Young Professionals Happy Hour


Sweet and Innocent
how much are tickets?

MWR's Renaissance Festival Tickets are $13.50 per a person and at the gate is $18.00 per person.

You can get the tickets on the base if you are contractors working on the base and a Federal Government employee. It's not just for military anymore.


CageKicker Extraordinaire
So you are dissing me? :eyebrow: How very petulant and I am not pleased.

No, I'm not. I don't go after friends un-provoked, and most of the time not even when I am.

Her dig here, was public to garner support and use your lack of knowledge to her advantage, with plausable deniability. It was started by her frustration at me, on a number of things and had nothing to do with you inviting her or not. She knows how I come across on here and said what she needed to to push those semi-close to me against me.