

Asperger's Poster Child
Sean Connery's 007 is still the gold standard. To borrow a line from Austin Powers, women wanted to be WITH him, and men wanted to BE him. Would any of the other actors listed in the article be anywhere near Connery-quality?


professional daydreamer
Christy said:
Eeewwww! :yikes:

:offtopic: But, I always thought Speedo would make a great James Bond. :yay: :lol:

He wants to be Bond when he grows up. :lmao: He does a pretty good impersonation, too.


Bond, James Bond. See I do a good impression too, but they said I wasn't tall enough. I lose more acting jobs that way. :banghead: Maybe they'll remake the Wizard of Oz and I can be a munchkin. :confused:


professional daydreamer
Since they're doing Casino Royale, they should use Diana Krall's version of "The Look of Love" for the theme song. :yay: