Your Privacy is at stake! You may want to read this!


New Member
On 99.5 this morning, someone discovered that Google has a new search feature, home address lookup. In otherwords, you can put anyone's home phone number in the Google search field with dashes ie "909-555-1212" and it will bring up the person's name, spouse, address, and provide a map to the house. No Kidding.

So I tried this morning on myself and it worked like a charm immediately and I AM NOT EVEN LISTED WITH VERIZON!!!!!!!! Although this all can be done with a little bit of work over the course of a day, this is now instantaneous!

I suggest you check yourself out if you don't want the whole world knowing where you live and how to get there, and press the phone button next to your name to get yourself removed. Not sure if it works, apparently I have to wait 48 hours.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by http
On 99.5 this morning, someone discovered that Google has a new search feature, home address lookup. In otherwords, you can put anyone's home phone number in the Google search field with dashes ie "909-555-1212" and it will bring up the person's name, spouse, address, and provide a map to the house. No Kidding.

So I tried this morning on myself and it worked like a charm immediately and I AM NOT EVEN LISTED WITH VERIZON!!!!!!!! Although this all can be done with a little bit of work over the course of a day, this is now instantaneous!

I suggest you check yourself out if you don't want the whole world knowing where you live and how to get there, and press the phone button next to your name to get yourself removed. Not sure if it works, apparently I have to wait 48 hours.

Like, so what? Then I can find out how much you PAID for the house, how much of a down payment. I could do all this YEARS ago. Face facts, you have no privacy anymore - it is gone.

You think pressing that button will "remove" you? Chances are, it will 'activate' you. I don't need Google to find all this out, about you.


New Member
Originally posted by Kyle
I brought an extra lawn chair... Pass the popcorn.

Wanna Beer? :cheers:

I think her description on Southern Maryland, which was about 5 minutes ago, sums it all up.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Originally posted by kwillia
:yikes: Sxy, I know you are not gonna take THAT laying down!
How do you know she's laying down? OH... You two together today? :really:


New Member
Originally posted by RoseRed
I guess you believe everything you read on the internet. :rolleyes:

No need to defend her. I'm sure she's quite capable of floundering through this all by her self, thank you.