Zogby newsletter


Lem Putt
vraiblonde said:
My idea was to have voters fill out a questionnaire:

"Do you support taxpayer funded health care?"

"Do you support abortion?"

"Do you support the death penalty?"

At the end of the questionnaire, they get a "Congratulations! You just voted for 'X'." This takes the Ds and Rs out of the equation and goes strictly by issue, which most people are too ignorant to comprehend.

There was a website that did this during the last election, but it was all yes/no answers so it wasn't very accurate. I am rather middle of the road on most issues, so if they ask something like the health care question, a simple yes/no doesn't capture my opinion. I believe that welfare, including healthcare, should be available, but only as a crutch to help you get on your feet when thigs go bad. I've seen polls where they ask you more in depth questions and give you multiple choices.

The other problem is that the people who write the polls usually have strong opinions and that biases the poll.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
MMDad said:
There was a website that did this during the last election, but it was all yes/no answers so it wasn't very accurate. I am rather middle of the road on most issues, so if they ask something like the health care question, a simple yes/no doesn't capture my opinion. I believe that welfare, including healthcare, should be available, but only as a crutch to help you get on your feet when thigs go bad. I've seen polls where they ask you more in depth questions and give you multiple choices.

The other problem is that the people who write the polls usually have strong opinions and that biases the poll.
I remember something like that - it was WAAAAAY early in the election process, back when there were a lot of Democratic candidates - and you had to pick on a bunch of issues, and when you were finished, you got a ranked list of who your best candidate was.

Of course, the top one on my list was the one I voted for anyway - I DO actually know why I vote for someone.


Lem Putt
SamSpade said:
I remember something like that - it was WAAAAAY early in the election process, back when there were a lot of Democratic candidates - and you had to pick on a bunch of issues, and when you were finished, you got a ranked list of who your best candidate was.

Of course, the top one on my list was the one I voted for anyway - I DO actually know why I vote for someone.

Same thing happened to me. Edwards was up there on my list, and Kerry was at the bottom. No real surprises, but it was interesting.

I know a lot of people who toe the party line because they always have. It can be fun to show them the errors of their ways, but they don't usually appreciate it.


New Member
willie said:
You think that is the same as what Vrai said? You, as usual, are preaching against voting Republican while Vrai said specifically, "Congratulations! You just voted for 'X'." This takes the Ds and Rs out of the equation and goes strictly by issue, which most people are too ignorant to comprehend." That is a HUGE difference.

It figures you would read it black and white and not be able to see the similarities in the basic message. The thrust of the post is saying that most people don't know why they affiliate with the party they do and never really understand the principals behind them. Democrat or Republican this is the simple truth.


Well-Known Member
Why did you point out Republicans in particular? You made it black and white. Biased?

Democrats, by far, are the ones that vote party line and quite often, just because their daddy did.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Sparx said:
It figures you would read it black and white and not be able to see the similarities in the basic message. The thrust of the post is saying that most people don't know why they affiliate with the party they do and never really understand the principals behind them. Democrat or Republican this is the simple truth.
It figures you would see similarities where none exist. Liberal thinking, persecution complex, "But I said that and you blasted me." No you didn't say it. It was not at all similar. Your original post blasted Republicans. If your original post had said, "Many people support a party without really knowing why. Many support a party just because their parents supported it.", then you would have had a non biased statement which is probably true. But even that statement is not at all similar to Vrai's proposition that people go to the polls and vote for or against issues with no names associated and then find out who they elected based on what issues the majority supports.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Sparx said:
Perhaps you should ask yourself why you're a republican. Maybe you shouldn't be. Ever thought about it? I personaly think there are many people who vote for one party or the other and don't realize what they are really voting for. Many people have a party affiliation because their parents told them in how they voted and the children grow up voting the same way and never explored the parties beliefs for themselves.
Did I give you a rash about this? :confused: Because obviously I agree with this opinion.

You got flak because you singled out Republicans - I didn't because I am a fair and balanced person, whereas you are a party hack.



