Due date...

Something similar happened to me with baby #2 at Washington Hospital Center. Apparently I was only 2cm dilated so they told me to go home (an hour away). I insisted I was going to have that baby that night but they wouldn't believe me so hubby & I drove around the bumpiest streets we could find for an hour, went to visit my cousin in Silver Spring for an hour and then went back to the hospital and delivered my son a few hours later.

I am so miserable!!!! :cds:

I have an appt tomorrow. they are doing something that's sup to put me in labor.. if it doesn't work, be on the lookout on the scanner threads for "crazed pregnant women holds hospital hostage"

They are going to sweep your membranes... I think?

Lucky. I feel like my legs are falling off... I have carpal tunnel syndrome... I cant bend my ring finger because the joints are killing me. MY BACK!!! :mad:

Someone just put me out of my misery and knock me out!!:cds:


Dream Stealer
They are going to sweep your membranes... I think?

Lucky. I feel like my legs are falling off... I have carpal tunnel syndrome... I cant bend my ring finger because the joints are killing me. MY BACK!!! :mad:

Someone just put me out of my misery and knock me out!!:cds:

yeah. but I don't like saying it. Sounds..barbaric. :lmao:


Well-Known Member
I will be walking non-stop and :gossip: as I have heard it helps as well...

of course that is what got me into this situation. :blushing:

.....and when the baby is born, he/she has a divit in the top of his/her head and a scowl on his/her face. I didn't want to say "it".

Sorry, I HAD to. That was the first picture that came to mind. Good Luck.