Potential store closings


Resident PIA
Hell, I'd be happy with something like an IGA just so I didn't have to drive 20+ miles to a grocery store.

you want to know why you wouldn't be happy with an IGA, the IGA would constantly be out of stock on certain items, have stuff on their shelf that was out of date, atc.
We had an IGA, met the managers and talked to them. They could not get deliveries down here. Trucks didn't want to make the run and turnaround and head back empty.
The only thing the chains bring is supply.


Thats how them b*tch's R
I used this example in the New Businesses thread. Giant/Food Lion are in the same situation as when Exxon and Mobil merged a few years ago. The combined company was forced to divest itself od some locations due to competition reasons.

I would think that where a Giant and Food Lion are fairly close together it would be a no-brainer for the company to close Food Lion. I don't know how some of them stay open with as little business as they get.

Most people I've talked to do not like Giant because if it's not on sale, it's too expensive for them to shop there. I feel the same way about McKays. I usually hit Giant on my lunch break for sale items and Food Lion for everything else. Fruit I've been getting at BJ's, so much better there.