Well-Known Member
It seems that everything is blamed on COVID-19. They even have numbers posted for each County. I looked for RSV numbers. I didn't see any. No flu numbers either. Aren't they a respiratory virus as well? I have heard they can be dangerous. You always hear "get your flu shot". Apparently a RSV vaccine is coming out soon. I wonder how many will line up for a RSV vaccine? How accurate will the flu vaccine be this year? Those who take the COIVD vaccine insist that the vaccine will make any COVID that you get less severe. Really? I guess they have some evidence to support their views. I haven't seen it though. I am sure their evidence is "peer reviewed?" I have heard that people who are fully vaccinated with boosters seem to have more issues than those without the line up of COVID vaccines. Who knows, they may try to push it for infants next. You never know. I wonder how many mothers will line up to get their infant a COVID vaccine if a vaccine is approved for babies or toddlers? Time will tell.


PREMO Member
COVID Live - Coronavirus Statistics - Worldometerhttps://www.worldometers.info › coronavirus

Total Cases 652,455,463

Total Deaths 6,654,885

Total Recovered 628,309,461

Mortality Rate: 0.010199753

Not much of a plague, is it?

Do you hypochondriacs feel suckered yet?


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
Flu Type A is rampant over here inCalvert - I think it's more virulent than COVID!!! It's going like wildfire thru our company, and I am running like hell from it. Hoping what I do for my immune system on a regular basis keeps me healthy. I'll keep you updated. 🤞🤞 🤣🤣
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Well-Known Member
Kennel cough in dogs is running through the area as well!
Yes it is.


PREMO Member
Betcha they got worms.

... Or at least until the reassignment surgery.


Well-Known Member
Flu Type A is rampant over here inCalvert - I think it's more virulent than COVID!!! It's going like wildfire thru our company, and I am running like hell from it. Hoping what I do for my immune system on a regular basis keeps me healthy. I'll keep you updated. 🤞🤞 🤣🤣
Wash your hands frequently for about three minutes. Use hand sanitizers. But, it will not protect you from those that bring people around you from work or home that cough or sneeze. Vitamin D, C and other vitamins that is said to increase immunity is supposed to help. Plenty of rest is the best.


If I may ...
For your consideration ...

Yeah, but you would think they would at least have something about the flu since it is so wide spread this year.

I'm thinking that it is not the flu being widespread, but toxins being expelled and dealt with by people's immune systems due to the western crap diet and lack of any physical exercise. Since it is already well known that humans carry 1000's of bacteria and virus in a state of homeostasis, except when they eat a diet filled with processed foods, sugars and refined carbohydrates which cause inflammations within the body that eventually lead to sickness such as what we call the flu, or the cold, or RSV. The flu, the cold, RSV, and similar type illnesses, are simply the body purging itself of the toxins that created the illness to begin with, and the reactions the body goes though in which to rid itself of these toxins.

Sure, the body may pickup a new virus, or bacteria, at any time that it has not experienced before. But with a healthy body through a proper natural diet and regular exercise, most people won't even get a sniffle because their immune system is strong. It is those people that are already immunocompromised, because of their current load of body inflammations, that get sick, because their immune system is shot constantly dealing with inflammations.


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
Wash your hands frequently for about three minutes. Use hand sanitizers. But, it will not protect you from those that bring people around you from work or home that cough or sneeze. Vitamin D, C and other vitamins that is said to increase immunity is supposed to help. Plenty of rest is the best.
I don't take vitamins, but I've been taking Sambucol since Wednesday, along with eating right, washing hands,exercise and sleep.

So far no symptoms. 🤞
Flu Type A is rampant over here inCalvert - I think it's more virulent than COVID!!! It's going like wildfire thru our company, and I am running like hell from it. Hoping what I do for my immune system on a regular basis keeps me healthy. I'll keep you updated. 🤞🤞 🤣🤣

It is status post 7 days since I came into close contact (hugging) the 2 year old that was in the office last week and next day tested positive for FLU TYPE A. Her father had been sick all weekend. (Her mommy probably should not have brought her to the office to see her grandma.) So far, I still have no symptoms. My appt to get the flu shot was late this year, and I didn't get it until last Tuesday evening. My exposure was that ONE of my office co-workers went home sick Tuesday, sick as a dog (probably should NOT have come in at ALL on Monday) and my other co-worker came down with full fledged symptoms on Wed. night. and didn't come in the rest of the week.

Anyhoo - Has anyone heard of Sambucol? It's a Black Elderberry homeopathic remedy. When that Co-worker came in on Wed,(before symptoms showed up) she had gone and gotten it, as it was recommended by her housekeeper. Don't laugh - I checked it out with my pharmacist and she said that there ARE actually studies on this (I looked some of them up) and that they are being shown to help with the Flu (I can link below). It has the Black Elderberry, Zinc and Sulpher in it and she said she recommended those for the immune system. That's good - as I'd started taking them mid-day last Wednesday- every 3 hours while I was awake.

Other stuff I do regularly: I take probiotic capsules every day, I walk for cardio exercise about 2-3X a week,(unless I can't, and then I just pick it back up when I can) I do Yoga 2X a week. I drink about a gallon of water a day. I try to eat right most of the time.

I don't know if that is going to prevent the flu, (or any other cold) but so far-so good. Even when I got COVID I was not that sick. (I was rally SICK for a couple of days, but the other days were not as bad overall) Flu Type A seems to be pretty bad, almost worse than COVID, from what I've seen. At least as contagious, too!


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
"We conclude from this study that, in addition to its antiviral properties, Sambucol Elderberry Extract and its formulations activate the healthy immune system by increasing inflammatory cytokine production."

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