You are the next President of the U.S....


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Originally posted by jlabsher
Wow, really?!? First that then the carrier - more flying than he ever did in the guard.:biggrin:

Ummm, no. Wrong. But you don't need *facts*, do you?


Originally posted by jlabsher
We don't need no stinkin' facts, sounds like the current administration.
LEts hear your answers to the questions instead of drive by copy and paste political activism.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Spoiled
The republicans dont like to be confused with the facts on this board....

Neither do you. But I'll cite mine.

Regarding the "AWOL" story, which is about as credible as the Kerry "intern" story.
"The younger Bush fulfilled two years of active duty and completed pilot training in June 1970. During that time and in the two years that followed, Bush flew the F-102, an interceptor jet equipped with heat-seeking missiles that could shoot down enemy planes. His commanding officers and peers regarded Bush as a competent pilot and enthusiastic Guard member. In March 1970, the Texas Air National Guard issued a press release trumpeting his performance: "Lt. Bush recently became the first Houston pilot to be trained by the 147th [Fighter Group] and to solo in the F-102... Lt. Bush said his father was just as excited and enthusiastic about his solo flight as he was." In Bush's evaluation for the period May 1, 1971 through April 30, 1972, then-Colonel Bobby Hodges, his commanding officer, stated, "I have personally observed his participation, and without exception, his performance has been noteworthy." In the spring of 1972, however, National Guard records show a sudden dropoff in Bush's military activity. Though trained as a pilot at considerable government expense, Bush stopped flying in April 1972 and never flew for the Guard again. "

And this bit from World Net:

"Not only did he routinely go up in the birds in the early 1970s to help guard the Gulf coast, he participated in NORAD training exercises in Canada, says Roome, who flew several missions with Bush.

"He and I went up as a two ship (team) to North Bay, Ontario, from Ellington. We went up the central United States," he told WorldNetDaily. "He led the first leg, and I led the second. Our second leg was low ceilings at night. We were in formation, and we landed and spent a week up there flying with the Canadians as part of a NORAD exercise" involving possible nuclear attack by Soviet bombers.

Roome says he frequently was paired with Bush.

"We flew a lot of night missions. We flew in weather together," he said. "Our stock-and-trade was formation (flying). We deployed in elements of two, and we'd have to target in the stratosphere, where we had to snap up to (the target) up above 40,000 feet, or we might have one in the weeds, where we'd have to go down and shadow (it)."

As a wingman, Bush tucked in closely and flew smoothly, he says.

"He was one of my favorite people to ride formation with, because he was smooth. He was a very competent pilot," Roome said. "You sort of bet your life on each other in some of those formation missions, and to me it was always a pleasure to fly with George. He was good."

Bush, who logged more than 625 hours in the cockpit, ranked in the top 10 percent of his squadron, according to his performance evaluations.

"Lieutenant Bush is an outstanding young pilot and officer and is a credit to his unit," Lt. Col. Bobby Hodges wrote on May 27, 1971. "This officer is rated in the upper 10 percent of his contemporaries."

Another, written by Maj. William Harris on May 26, 1972, was just as glowing: "Lieutenant Bush is an exceptional fighter interceptor pilot and officer."

Liles, a rock-ribbed Republican who voted for Bush and plans to vote for him again, wonders why previous Bush campaigns didn't trumpet his exemplary flying record.

"I was surprised when he ran for president that his flying record didn't come out," he said, "because it was pretty good."


Like I said - facts. He DID fly more than you suggest.

What do you do, make your sh*t up?


Sorry about that chief.
Amazingly his guard unit had members of the Dallas Cowboys, the sons of John Connolly & Lloyd Bentsen. Tough stuff.

They are making a movie about it: "Thirty Seconds Over San Antonio"


Active Member
Originally posted by SamSpade
Neither do you. But I'll cite mine.

Regarding the "AWOL" story, which is about as credible as the Kerry "intern" story.
I dont care if he was AWOL or not, its a moot issue for me, he showed up for work late or didnt go one day - not that big of a deal to me... hence the reason i havent brought it up... The facts im talking about are that more muslims dislike us and no longer find the US credible now than they did before bush took office, we havent found WMDs, we havent proven Iraq had links to terror before we went into the nation...


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Spoiled
The facts im talking about are that more muslims dislike us and no longer find the US credible now than they did before bush took office, we havent found WMDs, we havent proven Iraq had links to terror before we went into the nation...

