bush Administration. In fact, Bush himself flew one of the planes that took out the WTC, then parachuted out before impact.

9-11 Commission says so.

Wow, really?!? First that then the carrier - more flying than he ever did in the guard.:biggrin: