It may have changed, but the public school system in Calvert (and it was supposed to be one of the best in the state) was so bad that we decided to home school our kids. It is terrible when in elementary school spelling does not count because, "we don't want to impede their creativeness."

How about teaching the basics of reading and writing? Sorry, third grade is not the time for creative writing.
I don't care if your are an English teacher, you do not ax a question. You use an ax to chop wood. You ask a question. It is not "on accident"' it is "by accident".
It really does matter if you get the right answer on the math questions and, yes, you need to show your work. Calculators are OK for calculus, but don't use calculators for beginning or general math.
Partial credit on math or science is

It only teaches that it is OK to get the wrong answer. The engineer that designed the bridge at Solomons probably graduated as an engineer because he got partial credit. Partial credit causes bridges to fail and airplanes to crash.
School is NOT about socializing; it is about learning. If there is a kid or are kids that are disrupting the class, kick them out. Three strikes and you are out for the year.
No, I don't care if they fail. They should care if they fail. I already passed the courses and graduated.
Yes, kids should be able to tell time on a analog clock. I know a current Calvert County high school student who can't.
Yes, kids should be able to count change without a cash register that calculates it for them. There are lots of products of the Maryland public school system that cannot.
If you are a teacher, quit gripping about your pay and the lack of parental support. When I was in college, the majority answer for why a person was becoming a teacher was, "I like getting summers off."

Wrong answer.
Teachers need to quit teaching to the level of the dumbest kid in the class. The educational level of the students in the United States is quite low compared to the rest of the world now; they used to be in the top. The public school system is dumbing down the population, but the teachers sure are making the students feel good about themselves. The kids graduate and find out that the business owners really doesn't care how good you feel about yourself, they only care how well you do the job assigned. Do a good job and get praise and a raise. Do a bad job and get canned. No, no one owes you a living wage.
The minimum wage is and will always be on the bottom and will never be a living wage. Raising it only puts more people in poverty and reliant on the government, but I digress.
End of rant.