So. Md Education News

News from the local county public and private schools and colleges.
The College of Southern Maryland (CSM) men’s basketball season got underway as November began with a weekend of court time during the CCBC Dundalk Mixer. The Hawks came out of the mixer stronger with a win in overtime over the ASA Brooklyn Avengers, but falling short with two losses; one to Mt. Zion Prep and to Bryant & Stratton College. CSM Head Coach Alan Hoyt said he likes to use these weekend tournaments as a way to prepare the team for the scheduling they will encounter in regular...
Superintendent of Schools Kimberly Hill, along with other Charles County Public Schools (CCPS) staff, is hosting a school safety and security Town Hall at 6 p.m., Monday, Nov. 18 at Thomas Stone High School. The Town Hall will be televised live at from the Thomas Stone auditorium. Staff will address safety and security issues, updates to school safety procedures, building enhancements and See Something, Say Something efforts. Following a brief presentation, staff will answer...
It’s not often that a string quartet or vocalist performance opens a formal business meeting. On Nov. 6, the La Plata Business Association’s (LPBA) monthly meeting began with student performers from La Plata High School showcasing the talents of Charles County Public Schools (CCPS) students. For the past six years, the LPBA has partnered with Keith Grasso of Island Music Company to host Rocktoberfest and donate the proceeds to CCPS. This year’s donation to CCPS was $41,000 – the highest...
Assistant Professor Eden Published in the “British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies” Michael Bruckler November 06, 2019 - 11:18 am November 06, 2019 Assistant Professor of History Jeff Eden had a new article published in the “British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies.” With “Did Ibn Saud’s Militants Cause 400,000 Casualties? Myths and Evidence about the Wahhabi Conquests, 1902–1925,” Eden proposes that the claim that Ibn Saud’s militants killed or wounded between 400,000 and 800,000...
Donors May Contribute to Johnston Fehl Scholarship Endowment and Many Others on Giving Tuesday, Dec. 3 The College of Southern Maryland (CSM) and Baldus Real Estate Agents Sandy Fehl and Bob Johnston – a CSM Alum (’81) – have enjoyed a longtime connection and commitment to each other’s success. This fall, Fehl and Johnston made a decision to take their association with the college to the next level by creating the Johnston Fehl Scholarship Endowment. A proud former U.S. Marine and a...
Funding Will Provide Interior Renovation and Build Out Indian Head Technology Hub Maryland Governor Larry Hogan today joined Rural Maryland Council Board First Vice Chair John Hartline to present College of Southern Maryland (CSM) President Dr. Maureen Murphy and the CSM Board of Trustees with a $350,000 Rural Maryland Prosperity Investment Fund award to complete interior renovations and build out of CSM’s Velocity Center. It is the largest single grant that the Rural Maryland Council has...
Indian Head Elementary School launched a new program this school year to focus on social and emotional needs of students. Called “Move This World,” the program provides students with strategies to express emotions in a positive way. Students learn about and use 10 “emoger” strategies to display their feelings. The emogers focus on breathing, counting to 10, giving someone a smile, hug or fist bump, walking away quietly, drinking a glass of water, meeting in the middle, putting yourself in...
The Aspen Institute College Excellence Program today named the College of Southern Maryland (CSM) as one of 150 community colleges eligible to compete for the $1 million Aspen Prize for Community College Excellence, the nation’s signature recognition of high achievement and performance among America’s community colleges. Based on strong and improving in student outcomes—including in learning, completion rates, employment rates and earnings, and equity—15 percent of community colleges...
The Board of Education’s next monthly meeting is Tuesday, Nov. 12, at the Jesse L. Starkey Administration Building on Radio Station Road in La Plata. The public portion of the meeting begins at 1 p.m. The meeting is televised live on Comcast Channel 96 and Verizon FiOS Channel 12, and is rebroadcast throughout the week. Board meetings are streamed live on the Charles County Public Schools (CCPS) website, Click on the middle of the main page to start the live streaming. The...
The College of Southern Maryland (CSM) Women’s Cross Country team ended their season with impressive times and honors at the last championship meet of the year. Sophomore Sierra Walker and freshman Brittney Douglas finished fifth and 10th overall, respectively, out of 35 runners in the women’s 5K race at the Maryland Junior Athletic Conference (MDJUCO) and the National Junior College Athletic Assocation (NJCAA) Region XX Cross Country Championship on Oct. 26 at Hagerstown Community College...
