CRE Board


New Member
I have been told the POACRE Membership Access is being worked out and will re resolved this weekend. Those who submitted request for logins should recieve them early next week.

Does that mean that now we're paying over time too, on a holiday weekend?


New Member
It's a band aid on an already festering sore. Appears to be a make over. If it's only for the member who's name is on the deed, then it's a shame that the site is so "exclusive". You can't hide your dirty laundry forever. Who's checking that you are in fact a member? What happened to the old forums? Is all of that info gone? To be honest, I've given up on good 'ole CRE. It's more aggrevation than it's worth. :barf:

Whether anyone agree or disagrees with the forums (most only want to hear something good) this is a perfect example of the BOD and POACRE in general turning our members off or tuning them out...then the question is always "where are the members, they should be more involved."

One wonders.


New Member
Whether anyone agree or disagrees with the forums (most only want to hear something good) this is a perfect example of the BOD and POACRE in general turning our members off or tuning them out...then the question is always "where are the members, they should be more involved."

One wonders.

Agreed. BTW, did you see that Becky T is going to write herself in for the Presidential Elections this fall? It's on a post somewhere on this board.


Active Member

I would think that the Board would/could/should pass a resolution
(yes, you can do that under the present setup and Roberts Rules)
to make the new POACRE site accessible to and by the public, if
for no other reason, than just plain "good public relations" and the
proof that POACRE is on the up-and-up and has nothing to hide as
has been alleged here and elsewhere by several different individuals.

You are supposed to be the VP, and supposedly there are members
who ran and were 'elected' on the platform of "open communications"
with members and the public. Therefore, I would think that you all
outnumber the ones like Becky Tice who would rather restrict and

Now is the time to make good on those "campaign promises" and this
one would cost ZERO DOLLARS AND ZERO CENTS! You should let the
original site owner resume his endevour (which was a NO COST ITEM
to POACRE) and shut down the POACRE site on the basis of budget
trimming of unnecessary/frivilous expense. Not to mention freedom
of opinion and communications.

Looks like the more things change, the more they stay the same.


New Member
CRE Web Site


I would think that the Board would/could/should... make the new POACRE site accessible to and by the public, if for no other reason, than just plain "good public relations" and the proof that POACRE is on the up-and-up and has nothing to hide ....

Don't agree. I'm in regular contact with the board now about the need for more communication with members. But a web site that restricts access is needed and useful. People outside CRE need only the basics - photos, community general information, covenants, etc.. Renters don't need much more. Now, if you OWN property in CRE, then you have a need to all the other issues, forums, and other information.

I don't see any other community associations/groups airing all their laundry for the public to see. That includes things like the budget, board issues, etc. that only property OWNERS need to have. If people don't own property in CRE, I don't know why they would care for this kind of information anyway.


New Member
I'd like to see anything for the poacre site. I was refused access due to my husband being on the deed. Though I too am a member (or am I?) Funny how the office never turns away food for their drives, or letting me volunteer from time to time....and yet gaining access to a website where I am also a home owner (yep, I'm married, which makes all of it 1/2 mine too) is an issue.

As usual poorly run HOA!


Active Member
you gotta love it......communications is a problem so you now restrict it..........If it was a desirable community, you'd want anyone to know of the positives and negatives of life there. Apparently the negatives crush the positives, so lets keep all information SECRET!...... couldn't sit down with a pad of paper and pen and come up with a better recipe for disaster in community development....lmao :killingme


New Member
I'd like to see anything for the poacre site. I was refused access due to my husband being on the deed. Though I too am a member (or am I?) Funny how the office never turns away food for their drives, or letting me volunteer from time to time....and yet gaining access to a website where I am also a home owner (yep, I'm married, which makes all of it 1/2 mine too) is an issue.

As usual poorly run HOA!
I don't understand why it's so hard for CRE to get the web site right - with all the money and several full-time salaries. The new web site is full of errors including incorrect email addresses. Standard practice is you don't put up a web site until it is ready. Still, I see no newsletter for September. Mr. Eney does seem responsive but I'm sure he has his hands full. On the issue of communication and budget, I submitted the following request to the board. I'm waiting for a reply. These are critical issues (in addition to roads) that CRE must deal with very quickly....

(1) Communication Problems
How will the new board make communication a priority during these critical times? Will you fund a monthly printed newsletter? Will you hold frequent town hall meetings on specific issues? What are your plans to increase membership participation by increasing communication?

(2) Web Site Is Out of Date
Volunteers maintain a website at at no cost to CRE. Do you intend to use this web site to improve communication with members? The list of board members, contact information, newsletters, board minutes, etc. needs to be updated. Will you provide that information so the site can be updated? Will you and other board members post directly to a forum for questions and answers with the board?

(3) Lake Lariat
What are your immediate plans to restore the health of lake lariat? Continued inaction (i.e. studying the problem) and simply posting signs not to use the lake is not fixing the problem. The dam is broken; when will you allocate funds to repair the dam and operate it to lower the water level this Fall? What funds will you reprogram to fix Lake Lariat? How will you use the current Lake Preservation Committee which has no authority except to make recommendations? A resident attended the last meeting of this committee and the committee members refused to hear or address the resident's concerns. How will you increase membership participation? This resident was certainly discouraged from getting involved.

