You Will Love This One ! It is way too close for comfort!


Power with Control
Shall I not get you started on "the prison industrial complex"? :jet:

I might be in favor of ditching flashing yellow lights. Yellow to warn you it's getting to turn red, sure. But the flashing yellow light is an invitation for dummies to plow head first into oncoming traffic. Intellectually they must know that it means yield because they got it on their driving test, but I'm thinking the part of the brain that stores that information dumps the second they walk out of the DMV. If the intersection needs a traffic light, just do it. Don't make it iffy because a significant number of our fellow motorists don't have good judgment.

Nah, I don't sweat that too much. I think we dont punish criminals enough as it is.

The tech to use sensing and real time control and not need flashing yellows exists, but its taking a while to roll out. US has over 300,000 signalized intersections operated by over 15,000 different entities. One problem is that to really get into it, its going to require cameras and sensors that have a great potential for govt misuse. Real "Person of Interest " stuff.


If I may ...
For your consideration ...

With all of these different government cash grab tricks, I have worked out exactly what the problem is; They are using the 'excuse' of law to fine people, rather than fining people based on the 'necessity' of law. So what is the difference? The 'necessity' of law are the penalties the authorities are 'forced' to hand out in order to maintain law and order and road safety. The 'excuse' of law, is the authorities going out of their way to find every possible excuse to hand out as many penalties as possible via any type of camera system. And this is what government has been ramping up in every imaginable way for the last 50 years. All levels of government have completely forgotten about the 'necessity' of law and that is something that has to change.

The Government Rule #1 - The Government (State & Local Thiefdoms too) Giveth nothing and the Government Taketh everything... blessed be the Government! For all power and force, belong to Government! The sheep shall kneel down, Shut Up, Obey, and Pay! You will be RULED!


the poor dad
For your consideration ...

With all of these different government cash grab tricks, I have worked out exactly what the problem is; They are using the 'excuse' of law to fine people, rather than fining people based on the 'necessity' of law. So what is the difference? The 'necessity' of law are the penalties the authorities are 'forced' to hand out in order to maintain law and order and road safety. The 'excuse' of law, is the authorities going out of their way to find every possible excuse to hand out as many penalties as possible via any type of camera system. And this is what government has been ramping up in every imaginable way for the last 50 years. All levels of government have completely forgotten about the 'necessity' of law and that is something that has to change.

The Government Rule #1 - The Government (State & Local Thiefdoms too) Giveth nothing and the Government Taketh everything... blessed be the Government! For all power and force, belong to Government! The sheep shall kneel down, Shut Up, Obey, and Pay! You will be RULED!
What do the experienced cops tell the rookies - if you can't find an infraction on a traffic stop, you ain't looking hard enough or you don't know the law? Everyone breaks a law or 3 every damn day! As you stated, it's just a matter of necessity vs excuse and vs attitude.