Recent content by SMC Dispatch

  1. S

    MVA closes Route 5 in Calaway area

    Yeah check out the twitter page of @Stmaryscountymd they have been updating the whole incident.
  2. S

    accident at pointlookout road and chaptico rd

    Actually it will be 1 Transport and 1 Signed Refusal.
  3. S

    Another accident...

    I work for the ECC. Thats my final Word. Just ignore if you dont think i do. And plus i am not playing on the computer. I have 3 other computers at my desk that i am not. The one i am at now, is only for internet. The others are just for Incidents for the county.
  4. S

    Another accident...

    I work for ECC so you can stop. Just ignore it, if you dont want to read it, because its not rumors.
  5. S

    Another accident...

    St. Mary's County has 3 Helicopters: Trooper 2 Trooper 7 Eagle 1 They basically cover Calvert, Charles and St. Mary's. And if needed on a call by call basis for other counties in Maryland and Virginia.
  6. S

    Another accident...

    It is ok. Certain info can be given as long as its not names of the subjects injured, and such other information.
  7. S

    Another accident...

    I am not monitoring the Sheriff or MSP at all today. So i wont know really until a bit later when i get to look at the Incident results.
  8. S

    Another accident...

    I got to monitor another channel now of a Building with Smoke in it on Great Mills Road. You can hear me on TAC 3.
  9. S

    Another accident...

    I do work for the ECC but if you dont want to believe me, then dont. but i do work for the ECC.
  10. S

    Another accident...

    Trooper 2 will be flying both patients from the MVA that needed to be flown out.
  11. S

    Another accident...

    Paramedic Ambulance 599 is En Route to SMH Priority 2. Chief on the scene requesting now be flying 2 Patients out now at this time.
  12. S

    Another accident...

    Trooper 2 Responding with a 18 Minute ETA. Engine 54 will be handeling the LZ.
  13. S

    Another accident...

    They are now requesting a HELO.
  14. S

    Another accident...

    I wont get in trouble. I can give out this kind of information, and the ECC Supervisor knows i do this. I am a 2nd End Dispatcher in the event we need another TAC Channel Operator, but i am monitoring the accident now as a 2nd Operator.
  15. S

    Another accident...

    I can give updates on these kinds of calls, just not certain kind of information, and i am not hurricanedan, i have already said he is on Vacation.