" I just don't want a poor person " in charge


Well-Known Member
You know why America was great and what would make it great again? Taking care of our most vulnerable vets, disabled, elderly , and people with preexisting conditions and people who aren't financially savvy.

And America was great because you could count on PEOPLE to do that - churches, benevolence organizations or just plain people.
They did not expect the government to do it for them while they went on with their lives.

It's even more galling from people who claim to be christians

Almost as galling from someone who has no idea if we are doing this.
Give you a free bit of advice -
If YOU are a Christian go and do unto your neighbor and don't go around passing judgment on others.
If you're not, you have no business making judgments at all. None.


PREMO Member
No because all of these things have a connection you are all ignoring. Trump is taking financial advantage of the poor and middle class a million times more than Hillary would have yet you are cheering for him because he is "your idiot"

You know why America was great and what would make it great again? Taking care of our most vulnerable vets, disabled, elderly , and people with preexisting conditions and people who aren't financially savvy. Why you think it's ok to prey on these people and not view them as your American brothers and sisters is very telling. The way we treat our most vulnerable citizens says a lot about us as a country and used to set us apart. It's even more galling from people who claim to be christians
Strong survive.


Well-Known Member
I like the way Greg Gutfeld said it - he didn't want someone with a shaky hand to be OPERATING on him.

Maybe lefties are worried that a "rich" person might steer decisions in order to benefit himself.
Well even if they did, that would be better than someone who's NEVER been successful in business making decisions that benefit NO ONE.

You know, many years ago I needed a surgeon to do some mildly risky surgery on me. The guy I went to had kind of poor bedside manner; he made dumb jokes and he was awful damned cocky.

He'd also done my surgery over ten thousand times and NEVER lost a patient. NEVER had a "mistake". No disclaimers. Mainly because he took an obscene amount of precautions that other doctors didn't bother with. Would I have preferred a friendlier doctor?

I didn't CARE - what I CARED about was results. Because I was never going to see him again (besides a followup).

If you want someone running the economy - pick someone who has demonstrated he knows how it works - not some academic who's pretending.


Well-Known Member
I like the way Greg Gutfeld said it - he didn't want someone with a shaky hand to be OPERATING on him.

Maybe lefties are worried that a "rich" person might steer decisions in order to benefit himself.
Well even if they did, that would be better than someone who's NEVER been successful in business making decisions that benefit NO ONE.

You know, many years ago I needed a surgeon to do some mildly risky surgery on me. The guy I went to had kind of poor bedside manner; he made dumb jokes and he was awful damned cocky.

He'd also done my surgery over ten thousand times and NEVER lost a patient. NEVER had a "mistake". No disclaimers. Mainly because he took an obscene amount of precautions that other doctors didn't bother with. Would I have preferred a friendlier doctor?

I didn't CARE - what I CARED about was results. Because I was never going to see him again (besides a followup).

If you want someone running the economy - pick someone who has demonstrated he knows how it works - not some academic who's pretending.

You do realize that is the same argument people made about Hillary versus Trump don't you?

Perhaps the most experienced candidate ever vs a vulgar reality show host.

So apparently it doesn't always make sense.


Well-Known Member
My reply is in big bright red letters within yours, try not to lose your train of thought.

The government was taking care of most of them until Reagen closed the mental health facilities causing a large portion of the homeless problem we have today.

The big banks, predatory lenders in both housing and education, payday loan companies.


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
Perhaps the most experienced candidate ever

LMAO. She was definitely an experienced candidate. She ran..she lost. She ran..she lost.

Or did you mean "experienced in the the ways of the underworld"?
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#*! boat!
PREMO Member
The big banks, predatory lenders in both housing and education,.

Spurred on by a raving hoard of your liberal butt-buddies like Barney Frank...to give loans to anyone and everyone, even those that clearly were not in a position to pay them off.


Well-Known Member
And America was great because you could count on PEOPLE to do that - churches, benevolence organizations or just plain people.
They did not expect the government to do it for them while they went on with their lives.

When was the last time someone you know paid for the long term care of a stranger with a preexisting medical condition?

Do you believe that because some was born disabled they should have to beg in the street if they don't belong to a church or have family to take care of them?

Almost as galling from someone who has no idea if we are doing this.
Give you a free bit of advice -
If YOU are a Christian go and do unto your neighbor and don't go around passing judgment on others.
If you're not, you have no business making judgments at all. None.

Tell that to the Catholic Church that just kicked in $850,000 to fight against marijuana legalization in Massachusetts while claim to be non partisan and tax exempt.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
The government was taking care of most of them until Reagen closed the mental health facilities causing a large portion of the homeless problem we have today./QUOTE]

And here I thought that was Jimma Carta who closed the mental health hospitals forcing patients out on the streets because it was inhumane to "warehouse" them.