Muslims have *always* hated us. And it's not just going back to Lockerbie, or even Beirut. They sneer at us, calling us infidel and crusader. Face it, they haven't forgiven the West for the **CRUSADES**. And you think they used to *like* us?

Oh - we have found WMD's. No stockpiles yet, but we have found them. More to follow.

We *have* proven they had links to terror. The hard part was proving they had links to **al-Qaeda**. Saddam *openly* sent money to the families of Palestinian suicide bombers. Make no mistake, he was involved in world terrorism.


Enjoying life!
Originally posted by Spoiled
The facts im talking about are that more muslims dislike us and no longer find the US credible now than they did before bush took office,

And this should be of concern because...? I've seen this line tossed around a lot since last year. The funny thing is, we have many, many Muslims within this country, and they are neither persecuted nor disenfranchised by U.S. society. I would argue the opposite in fact, and say that America's acceptance of ALL religions is the shining example that puts us on the side of right in this case.

...we havent found WMDs,

And what did Saddam use against the Kurds in the north? Granted, he didn't use nukes, but that's because he didn't have any. Are we supposed to wait until our enemies are prepared to strike before we act?

...we havent proven Iraq had links to terror before we went into the nation.

Iraq didn't have to have links!! Screw that line of thought! Saddam himself acted the terrorist, for decades. So the 9/11 Commission has not found direct involvement with AQ. Does that mean that Saddam and his government are really victims? Give me a friggin break. I hope you don't actually believe that Saddam wanted world peace, do you? Maybe he should win the next Nobel, just like Yassir, the "Former Terrorist".
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Not dead yet.
Originally posted by Spoiled
And you wonder why 9-11 happens... This thread says it all

And you wonder why liberals aren't considered funny anymore. Your lack of humor says it all.


New Member
1) Iraq - Iraq is a very difficult situation right now and it would be for any president. America must continue its action there and stay involved until security is restored and a stable democracy (or as close to it as we can get) is created. Sadly, this coalition has not and will not cut it (have you seen the new poll numbers from a CPA-sponsored poll?). Now it seems then that the UN should become more involved, but honestly how probable is it that that will happen? Furthermore, the UN is legally unable to establish a peacekeeping force in Iraq because there has been no peace established in Iraq according to UN regulations. I said earlier that it is not probable that the UN will become involved (France seems damned opposed to it), but the fact is that we need them to (and the conservatives shake their head and think that I am selling out American foreign policy and asking for a permission slip). The single most prominent and well-respected leader in Shiite Iraq is the cleric al-Sistani. al-Sistani has refused to meet with American leaders such as Paul Bremer and Colin Powell, but he has met with UN special envoy Brahimi (sp?) as well as other UN officials. I cite this instance to show that Iraqis view the UN as having credibility while sadly viewing the United States as occupiers. If we remove the perception of American occupation, things in Iraq will move much more easily, and the best way to accomplish that goal is to bring the UN in to oversee elections and government building.

Foreign Policy - I am fully committed to multilateral foreign policy...America needs to understand that we are only one part of a large world that is full of very different perspectives. The whole mentality of us pushing forward regardless of other nations is a fully flawed mentality and is dangerous to our nation's security. As president, I would immediately recreate a spirit of cooperation between the United States and the rest of the world. First, I would replace the United States as a signatory to the Kyoto Treaty regarding global warming and climate control. In early 2001, we removed ourselves from the treaty to the dismay of the over one hundred other nations that had signed the treaty. I would also replace our status as a participant in the International Criminal Court, just like one hundred and thirty other nations. Furthermore, I would rejoin the IBM treaty with Russia. These actions will greatly help our nation in the process of rejoining the world community.

Unemployment/Taxes - There have been positive reports coming from the Bush Labor Department concerning job growth and economic indicators seem to point towards a strong economic recovery. While I am not going to say that this is the worse economic condition since the Great Depression, I also will not say that this is one of the greatest economies in our history. First of all, over two million jobs still have been lost since 2001 (even with the new job gains) and the unemployment rate is still above 5% - it sits at 5.6%, unemployment is sought to be held under 5% according to most economic theories. There are a number of black clouds on the horizon as well with the $530 billion deficit, out of control spending, and the threat of continued export of American high tech jobs through outsourcing. Now the solution is not out of control taxation, nor is it providing the rich with fat tax breaks. I would repeal the income tax cuts for Americans with incomes over $200,000 (that's a damn good amount of money). I would also add a so-called "millionaire's tax bracket" which would tax all income over a million dollars by 40% rather than the current 36% rate. This would add over $500 billion to the federal treasury and go a long way towards getting rid of our terrible, out of control deficit.

