Young Professionals Happy Hour


Do I smell Burning Rubber
What time is this thing happening....And what part of Old Wash road? I know where Babes is and where Walmart is.....

Kelb said she will be here at 6 ish, Island girl and I are leaving from Great mills a little after 6, and kelb has a friend comming around 7.

I am sure kelb has already responded with directions


New Member
:lol: Fail at what? I didn't realize I had entered a contest. But I will tell you what you FAIL at, is you fail to see, is that everybody who has been exposed to your drivel, realizes you are a pathetic miserable person. Kind of like dog poo on a shoe.

Anyone in their late twenties/thirties that go around proclaiming they are part of a "tard gang" sounds like the pathetic, miserable one to me, sweetie!!


aka Mrs. Giant
Anyone in their late twenties/thirties that go around proclaiming they are part of a "tard gang" sounds like the pathetic, miserable one to me, sweetie!!

Awww you called me sweetie. But I'm not your sweetie. I consider being a Tard a rather unique honor, which I know you don't understand, and doubt you ever will because you have to have the ability to laugh at yourself. Here's the thing, Tard or not, I don't spy on people I actually hang out with friends and make new ones. I don't intentionally spew nasty things on the internet to people because I'm a decent human being. I also don't pretend to be someone I'm not. :shrug: Anyway you slice it, you are a sad excuse for a human being. Your posts scream "don't like me because I don't like myself".

Me? I'm happy with who I am.


New Member
Awww you called me sweetie. But I'm not your sweetie. I consider being a Tard a rather unique honor, which I know you don't understand, and doubt you ever will because you have to have the ability to laugh at yourself. Here's the thing, Tard or not, I don't spy on people I actually hang out with friends and make new ones. I don't intentionally spew nasty things on the internet to people because I'm a decent human being. I also don't pretend to be someone I'm not. :shrug: Anyway you slice it, you are a sad excuse for a human being. Your posts scream "don't like me because I don't like myself".

Me? I'm happy with who I am.

Thanks Dr. Phil!!! I will work on myself! :killingme

You would think being a tard is a "unique honor".... You put the re in tard!!!!


art imitating life
Kelb said she will be here at 6 ish, Island girl and I are leaving from Great mills a little after 6, and kelb has a friend comming around 7.

I am sure kelb has already responded with directions

No i wont be there till 8ish and my friend wont be there unitl 9ish.