Damn my memory is failing me. Oh wait....


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
The government was taking care of most of them until Reagen closed the mental health facilities causing a large portion of the homeless problem we have today./QUOTE]

And here I thought that was Jimma Carta who closed the mental health hospitals forcing patients out on the streets because it was inhumane to "warehouse" them.

Damn my memory is failing me. Oh wait....
Your memory didn't fail you. And the ACLU helped him do it.

sappy lives in fantasyland.


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
And here I thought that was Jimma Carta who closed the mental health hospitals forcing patients out on the streets because it was inhumane to "warehouse" them.

Damn my memory is failing me. Oh wait....

Say..while yr avoiding those yard chores I know you missus has lined up a mile deep for ya..go back and comment on a few of my recent posts so that the Sapmeister gets to read them. I do believe the little coward is hiding behind the ignore feature.


Well-Known Member
You are partially correct but Reagan signed the death knell

One month prior to the election, President Carter had signed the Mental Health Systems Act, which had proposed to continue the federal community mental health centers program, although with some additional state involvement. Consistent with the report of the Carter Commission, the act also included a provision for federal grants “for projects for the prevention of mental illness and the promotion of positive mental health,” an indication of how little learning had taken place among the Carter Commission members and professionals at NIMH. With President Reagan and the Republicans taking over, the Mental Health Systems Act was discarded before the ink had dried and the CMHC funds were simply block granted to the states. The CMHC program had not only died but been buried as well. An autopsy could have listed the cause of death as naiveté complicated by grandiosity.



They call me ... Sarcasmo
This one is a bit more objective. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2690151/
The excerpt and link provided previously was also picked up by Salon dot com so you KNOW it's just full of neutrality. :rolleyes:

Here's a bit of it to digest:

As the governor of Georgia, Jimmy Carter had established the Commission to Improve Services to the Mentally and Emotionally Retarded, and his wife Rosalynn persuaded him to appoint her to the commission. During Carter's term in office, the number of hospitalized patients fell by about 30 percent, and a large number of CMHCs were created. As early as 1974 Mrs. Carter decided that if her husband were elected president, she would continue to focus on mental health reform. Her hope was that the seemingly beneficial results of deinstitutionalization and the creation of CMHCs in Georgia could be replicated on a national level. Nevertheless, her knowledge of the mental health system was relatively limited. She accepted the prevailing assumption that CMHCs could treat persons with serious mental disorders more effectively than traditional mental hospitals could, a belief based largely on ideology rather than empirical evidence
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Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
The government was taking care of most of them until Reagen closed the mental health facilities causing a large portion of the homeless problem we have today.

The big banks, predatory lenders in both housing and education, payday loan companies.
You just type to keep your fingers busy, right? How many people do you think we're in these warehouses at their height, .1% maybe .2% of the total number of people that we're talking about. Just slink away and try again with a different subject tomorrow.


Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
Tell that to the Catholic Church that just kicked in $850,000 to fight against marijuana legalization in Massachusetts while claim to be non partisan and tax exempt.
Now you're embarrassing yourself, how is marijuana a partisan issue and why does it matter.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Say..while yr avoiding those yard chores I know you missus has lined up a mile deep for ya..go back and comment on a few of my recent posts so that the Sapmeister gets to read them. I do believe the little coward is hiding behind the ignore feature.

Actually more indoor than outdoor chores today. Besides, today is laundry day in my house. That's why I mow grass during the week.


Well-Known Member
When was the last time someone you know paid for the long term care of a stranger with a preexisting medical condition?

Do you believe that because some was born disabled they should have to beg in the street if they don't belong to a church or have family to take care of them?

You really need to learn how to use the quotes.

I'm a Mason - you've never heard of Shriner's Hospitals? St. Jude's?
The fact is, the bulk of the needs of our people were mostly met by kind caring people. Somewhere along the line, people decided that more and more people needed more and more needs met, such that now they are unable or unwilling to do what it takes to free themselves from it.
We have generations now living cradle to grave, wholly dependent on government largess, and it is destroying them.
I understand the responsibility of a government to do for its people what they CANNOT do for themselves.

The legitimate object of government is to do for a community of people whatever they need to have done, but cannot do at all, or cannot so well do, for themselves in their separate and individual capacities. -- Abraham Lincoln.

So - I get it. No one is shutting down care for our veterans. No one is killing health care for those with pre-existing conditions no matter what the leftie propaganda machine pumps into your skull. If you think it IS, you're making it up out of thin air.

And I know all about the care of persons born disabled. I adopted two of them.