David Froom's music in Ukraine David Froom November 02, 2019 - 8:05 am November 02, 2019 On Thursday, Nov. 7, David Froom's "Ribbons" for solo flute will be performed in Kyiv, Ukraine, by the Sed Contra Ensemble. The concert will take place in the Chamber Hall of the Tchaikovsky National Music Academy of Ukraine. . David is on the linked poster as Девід ФРУМ.
The College of Southern Maryland (CSM) Foundation recently partnered with a local family that wanted to honor its family matriarch in a special way. The children and grandchildren of Eleanor Loretta Alvey, 81, of Mechanicsville and her late husband, Carroll Louis “Johnny” Alvey Sr., gathered at CSM’s Leonardtown Campus to publicly recognize the couple’s contributions to the community and their commitment to CSM’s mission as the family members and college and foundation representatives...
Charles County Public Schools (CCPS) is expanding the student identification (ID) badge program to all high schools, Matthew Henson and General Smallwood middle schools and Billingsley Elementary School. These schools will begin to implement the program next week. The use of ID badges provides school employees immediate recognition of who belongs in the school. Badges are also part of the CCPS safety and security strategy. School administrators will issue each student an ID badge featuring...
St. Mary's College of Maryland Receives Chesapeake Cultural Studies Grant Gretchen Phillips November 01, 2019 - 2:58 pm November 01, 2019 St. Mary’s College of Maryland has been awarded a $24,000 Chesapeake Material Cultural Studies Grant from The Conservation Fund. The grant will advance the College’s work using archaeological artifacts to examine how Native American groups in the Chesapeake’s major river drainages responded to the region’s occupation by European settlers. SMCM...
Staff from the Charles County Public Schools (CCPS) Career and Technical Education (CTE) department will attend several Parent-Teacher-Student Organization (PTSO) meetings this month to spread awareness of CTE opportunities for students transitioning to high school. CTE programs are available at all seven Charles County high schools, as well as the Robert D. Stethem Educational Center. These programs range from Project Lead the Way biomedical and engineering pathways, to the Teacher Academy...
‘Provocations’ Series to Feature Author and Veteran Wayne Karlin, Nov. 7 The College of Southern Maryland (CSM) will host a lecture “Communicating and Confronting Trauma through Poetry by Veterans” at 7 p.m. Nov. 7 at the college’s Prince Frederick Campus. CSM Professor Emeritus Wayne Karlin of St. Mary’s City — a writer and a veteran with a longer than 30-year connection to the college — will present the free lecture, which is part of CSM’s “Provocations” Faculty Excellence Lecture...
When today’s vehicle accident on Route 225 between Mitchell and Sleepy Hollow roads led to road closures and commuter delays near the La Plata Campus, College of Southern Maryland (CSM) students, staff and faculty heading to the campus were able to count on the CSM Safe App to keep them informed as they tried to make their way to class and work on time. CSM Public Safety and Preparedness Department launched the new CSM Safe App over the summer to put critical, real-time information at users’...
Young golfers hit the links Oct. 30 for the middle school golf tournament held at White Plains Golf Course. While some students are new to the sport, others are familiar with it. Some are super serious about it; others play for the fun of it. “I like it,” Peyton Lewis, a Matthew Henson Middle School sixth grader, said. “It’s not like it’s super competitive. When you’re playing soccer or football, when you miss a goal or something, you’re like ‘Oh, no! Game’s over,’ and everybody’s mad at...
St. Mary's College of Maryland Sailing Captures Mid-Atlantic Conference Championships Lee Capristo October 31, 2019 - 9:39 am October 31, 2019 The top 18 schools in the Middle Atlantic Inter-Collegiate Sailing Conference (MAISA) battled in Kings Point, NY, for their conference crown. Throughout the semester, the top teams earned the right to represent the 55-school conference at the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy October 26-27. After 26 races across both A and B Divisions in a full range of...
Louis D’Ambrosio, a longtime Charles County Public Schools (CCPS) educator and principal at Berry Elementary School, was recently selected by Gov. Larry Hogan to serve on the Maryland Professional Standards and Teacher Education Board. He is the first CCPS educator to be chosen to serve a three-year term on the Board. D’Ambrosio said he applied to serve on the Board to advocate for teachers. “I want to stay involved with the people who are involved in making decisions for education and...