Now for the tax cuts that should be passed. Cutting income taxes did not create jobs - it only enriched the personal fortunes of rich Americans. What creates jobs is passing tax breaks for businesses of all sizes from mom and pop stores to General Electric. The capital gains should be slashed, investment taxes should be kept controlled tightly, and tax credits should be instituted for businesses to pay for their employees' health care. The tax code should also be reworked so that American companies avoid outsourcing (it is estimated that over 250,000 jobs could be outsourced every year for the next eleven years).

PAYGO should also be reinstituted in order to ensure greater fiscal responsibility on Capitol Hill.

Homeland Security, Civil Rights, etc. - On the civil rights front, I would seek to rework the Patriot Act so that personal rights are not overly infringed upon (but I agree that doing that will never satisfy the ACLU, etc.). I would seek to create greater cooperation between the FBI and the CIA as well as other branches of the government so that another 9/11 never occurs again. What does need to happen, though, is pass more funding for port security - reports say that only 3% of America's ports are adequately protected.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I've changed my mind about Iraq. In light of the recent Iraqi survey, I would evacuate all US personnel and civilans, then blow the place to hell.

You can't teach pigs to sing.


Enjoying life!
Originally posted by vraiblonde
I've changed my mind about Iraq. In light of the recent Iraqi survey, I would evacuate all US personnel and civilans, then blow the place to hell.

You can't teach pigs to sing.


Larry Gude

Strung Out
Here we go...

1. Iraq

Lay claim to the oil fields, pipelines and ports as US property. Put all the locals on reservations, feed them poor food and give them diseased blankets. Make booze readily available and allow them to open casinos. Name the fields 'Chenneyville' so the left will go back to WTO protests and turtle costumes.

Pull ALL US personnel from any duty not directly associated with keeping people on the reservations and the oil business secure and we stay in country until oil runs out. Institute draft and only kids from 'blue states' have to go overseas. Claim that it is all Allah’s will and he told us to do it. It's in our interpretation of the Koran.

NO ONE else gets a piece of the action unless they pay through the nose.

2. International image? #1 ought to just about take care of that. Europe is like modern US liberals; they will hate us no matter what, so quit trying to get along with people who don't want to get along with us.

3. Institute a flat 10% tax on income. Members of Congress who vote for spending that surpasses income will have their states saddled with bonds that they must service for their share of the excess. Rich people pay NO taxes as a reward for providing all the jobs.

Abolish Social Security for 40 and under. Keep taking 1/2 their contribution to pay for the old folks.

Build a damn to back up the Rio Grande into a giant lake. Only people who can swim really well will be allowed to illegally immigrate. Menial jobs will then pay enough for fat, lazy Howard Dean voters to give up web designing and GET A JOB.

Executive action myself a raise. A BIG one.

4. Homeland security. Saudi has a month to round up all their bad boys. From day 32 on, we start working on Chenneyville II.

Same thing for all other nations. We become the Ugly Americans in fact.

5. Make all Democrats wear 10 gallon hats and sing "I'm a cow-boy, ba-bee" every morning.


New Member
Originally posted by SamSpade
Oh - we have found WMD's. No stockpiles yet, but we have found them. More to follow.

I sure hope so. $87 bil+ to make the world safe from decades old artillery shells. :rolleyes: I'm more worried about the crap they test at IHDIV.


Enjoying life!
Originally posted by soul4sale
Originally posted by SamSpade
Oh - we have found WMD's. No stockpiles yet, but we have found them. More to follow.

I sure hope so. $87 bil+ to make the world safe from decades old artillery shells. :rolleyes: I'm more worried about the crap they test at IHDIV.

And you are worried about 87 billion? Have faith, we will once again be proved righteous, in 10 years or so. As always.

That's why most of the world hates us, because we always do the right thing by the world, and we always succeed in what we strive to do.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Originally posted by soul4sale
Originally posted by SamSpade
Oh - we have found WMD's. No stockpiles yet, but we have found them. More to follow.

I sure hope so. $87 bil+ to make the world safe from decades old artillery shells. :rolleyes: I'm more worried about the crap they test at IHDIV.


* * * * * * * * *
Staff member
PREMO Member
Re: Here we go...

Originally posted by Larry Gude

5. Make all Democrats wear 10 gallon hats and sing "I'm a cow-boy, ba-bee" every morning.