Recent content by RagDoll

  1. R

    Heat & drought & flies...OH MY!

    I guess I'm the only one happy that there's not much grass. Miss Fat Mare needs to lose about 200 pounds and the heat is helping. I'm riding 5 - 6 days a week and using liniments to help with cooling out. Happy I don't have to worry about hay and all that fun stuff anymore. When I was at...
  2. R

    Hello -- I Think

    Hi Freak and welcome to the boards! :smile: I'm new myself and I don't post much, have way too much fun reading the other posts. As far as places to hang out, I'm going back to Legends, I keep getting kicked out of the bars in DC and VA, only Legends likes me so I'll just hang there for...
  3. R

    How old were you?

    I wasn't completely insane when I broke up with him, I can still call him whenever I like :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:
  4. R

    How old were you?

    Alright I'll play since I haven't given any details about myself yet but I've read about you guys. Never married. Fell in love with my old bf when I was 19, stayed with him for 3 1/2 years, he statrted talking about marriage and I discovered I didn't love him as much as I thought I did...
  5. R

    Girl's Night Out at Sierra's

    Yeah!!! That would work for me. And don't worry I can hang, I've been know to come home from a night out, drink coffee and then go back to work. I catch up on the sleep thing the next day. :D
  6. R

    Girl's Night Out at Sierra's

    Are new girls invited too? If we are I would love to come but already have plans in DC for Wed. night, any other night works for me though, that is, if I'm invited. :D
  7. R

    sick :(

    Re: me no feel sick Happy to hear your feeling better! I just made my 3rd Dr.'s appointment in a month. I''m on my 5th week of not feeling well. I was first diagnosed with mumps at the ER so that kept me home for a few days. Then I went back to work for a week and then was sent home...