Aimhigh2000 said:
most polls have Kerry winning....Sorry...Oh, and what is "fassel"?
Main Entry: fac·ile
Pronunciation: 'fa-s&l
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle French, from Latin facilis, from facere to do -- more at DO
1 a (1) : easily accomplished or attained <a facile victory> (2) : SPECIOUS, SUPERFICIAL <I am not concerned ... with offering any facile solution for so complex a problem -- T. S. Eliot> b : used or comprehended with ease c : readily manifested and often lacking sincerity or depth <facile tears>
2 archaic : mild or pleasing in manner or disposition
3 a : READY, FLUENT <facile prose> b : POISED, ASSURED
synonym see EASY
- fac·ile·ly /-s&(l)-lE/ adverb
- fac·ile·ness /-s&l-n&s/ noun