Judge orders White House to restore Acosta's press pass


Well-Known Member

U.S. District Court Judge Timothy Kelly ordered the White House to immediately return Acosta’s credentials while CNN’s lawsuit continues.

He found that Acosta was “irreparably harmed” and dismissed the government’s argument that CNN could send another reporter in Acosta’s place to cover the White House.

In brief remarks after the ruling, Acosta said, “Let’s go back to work!”

and before any of you " cry liberal activist judge he was appointed by Trump



Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
And the Judge can suck it!

Appeal to the next court.

CNN can send anybody else or just close down the press briefings and release a daily.


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
I hope Trump simply stops holding press briefings. Then Acosta can stand around Pennsylvania Ave with his WH press pass in one hand and his d!ck in the other..crying his eyes out.


Well-Known Member
You realize what you are all advocating is a dictatorship much like the relationship Putin has with the press and his people.

What a bunch of tools. Why do you think Trump is such a snowflake he shouldn't have to answer questions ?



professional daydreamer
Throw them out, and do a fish bowl lottery once a week for a temp day pass. Gather them inside the coldest, most inhospitable room in the WH for 30 minutes, no coffee, no cameras. You get one question. If you don't have a chance to ask your question before the end of the 30 minutes, back to the fish bowl.


PREMO Member
You realize what you are all advocating is a dictatorship much like the relationship Putin has with the press and his people.

What a bunch of tools.

yeah ONE Ass Munch is kicked from the White House Briefings ... and America is on the Road to Dictatorship

More Progressive Fantasy, Supposition, Innuendo and Unfounded OPINION


Well-Known Member
yeah ONE Ass Munch is kicked from the White House Briefings ... and America is on the Road to Dictatorship

More Progressive Fantasy, Supposition, Innuendo and Unfounded OPINION

You forgot the part where you said to stop holding press conferences and just provide the info they want to dum dum


PREMO Member
You forgot the part where you said to stop holding press conferences and just provide the info they want to dum dum

English do you speak it ......

.... canceling the WHPB all together does NOT Make America a Dictatorship


Well-Known Member
I hope Trump simply stops holding press briefings. Then Acosta can stand around Pennsylvania Ave with his WH press pass in one hand and his d!ck in the other..crying his eyes out.

:lol: He's had, what, 5 solo press briefings since being in office? Stopping them won't do much.


Well-Known Member
You realize what you are all advocating is a dictatorship much like the relationship Putin has with the press and his people.

What a bunch of tools. Why do you think Trump is such a snowflake he shouldn't have to answer questions ?


Putin does not hold open press briefings, nor can I think of any dictator who does.

I have a little girl who often starts a conversation with "I have question".
I'll say ok, what is it? and let her go. When she starts rambling I will interrupt her and say ummm sweetie, what's the question?
And she will sheepishly admit she doesn't have one. At that point I will cut her off, since her siblings DO have

Acosta is the biggest jackass I have ever seen in the White House press. No one else has ever come close.
No one ever treated Obama the way he routinely treats Sarah or the President, and Obama initially started out
ONLY allowing questions that had previously been SCREENED, to the consternation of such luminaries as Helen
Thomas. I suspect if the briefings were NOT televised, his antics might be self curtailed.

If I were Donald Trump, I'd NEVER let him ask questions.


PREMO Member
Acosta is the biggest jackass I have ever seen in the White House press. No one else has ever come close.

I saw a comparison to Donaldson and Reagan in the 80s ..... while Donaldson was annoying he was certainly not Acosta level of disruptive


PREMO Member
I'd start another background investigation on Acosta ... man is an unhinged threat