kwillia said:
To be fair, you need to multiply the 'per child amount' by 'legal number of kids you are allowed to watch at a time'... that is a truer figure of what daycare providers make an hour. Then you need to calculate the tax deductions that you get to take off for running a business out of your home, that inproves the "take home" pay considerably. And don't forget that most contracts stipulate paid holidays and paid vacation for the daycare provider. And a daycare provider is a "salaried" employee not an "hourly" employee... they get paid the agreed amount whether the kid is actually in daycare or not. If a kid goes on vacation for a week... provider is paid... if a mother has 6 weeks off to birth another kid and keeps her first born home with her for those 6 weeks, the daycare provider gets paid just the same. I agree providing daycare for other peoples children is an important and at times a trying job, but I don't agree with the way you presented the picture of daycare providers only making $2 an hour.
I did say "per child." For the record, I made about $5000 last year, before taxes. But also before buying food, extra toys specifically for child care clients to play with, before paying for water inspection, required trainings, fire inspection, curriculum books, physical exam for me, hubby and kids and copies of all the required documentation of all the inspections, trainings and other stuff.
For the privledge of staying home and "playing" I am not allowed to set foot outside of my house without all the children in tow. This includes checking the mail and taking out the trash. When I do take all the children out to play, if one of them has to use the bathroom 5 minutes after we get out, all of us have to come back in again.
I keep the regulations for childcare in a 2 inch binder and it is bulging. I have another, similar binder with the regulations for the child care food program. And a third for the regulations for national accredidation, a process which I am currently undergoing which cost $500, not including the extra trainings, medical exam & tests, criminal background check and required supplies. Oh, not to mention the cost of fixing the CD drive on my computer, which one of the kids broke.
I happen to have the "day off" today but that consists of running forms around and making copies needed to renew my license. I also need to go out later a purchase some supplies. In between that, and taking care of my own kids, I often am searching for activity ideas on the internet.