You don't see a lot of folks in business attire at those legalization rallies, but you do see a lot of folks who look like they were just released from a time capsule that was sealed in 1972. Of course drug users want their drugs to be legalized... just like I would like to see the speed limit raised to 120. Makes it easier and cheaper for me to speed.
Here's something else to think about... if people are trying to justify legalizing drugs because they think drug enforcement is too hard or not yielding enough return, or because "all" people do it anyway, what other things should we throw in the towell on and make legal?
- Prostitution?
- Spouse Abuse?
- Truancy?
- Petty Theft?
- Drunk Driving?
- Minor Assault?
- Auto Theft?
Here's something else to think about... if people are trying to justify legalizing drugs because they think drug enforcement is too hard or not yielding enough return, or because "all" people do it anyway, what other things should we throw in the towell on and make legal?
- Prostitution?
- Spouse Abuse?
- Truancy?
- Petty Theft?
- Drunk Driving?
- Minor Assault?
- Auto Theft?