Your Predictions

Who's Going To Win?

  • Bob Barr

    Votes: 1 1.9%
  • John McCain

    Votes: 26 49.1%
  • Ralph Nader

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Barak Obama

    Votes: 26 49.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Main Streeter
Well, we’re getting closer. The latest polls give Obama the edge but the election is still four weeks away so anything can still happen.
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What are your predictions on who will win on Nov 4th? Not your preference but your prediction, even if it’s not who you want.


Main Streeter
If the economic situation stays like it is, Obama will likely win and McCain will have W to thank. If some indicators start to show that the economy will improve at some point in the not too distant future and McCain can contrast himself from W and talk more about what he will do and less about personal attacks than he has a real chance of winning.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
If the economic situation stays like it is, Obama will likely win and McCain will have W to thank. If some indicators start to show that the economy will improve at some point in the not too distant future and McCain can contrast himself from W and talk more about what he will do and less about personal attacks than he has a real chance of winning.

Had McCain showed some of that old fundamental maverick spirit (drink! drink!) and voted against the bailout, he'd have won hands down. As it stands, I know several Republicans who just don't care anymore.


Main Streeter
Had McCain showed some of that old fundamental maverick spirit (drink! drink!) and voted against the bailout, he'd have won hands down. As it stands, I know several Republicans who just don't care anymore.
The John McCain of 2000 along with Palin as his VP would be hard to beat.


New Member
As much as it pains me to say this, I think Obama is going to win. It isn't what I want but that is America for you! I can only hold out hope.... it is all any of us have as we watch our country go down the toilet.


New Member
After last night I think it is pretty obvious that Barry will win. It is his election to loose and McCain did nothing last night to help himself.

McCain needs a 7 day miracle and those of us that want him to win can only hold out hope that it happens.


As much as it pains me to say this, I think Obama is going to win. It isn't what I want but that is America for you! I can only hold out hope.... it is all any of us have as we watch our country go down the toilet.
have to agree.


"Typical White Person"
I guess I meant more along the lines of a decade ago vs. today.

I don't about anyone else but I must be doing alot better than the rest of you guys. I didn't buy an Escalade or sign up for a $5500 a month mortgage either though.


Need Choice:

Other : American People Lose ......

Obama = Marxist / Socialist / Communist

McCain = Liberal


New Member
I voted in this poll that Obama would win but I definitely will not be casting my vote for him in November.

It is incredibly frustrating to see this election play out. The polls have had these two candidates almost in a dead heat from the beginning so that shows you that not everyone is behind Obama. However, he will most likely win (probably as a result of voter fraud but they won't catch it in time) and that's the incredibly frustrating part. We will have to pay the price for the people who think he is the "next coming."

I agree with Vrai that McCain should have shown some chutzpah last night and not lowered himself into the personal attacks. I thought McCain was an embarassment last night with his behavior and his constant, "my friends," "my friends," along with the "fundamental difference" rhetoric. He sounded like the good ol' boy politician instead of the "maverick" he claims to be.


New Member
I don't about anyone else but I must be doing alot better than the rest of you guys. I didn't buy an Escalade or sign up for a $5500 a month mortgage either though.

I didn't buy anything expensive .... you can't deny though that the prices for damn near everything has jumped quite a bit in the last decade.