Pittbulls...not for the weak stomach..


No Longer the Kid
Spudtrooper said:
Good parents don't leave thier children alone with any dog. Pitbulls are bad news no matter what anyone wants to try and tell you. They are have been bred for decades or more to be evil. If you want one fine but keep it away from kids.

And here I thought I had EXCELLENT parents... but I guess not, they used to leave my sister and I home alone with a 30lb American Eskimo...

How did we ever survive :rolleyes:


Baby blues
I think alot of people are missing the point of the video. I have actually seen that before a couple years ago. I don't care WHAT breed of dog it is, there is NO excuse for the horrors that were (and are) inflicted upon those dogs for the SICK "sport" of dogfighting. :mad:

To say a pit bull isn't aggressive is irresponsible. They can be. HOWEVER, so can many other breeds of dogs: Rotties, Doberman, German Shepard, and Bulldogs, just to name a few. Those dogs are also bred as "protectors" and meant to be aggressive. German Shepards, especially, can be VERY nasty. But, for some reason, they don't have the reputation like a Pit Bull and aren't used (as far as I know) in dog fighting.

Just my two cents.


New Member
Tinkerbell said:
I think alot of people are missing the point of the video. I have actually seen that before a couple years ago. I don't care WHAT breed of dog it is, there is NO excuse for the horrors that were (and are) inflicted upon those dogs for the SICK "sport" of dogfighting. :mad: To say a pit bull isn't aggressive is irresponsible. They can be. HOWEVER, so can many other breeds of dogs: Rotties, Doberman, German Shepard, and Bulldogs, just to name a few. Those dogs are also bred as "protectors" and meant to be aggressive. German Shepards, especially, can be VERY nasty. But, for some reason, they don't have the reputation like a Pit Bull and aren't used (as far as I know) in dog fighting. Just my two cents.
You missed the point Tink. The video is propaganda in defense of pitbulls. A poor one at that. Showing pictures of starving, emancipated dogs does little to defend them.

There are plenty of threads on this subject and I don't want Pixie to punch me in the leg, so I'll stay off the soapbox.

Kudos to Jameo for recognizing that one of her pups may be less than friendly to strangers. I've heard great things about her dogs and the pictures are awesome.

The video is a tacky piece of crap in my opinion.


New Member
Mousebaby said:
We had fostered a pit a while back and she was GREAT! I was never afraid to leave her alone with my kids, she was like a big puppy! She loved us, and she showed us that she loved us with her whole body LOL! The only time I ever saw her get aggressive is when my husband would be walking her and someone would get too close to them. Other then that she was a sweetheart! I will never look at them as vicious again. JMHO :howdy:
:killingme Everyone should own a dog that no one can get near except the owners. :duh:
Jameo said:
What a dog is BRED to do and TRAINED to do are 2 different things. It's like saying you were bred to be a cowgirl. Are you? Or were you TRAINED to be one? Or are you even one at all?
I agree with CowGirl. I chose to become a schnauzer owner after studying many breeds and their characteristics. Just the mention of "Jack Russell Terrier" brings immediate breed traits and characteristics to mind.


Cowgirl said:
Well, a dog can be trained to do things it normally wouldn't do (like sit, shake, and other behaviors), but different breeds are bred to do certain things. By breeding pits that are the most aggressive and best at fighting, people have designed them to be fighters. They are just more likely to be aggressive than say, a poodle. I'm not saying dogs can't act in ways that are not typical for their breed. We all know that any dog can bite, regardless of breed. I'm just saying that there are different breeds for a reason....to do different jobs.

Oh, and I wasn't bred to be a cowgirl...but I work with cattle and I ride horses....

True, my post didn't come off right. But it's not correct in assuming that ALL pits are aggressive because that is what they were bred for. That's like assuming ALL labs are wonderful hunting dogs because that was what they were bred for. I've heard more stories about labs being gun shy than wonderful hunting dogs :lmao:


New Member
Jameo said:
True, my post didn't come off right. But it's not correct in assuming that ALL pits are aggressive because that is what they were bred for. That's like assuming ALL labs are wonderful hunting dogs because that was what they were bred for. I've heard more stories about labs being gun shy than wonderful hunting dogs :lmao:
I wanna meet your dogs.


R.I.P. Bobo, We miss you!
vraiblonde said:
I believe that and I also believe Jameo's pits are sweetie pies. But every single person who becomes famous because their pitbull mauled some kid or old lady says the same thing - "but he was a such a sweet dog!!! He's never been aggressive before!"

Pitbulls are unpredictable to say the least. I am now suffering the loss of my mini mare due to the attack on her at 1 am while she was asleep in the pasture by two of these dogs. The damage done to her was horrible. She lost her battle to live this past Sunday. The owner/s of the pitbulls didn't even have these dogs in a kennel. As I later found out, one of the pitbulls unprovoked attacked one of their other dogs very agressively just a few weeks prior to their attack on my horse. Oh but they have been "sweet" other then that!!, was a comment made to me. Yes, Pitbulls can be and are very dangerous especially if their owners are irresponsible.