(4) Bay Beach Issues
What will you do or what can residents do to enforce residents' right to use the Bay beaches? Several residents who live bay front have been obstructing access to residents who want to walk on the beach shore between the two designated CRE bay beaches. At least one person is constructing a pier. None of these property owners have riparian rights; and therefore, cannot obstruct access or construct anything on the beach.

(5) 1988 Covenant Issues
Many members have questioned the legitimacy of CRE to establish covenants based on this obviously faulty vote in 1988. How will you address this issue and communicate with members about proposed ways of resolving the issue?

(6) CRE Budget
What are your plans for reviewing and revising the CRE budget to reduce or eliminate spending that is not in line with the "strategic plan" or what is legally the primary purpose of CRE -- to protect property values and maintain the amenities like the lake and beaches.

(7) CRE Municipality?
Many residents have argued that CRE is overwhelmed with budgetary problems and cannot adequately maintain the lake or roads. What are your plans to explore other forms of organization and governance that might better help CRE residents.


Active Member
That website that you refer to as being "maintained by volunteers..."
has been taken down at the insistence of the Board (or at least a
few SELECT members of the Board) who don't want any participation
in CRE affairs that they cannot control and who don't want ANYONE
questioning their authority or agenda. Access is now TIGHTLY CONTROLLED
and people (both public and members themselves) can no longer see
what is going on.


New Member
I agree.

That website that you refer to as being "maintained by volunteers..."
has been taken down at the insistence of the Board (or at least a
few SELECT members of the Board) who don't want any participation
in CRE affairs that they cannot control and who don't want ANYONE
questioning their authority or agenda. Access is now TIGHTLY CONTROLLED
and people (both public and members themselves) can no longer see
what is going on.

I suspect that is true. Why else such a hurry to take down a site when the new site is grossly outdated and full of wrong information... and not even functional (difficulty registering, registered users cannot post).

I'm still waiting for a reply from Mr. Eney and the board about the issues I posted... or at least I hoped these issues would be addressed in the Sept. newsletter (if there will be one.)


New Member
I need help. What does the link about banks have to do with CRE? Help me out.

In 2007, the POACRE BOD moved the entire treasury of POACRE to the Community Association Banc of Arizona. This was done at the insistence of a few and over the objections of many, but never disclosed in a genuine way to the members. The total of funds deposited was in excess of $3 million.

The CAB of Arizona is a close affiliate of the Community Association Institute which is allegedly a front for a group of foreclosure specialists. POACRE is a CAI member and Board members are trained (indoctrinated) by the CAI after election.


Active Member
The implosion begins .......

And heavy odds say that one of those who "insisted"
is one who is now "working on the accounting software"
in a paid position in the admin office? Just a guess....

"If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck.......

It MIGHT BE A DUCK!" :whistle:
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Active Member
:deadhorse:poke:Seriously...isn't life too short to live somewhere with these problems..:evil:.They'll never go away....Why get caught up in all this BS?..:duel:...There are enough problems in life without becoming embroiled in all this silliness. :lalala: I'd be on the phone with a realtor this week.....:howdy::howdy:


New Member
CRE Funds OK

I need help. What does the link about banks have to do with CRE? Help me out.

In 2007, the POACRE BOD moved the entire treasury of POACRE to the Community Association Banc of Arizona. This was done at the insistence of a few and over the objections of many, but never disclosed in a genuine way to the members. The total of funds deposited was in excess of $3 million.

The CAB of Arizona is a close affiliate of the Community Association Institute which is allegedly a front for a group of foreclosure specialists. POACRE is a CAI member and Board members are trained (indoctrinated) by the CAI after election.

I was informed that the amount of funds with the Bank of Arizona was less than $100,000 (therefore fully insured).


New Member
Not True

Realtors avoid the Ranch Club like the plague..... Gee I wonder why??

I have heard a few agents talk down about CRE (there are snobs everywhere)... but most agents I've met are eager to sell houses in CRE because many are lower priced (because of the lot and size of homes) and therefore will sell faster. There are many more buyers in lower price ranges.

I'd think realtors would be taking any listing, sale they can get now or they are out of work.


New Member
I was informed that the amount of funds with the Bank of Arizona was less than $100,000 (therefore fully insured).

The FDIC insures certain accounts beyond the $100,000 limit but if the funds are re-invested in insured CD or treasury bill accounts, there really is no FDIC ceiling because each investment account is insured separately. It gets complicated.

I don't really believe that CRE has lost any principle funds in this disaster. That isn't the point. The point is that the Board was warned about transferring funds out of state. The Board was warned that the officers of this bank had rather shady rap sheets. The Board, in its insolent and aggressively arrogant way moved our money to Arizona anyway.

The point is that we have adults acting like bully children without rules and handling millions of dollars. What part of that is right?

This is a political issue that the community needs to deal with. The covenants are a political issue that the community needs to deal with.

As long as the bulk of the community is left uninformed either by not paying attention or not getting the proper information this problem will continue ad nauseam.

As long as we allow the covenants and bylaws to exist in their current configuration we will never have a well managed or governed community.
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New Member
The Treasurer of CRE can dispell any rumors or here-say about what is going on with CRE funds (and maybe the accounting firm that performs the yearly audit as well as the Finance Committee ) It wasn't this board that moved the money. Looks like an agenda item for one of the board meetings where questions can be asked and back up information provided.