Your s/o, hubby offers to pay for plastic surgery....


New Member
As long as he paid for his penile enlargment at the same time:jet:

We could be the million dolla couple...:lol:


forever jewel

Green Eyed Lady
I'd definitely take the money! Not for boobs or a flatten tummy...I like my lil girls and I already have the flat tummy :high5: I'd use it to fix some scars I have from past surgeries though :yay:


New Member
of course I would take him up on it! He is actually planning on paying for a reduction after I loose a few more pounds.


Take him up on it!!! Do not settle! Dr. Chairamonte in Clinton is the only way to go! :huggy:


I'd take him up on it immediately, but I get to choose the procedures. No fake boobies for me. I wish they could do a lift w/out inplants. Since I have lost weight, and still going (down 23lb. now) I would want a tummy tuck. I want to keep my butt and boobs though! :lol:


New Member
Now-a-days most gyn's do this surgery. and you can decide what you want suctioned. as for me, lipo'ing the stomach seemed to lift the top -- its amazing, however the final results arent in yet. you see the difference immediately however it takes 6 weeks for swelling to go down. my doctor is located in waldorf.


Susan said:
Now-a-days most gyn's do this surgery. and you can decide what you want suctioned. as for me, lipo'ing the stomach seemed to lift the top -- its amazing, however the final results arent in yet. you see the difference immediately however it takes 6 weeks for swelling to go down. my doctor is located in waldorf.
Check your Pm'er in a sec.


Cleopatra Jones
Can I get a refund since I paid for my own pre-joint account?

I don't need a tummy tuck but I'd love to have my c-section scars removed or something. Pig #1 was an emergency c-section and being that the doc just wanted to get him out (lost his heartbeat and couldn't get it back) I got cut hip to hip. With pig #2 she took out a good amount of the scar tissue since he was a scheduled c-section but in order to do that I was cut pretty wide again. I've seen friends scars after a c-section and they're almost not noticable. Mine on the other hand is very noticable. It does sit at the bikini line but if someone was going to offer to pay for plastic surgery I'd have that sucker fixed.