This Space for Rent
The flaw, of course, to all of this is that candidates promise they support certain popular positions but their actions show otherwise. They just want the vote... so, how do you hold them to those issues? There are reasons that could arise to adjust your thinking on an issue, so there could be valid reasons for changing your mind. You don't want anyone just held to a particular principle that was stated when events could completely change particular issues or better information becomes available.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I wish I'd have posted the Zogby I just got yesterday. The questions were basically "Did you know Bob Ehrlich took a huge donation from Wal-Mart in exchange for vetoing that Socialized medicine bill (Fair Health Something-Or-Another)?"

Obviously Zogby thinks this is a horrible thing, like Ehrlich (as a Republican) wouldn't have scotched that anyway. I voted, in effect, "Who cares? Socialized medicine sucks and good for Wal-Mart if they purchased that veto on our behalf." Maybe I'll send them a thank you note.


New Member
:yikes: :yikes:
2ndAmendment said:
Nor do they have any idea what the Constitution says or that the Constitution is really meant to be paid attention to and control and limit government.
Wouldn't it just be easier to create an educational system that truly prepares upcoming generations to become dedicated and informed voters? Speaking as a teacher for over 15 years, it is possible to get children excited about our rights and the laws of this land; however it is necessary to have them in classes of under 35 children, well-fed and clothed, and for them to see a direct relationship between their schoolwork and their desires in life.

Before I get the label "lib" for advocating massive social programs, currently each child in public school in America, on average, has over $5,000 spent on him/her each year (much more in some communities). These funds can be far better spent and graduates would be able to vote intelligently on their beliefs, not on what someone else tells them to believe.


Iron City
A little primer on Intelligence Oversight.


While I am a Democrat [and I must add as a Democrat, please don't label me as a "lib" as many unthinking and ill-read, so-called politicos seem to be these days. Being a Democrat or Republican doesn't mean one must be a lemming for that party] I agree with the President's decision on this issue, however he could have done so in a less than stumbling way. Before anyone bashes me on this, you need to understand I worked as a senior staffer for nearly 9 years on Capital Hill for a very moderate Democratic Senator. Respond and criticize at will, however if you want to debate, just make sure all your dogs are hunting.


Super Genius
ljerome said:
:yikes: :yikes:
Wouldn't it just be easier to create an educational system that truly prepares upcoming generations to become dedicated and informed voters? Speaking as a teacher for over 15 years, it is possible to get children excited about our rights and the laws of this land; however it is necessary to have them in classes of under 35 children, well-fed and clothed, and for them to see a direct relationship between their schoolwork and their desires in life.

Before I get the label "lib" for advocating massive social programs, currently each child in public school in America, on average, has over $5,000 spent on him/her each year (much more in some communities). These funds can be far better spent and graduates would be able to vote intelligently on their beliefs, not on what someone else tells them to believe.
Well, I'm not quite sure what it is you are saying should be done. I had a year-long class on civics and had to pass a test on it before I could get my HS diploma. What else do you want?

Personally, I think the biggest problem with education is with the parents and their lack of parenting.


Iron City
ylexot said:
Well, I'm not quite sure what it is you are saying should be done. I had a year-long class on civics and had to pass a test on it before I could get my HS diploma. What else do you want?

Personally, I think the biggest problem with education is with the parents and their lack of parenting.

:yay: :yeahthat:


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
ylexot said:
Well, I'm not quite sure what it is you are saying should be done. I had a year-long class on civics and had to pass a test on it before I could get my HS diploma. What else do you want?

Personally, I think the biggest problem with education is with the parents and their lack of parenting.
It may have changed, but the public school system in Calvert (and it was supposed to be one of the best in the state) was so bad that we decided to home school our kids. It is terrible when in elementary school spelling does not count because, "we don't want to impede their creativeness." :bs: How about teaching the basics of reading and writing? Sorry, third grade is not the time for creative writing.

I don't care if your are an English teacher, you do not ax a question. You use an ax to chop wood. You ask a question. It is not "on accident"' it is "by accident".

It really does matter if you get the right answer on the math questions and, yes, you need to show your work. Calculators are OK for calculus, but don't use calculators for beginning or general math.

Partial credit on math or science is :bs: It only teaches that it is OK to get the wrong answer. The engineer that designed the bridge at Solomons probably graduated as an engineer because he got partial credit. Partial credit causes bridges to fail and airplanes to crash.

