Woman fired for flipping off Trump gofunded $87,519 so far…


Lawful neutral


We’ve done a brilliant job of cleaving our country in two over guns, golf, kneeling, pizza, the first lady’s shoes and a few thousand other things.

But just in case there isn’t enough to fight over, we now have Juli Briskman.

Briskman is the 50-year-old marketing executive who got fired from Akima, a government contracting firm, for flashing her middle finger at President Trump’s motorcade. A photo of her went viral last month but her name didn’t surface publicly until last week, triggering a tsunami of attention for the single mother from Northern Virginia.


  • 2017-11-14_15-03-06.jpg
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black dog

Free America
Hummmmmmm, A 50 year old Marketing Ex gets fired and needs money.....
Starts a GoFundMe, All fools aren't dead yet, give her 90 grand...


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
And I'll bet every single one of the donors thinks Planned Parenthood needs to be government funded because private citizens won't donate.


Well-Known Member
Good for her. She did nothing wrong and her company treated her differently then other people who violated the company’s publicity and social media policies.

I’ve flipped off Pence or Trump or one of them as they’ve gone down 16th St twice this month but I’m self employed


Good for her. She did nothing wrong and her company treated her differently then other people who violated the company’s publicity and social media policies.

I’ve flipped off Pence or Trump or one of them as they’ve gone down 16th St twice this month but I’m self employed

It takes courage to flip the president off as he drives by. Proud of you, young whipper snapper.

Me, I serve the president, no matter who he is. Have been doing it for near-30 years. Never a thought to flip the bird at any of them: Reagan, HW, Clinton, W, Obama, and now Trump.

Funny who we honor these days. J.J. Watts raises $37 million for hurricane victims, while Colin Kaepernick gets citizen of the year for taking a knee during our national anthem and posting of the colors.

Oh well, congrats to you and your really brave single digit salute. God bless America that you're free to do so and not get locked up in a gulag. :patriot:


New Member
Good for her. She did nothing wrong and her company treated her differently then other people who violated the company’s publicity and social media policies.

I’ve flipped off Pence or Trump or one of them as they’ve gone down 16th St twice this month but I’m self employed

Did the other person you mention delete their post or did they make it their Facebook profile pic? You do something that can be bad for business, you take a real risk.

But never mind all that: are you aware that the state of Virginia is a at-will state? That means you can be fired at any time for any reason.


Well-Known Member
Good for her. She did nothing wrong and her company treated her differently then other people who violated the company’s publicity and social media policies.

I’ve flipped off Pence or Trump or one of them as they’ve gone down 16th St twice this month but I’m self employed

And ignorant.


Well-Known Member
Did the other person you mention delete their post or did they make it their Facebook profile pic? You do something that can be bad for business, you take a real risk.

But never mind all that: are you aware that the state of Virginia is a at-will state? That means you can be fired at any time for any reason.

Yes. The other person was given the opportunity to change their social media. This woman was not given the option. She was fired. The company was treating different employees different based on their political beliefs.

black dog

Free America
Yes. The other person was given the opportunity to change their social media. This woman was not given the option. She was fired. The company was treating different employees different based on their political beliefs.

Tough Sh!t.... Don't ride around and do stupid things, Then boast about it..
She was well aware of the consequences when she violated her employer’s code-of-conduct policy. I find it hard to believe that the job offers are really rolling in...


Well-Known Member
Tough Sh!t.... Don't ride around and do stupid things, Then boast about it..
She was well aware of the consequences when she violated her employer’s code-of-conduct policy. I find it hard to believe that the job offers are really rolling in...
She seems to be doing just fine.

black dog

Free America
She seems to be doing just fine.

Apparently for a 50 year old Marketing Executive was worried about bills that needed paying... That was until the , all fools aren't dead yet kicked up poor single dumbass mom money..
One would think that a 50 year old Marketing Executive would certainly have a few bucks in the bank.. but apparently she didn't...


New Member
Yes. The other person was given the opportunity to change their social media. This woman was not given the option. She was fired. The company was treating different employees different based on their political beliefs.

I trust she learned a lesson then. Most of us figured out that actions have consequences long before the age of 50. That’s a tough lesson at that age. Much easier at 6 when the worst consequence you might face is an ass whuppin from Mother.