Injured cat lying in driveway - HELP!


Well-Known Member
Just spoke with Inkpen and she is heading over there now! :yahoo: Please say a prayer for her traveling safety in this weather and that she is able to help this cat in whatever way is necessary.

Ink another great job travel safe......


I am hoping she will let us know when she gets in safe. I am worried about the roads out there.

Ink please let us know when you're in! :huggy:


Be safe Ink, it's kinda' treacherous to be out and about tonight.
Please let us know how kitty fares.


I am home and so pissed.....all these comments on telling this guy what to do, where to go...where not to go, etc ..and no one, NO ONE cared enough to get off their ass, walk away from the PC and go help this cat.

I drove from Huntingtown to someplace in Charles County and back again...
And NO onle lived closer???
All I know it took me 2 hours....

But if it was a dog, horse or a you would be there in a flash!!

That cat spent 4+ hours lying on the cold, wet concrete with nothing but a cardboard box over her...and after I talked with the guy, a thin tee shirt for warmth.

I picked her up with NO problem...she was shaking so bad her legs were shivering and she cried so loud...

No wonder I like animals and not too wild about the majority of people here.

Thank you all for you kind words, which without action are meaningless.

Hope you all sleep nice and warm and have happy dreams tonight of a cat shivering in the wet adn cold for 4+ hours because you could care less to help.


Boy, I hate to say it but :yeahthat:


I hate to see an animal in pain, especially if they're a lost cause. The vet will just put them down anyway, and the cat has to go through the trauma of being moved, strangers and a strange environment.

Make it quick. :frown:

And you are so worthless it makes me sick!!!


My Sweetest Boy
I am home and so pissed.....all these comments on telling this guy what to do, where to go...where not to go, etc ..and no one, NO ONE cared enough to get off their ass, walk away from the PC and go help this cat.

I drove from Huntingtown to someplace in Charles County and back again...
And NO onle lived closer???
All I know it took me 2 hours....

But if it was a dog, horse or a you would be there in a flash!!

That cat spent 4+ hours lying on the cold, wet concrete with nothing but a cardboard box over her...and after I talked with the guy, a thin tee shirt for warmth.

I picked her up with NO problem...she was shaking so bad her legs were shivering and she cried so loud...

No wonder I like animals and not too wild about the majority of people here.

Thank you all for you kind words, which without action are meaningless.

Hope you all sleep nice and warm and have happy dreams tonight of a cat shivering in the wet adn cold for 4+ hours because you could care less to help.

I cannot drive far distances or I would have.


My Sweetest Boy did a good thing but you really need to quit blasting people when you don't know their circumstances. It isn't fair.


New Member
She is working with her now. I don't know anymore. I will give her a call and see.

Must not be too serious or she wouldn't have come on here blasting others for not dealing with an possible injured or sick animal. What you did was great Ink, but you have to realize that most people do not even have an animal, let alone know how to deal with a possible rabid or seriously injured animal.


Guest did a good thing but you really need to quit blasting people when you don't know their circumstances. It isn't fair.

Isnt fair?

3 pages of chatter and no one bothered to go and help?
I had no idea where to go and I lost my driving glasses!!!
But I called and got directions,,,,and got the cat.

I am just pissed that this poor cat had to suffer and no one bothered to get there and act......
I have to get back to this cat.....I may post a summary...


My Sweetest Boy
Isnt fair?

3 pages of chatter and no one bothered to go and help?
I had no idea where to go and I lost my driving glasses!!!
But I called and got directions,,,,and got the cat.

I am just pissed that this poor cat had to suffer and no one bothered to get there and act......
I have to get back to this cat.....I may post a summary...

It's not fair to pass judgment on people. Everyone offered suggestions. Perhaps they had children and couldn't leave their homes or had other obligations. I cannot drive far, I have panic disorder and can't drive far alone.

I know you do good things for animals but you have to stop blasting is counter productive for the cause.

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
Isnt fair?

3 pages of chatter and no one bothered to go and help?
I had no idea where to go and I lost my driving glasses!!!
But I called and got directions,,,,and got the cat.

I am just pissed that this poor cat had to suffer and no one bothered to get there and act......
I have to get back to this cat.....I may post a summary...

You're the rescue person. I wouldn't have had a clue what to do.....Good on you for going to get the cat. Let us know how he does. :huggy:


Must not be too serious or she wouldn't have come on here blasting others for not dealing with an possible injured or sick animal. What you did was great Ink, but you have to realize that most people do not even have an animal, let alone know how to deal with a possible rabid or seriously injured animal.

Cant do anything until she gets warm...she is near death because her temp is 5 degrees below her normal...if yours was that would be dead....

I cant give her anything until her core temp is normal....and that takes time...and heat...and time...


My Sweetest Boy
Cant do anything until she gets warm...she is near death because her temp is 5 degrees below her normal...if yours was that would be dead....

I cant give her anything until her core temp is normal....and that takes time...and heat...and time...

Why wouldn't you take her to MASH where they could do intravenous warming or can you do that? Just curious what methods you're using.


Nice lady!
Cant do anything until she gets warm...she is near death because her temp is 5 degrees below her normal...if yours was that would be dead....

I cant give her anything until her core temp is normal....and that takes time...and heat...and time...

I am in Charles county and would have gladly picked her up had I known about it. But then what? I would have no clue what to do. The body temp thing you are talking about would not even occur to me.

It would really be not much better than her being still in that driveway. Some people don't "do" anything other than the computer because, honestly, what can they do? Ya know??


Why wouldn't you take her to MASH where they could do intravenous warming or can you do that? Just curious what methods you're using.

She is slowing warming her the way you are supposed to so as not to send her into shock. She is just as good as MASH, so no worries. That and she has no money to take her to MASH and so has no authority to expend any money on the cat.