School is NOT about socializing; it is about learning. If there is a kid or are kids that are disrupting the class, kick them out. Three strikes and you are out for the year.

No, I don't care if they fail. They should care if they fail. I already passed the courses and graduated.

Yes, kids should be able to tell time on a analog clock. I know a current Calvert County high school student who can't.

Yes, kids should be able to count change without a cash register that calculates it for them. There are lots of products of the Maryland public school system that cannot.

If you are a teacher, quit gripping about your pay and the lack of parental support. When I was in college, the majority answer for why a person was becoming a teacher was, "I like getting summers off." :smack: Wrong answer.

Teachers need to quit teaching to the level of the dumbest kid in the class. The educational level of the students in the United States is quite low compared to the rest of the world now; they used to be in the top. The public school system is dumbing down the population, but the teachers sure are making the students feel good about themselves. The kids graduate and find out that the business owners really doesn't care how good you feel about yourself, they only care how well you do the job assigned. Do a good job and get praise and a raise. Do a bad job and get canned. No, no one owes you a living wage.

The minimum wage is and will always be on the bottom and will never be a living wage. Raising it only puts more people in poverty and reliant on the government, but I digress.

End of rant.


Lem Putt
2ndAmendment said:
It may have changed, but the public school system in Calvert (and it was supposed to be one of the best in the state) was so bad that we decided to home school our kids. It is terrible when in elementary school spelling does not count because, "we don't want to impede their creativeness." :bs: How about teaching the basics of reading and writing? Sorry, third grade is not the time for creative writing.

I don't care if your are an English teacher, you do not ax a question. You use an ax to chop wood. You ask a question. It is not "on accident"' it is "by accident".

It really does matter if you get the right answer on the math questions and, yes, you need to show your work. Calculators are OK for calculus, but don't use calculators for beginning or general math.

Partial credit on math or science is :bs: It only teaches that it is OK to get the wrong answer. The engineer that designed the bridge at Solomons probably graduated as an engineer because he got partial credit. Partial credit causes bridges to fail and airplanes to crash.

School is NOT about socializing; it is about learning. If there is a kid or are kids that are disrupting the class, kick them out. Three strikes and you are out for the year.

No, I don't care if they fail. They should care if they fail. I already passed the courses and graduated.

Yes, kids should be able to tell time on a analog clock. I know a current Calvert County high school student who can't.

Yes, kids should be able to count change without a cash register that calculates it for them. There are lots of products of the Maryland public school system that cannot.

If you are a teacher, quit gripping about your pay and the lack of parental support. When I was in college, the majority answer for why a person was becoming a teacher was, "I like getting summers off." :smack: Wrong answer.

Teachers need to quit teaching to the level of the dumbest kid in the class. The educational level of the students in the United States is quite low compared to the rest of the world now; they used to be in the top. The public school system is dumbing down the population, but the teachers sure are making the students feel good about themselves. The kids graduate and find out that the business owners really doesn't care how good you feel about yourself, they only care how well you do the job assigned. Do a good job and get praise and a raise. Do a bad job and get canned. No, no one owes you a living wage.

The minimum wage is and will always be on the bottom and will never be a living wage. Raising it only puts more people in poverty and reliant on the government, but I digress.

End of rant.

I'll get the negative part out of the way quickly. If you are going to rant about the educational system, you should have someone spellcheck your post. It isn't a good example of home schooling if you are illiterate, but since I make too many errors posting I'll give you the benefit of doubt.

My daughter is in first grade in Calvert, and she reads at a fourth grade level. There are four people responsible for that: Me, My wife, her kindergarten teacher, and her current teacher. My wife has an education degree, but we know our children are better off in regular schools. The socialization is much more of a factor than most people realize. We want our children to excel, but we also want them to learn to be part of their class. If you look at what helps people excel as adults, interpersonal relationships always matter the most. There are very few anti-social brainics who are successful.

Every teacher I have met in Calvert strives to teach every child. Unfortunately, most parents don't understand their responsinility. The schools have an obligation to teach the basics. Parents are responsible for morals, ethics, and values. Don't blame the schools, or teachers, when the parents don't do the job.