You can't pay me...


New Member
Mikeinsmd said:
enough to ever go to Chuck E. Cheeses in Waldorf again. :faint:
WTF were you going in CEC? I've had issues the last few times I've gone there. I feel like a babysitter and token ATM for other people's kids, who are too retarded to watch them themselves :rolleyes: and this was during the day when there wasn't many people there :jameo:


I bowl overhand
Mikeinsmd said:
enough to ever go to Chuck E. Cheeses in Waldorf again. :faint:
DId they search you and find your pocket full of lollipops, and a camel back full of Jesus Juice??


New Member
itsbob said:
DId they search you and find your pocket full of lollipops, and a camel back full of Jesus Juice??
Nahhhh..... they do serve beer though.

Took GF grand daughter. They need to build 2 more of those damn things. :lmao: Line was out the door & around the corner.

Parents who don't watch/supervise their kids should be shot.


New Member
Mikeinsmd said:
Nahhhh..... they do serve beer though.

Took GF grand daughter. They need to build 2 more of those damn things. :lmao: Line was out the door & around the corner.

Parents who don't watch/supervise their kids should be shot as well as the future criminals running around.


Pea Brain
PREMO Member
Mikeinsmd said:
Nahhhh..... they do serve beer though.

Took GF grand daughter. They need to build 2 more of those damn things. :lmao: Line was out the door & around the corner.

Parents who don't watch/supervise their kids should be shot.
Change your shoes. You look ridiculous. :coffee:


New Member
Ooh, you poor thing.

That place is why you can never find a place to park when you go to Ledo's.

And that whole shopping center -- who on earth designed that parking lot? I think it was someone whose sole engineering experience was with Lego.


I'm 2 old 2 die young!
Man, I would have driven all the way up there just to watch you! :razz: And it's not fair you get a granbaby before me!


In My Opinion
When my daughter was two or three, I took her to chucky cheese on a regular basis.
at the age of 39 or 40, I crawled into that big habitrail thing and at her request I followed her around in it.
well, I was in the little closed in clear section with her when I farted, so I quickly moved her along and we left the tubes.
a couple minutes later, Im looking up and there are a couple of kids around 7 or so crawling through the disaster zone that I created.
They started yelling at each other for doing it, then they were looking at their shoes.
they came out quickly and told their mother that they thought somebody had pooped in the tubes somewhere.
the mother then went to the workers and made a complaint. the workers shut down the tubes and then the smallest of them went in with a towel and a spray bottle of some type of cleaner.

I was laughing so hard that I had to take my duaghter and move to the other side of the place so people wouldnt realize that the fat man farted.

thanks for letting me share.