Young Professionals Happy Hour

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
If you're at the right table you'll get a beer! Wrong one, and you get a bunch of stupid looks.

Scratch that... You'll probably get a bunch of stupid looks ANYWAY, but what the hell it's a free beer. :biggrin:

I will be there if you wear the costume.


I would come, but my flight doesn't get in until 7 tomorrow evening and I am sure after flying all day, I am just going to sleep when I get home. Hope everyone has a good time though.:buddies:


I would come, but my flight doesn't get in until 7 tomorrow evening and I am sure after flying all day, I am just going to sleep when I get home. Hope everyone has a good time though.:buddies:
Psshaw... the day I flew back from Orlando I still went out... it's just a couple of drinks and why the hell not? I won't be there until 9 or so... usually it's still going strong by then.


Psshaw... the day I flew back from Orlando I still went out... it's just a couple of drinks and why the hell not? I won't be there until 9 or so... usually it's still going strong by then.

How are the crabs running ?
