So. Md Education News

News from the local county public and private schools and colleges.
Since 2017, the College of Southern Maryland (CSM) has offered micro-food pantries, named Hawk Feeders, at each of CSM’s four campuses. Hawk Feeders help address the short-term basic food needs any student may be experiencing. Built by a CSM faculty member, the Hawk Feeders are stocked through individual donations by faculty, staff and students as well as through food drives, under the adage, “Give what you can, take what you need.” You may be also interested in reading:
Linda Greer an Invited Lecturer in Natural Science and Mathematics Colloquia Series Michael Bruckler October 17, 2019 - 3:18 pm October 17, 2019 St. Mary’s College of Maryland’s Biology Department presents Linda Greer to discuss “The Environmental Impact of Fashion” as part of the Natural Science and Mathematics Colloquia series. The talk takes place on Nov. 20 at 4:45 p.m. in Schaefer Hall 106. Greer will discuss the fashion industry’s surprisingly large environmental footprint...
Associate Professor Gijanto Named English Editor for the Society for Africanist Archaeology bulletin, Nyame Akuma Michael Bruckler October 17, 2019 - 3:00 pm October 17, 2019 Congratulations to Liza Gijanto, associate professor of anthropology, who was recently named the English editor for the Society for Africanist Archaeology bulletin, Nyame Akuma. According to the website, The Society of Africanist Archaeologists is an organization of archaeologists, researchers from associated...
The College of Southern Maryland (CSM) presents an exhibition featuring the work of photographer Lisa Elmaleh, who documented her life in photographs in the rural outskirts of Paw Paw, West Virginia, as she learned to live more deliberately. “the Lightness and the Dark” will be on display in the Tony Hungerford Memorial Art Gallery Oct. 28-Dec. 12. From her website,, Elmaleh writes: “Me and my large-format 8×10″ camera (named Fitzgerald Fitzwilliam Fitzgeorge) go on...
The College of Southern Maryland (CSM) will host the Southern Maryland Concert Band (SMCB) in the Brad and Linda Gottfried Theater at the La Plata Campus Fine Arts Center, Oct. 26. The SMCB was formed in 1984 by Charles Armstrong as an all-volunteer, non-profit community-based ensemble of adult and student instrumentalists dedicated to performing quality concert band music for audiences in and around Southern Maryland. Armstrong, a former supervisor of music and longtime band director in...
Due to a power outage, Daniel of St. Thomas Jenifer Elementary School is closed today, Wednesday, Oct. 16, 2019. SMECO is working to address the issue.
Dr. Samuel A. Mudd Elementary School students, staff and community members celebrated the recent building renovation and expansion of the school in a special ceremony held Oct. 10. Featured in the ceremony was a project overview, student performances, presentations from elected officials and a key passing ceremony. Dr. Mudd first opened its doors to students in 1967 in a building that was just under 45,000 square feet in size. Following a two-year renovation and expansion, Dr. Mudd now...
Jericho Brown CSM Connections Literary Series Reading: Poet Jericho Brown. 7:30 p.m., Nov. 1. College of Southern Maryland (CSM), Prince Frederick Campus, John E. Harms Academic Center (Building A), Room 119, 115 J.W. Williams Road, Prince Frederick. Poet Jericho Brown, an American Book Award Winner, will read from his work, which has been described as “an attempt to fight back against hate in its many guises.” Brown is an associate professor and the director of the Creative Writing Program...
St. Mary’s College Gives Invited Plenary at Council on Undergraduate Research Transformations Project Yearly Meeting Michael Bruckler October 16, 2019 - 9:12 am October 16, 2019 The Council on Undergraduate Research Transformations Project (CUR-TP) held its third yearly meeting, Oct. 4 - 6, at which meeting participants continued their work on integrating undergraduate research experiences throughout the curriculum. Attending the meeting on behalf of St. Mary’s College of Maryland this...
Around Charles County Public Schools (CCPS), high school drama departments are preparing shows. From October to December, the slate includes family-friendly offerings, farces and comedies, a murder mystery and the story of a refugee’s journey to find his family and himself. La Plata High School ushers in the fall play season with a comedy. “Leading Ladies” by Ken Ludwig finds two Shakespearean actors who land in York, Pa., — Amish country — staging Shakespeare plays. The two decide to pose...
Eighth graders interested in any of North Point High School’s 17 Career and Technology Education (CTE) programs can attend one of two upcoming open houses set at the school. The events are 6 p.m. Oct. 22 and Nov. 20 with potential students and their families able to tour the programs and learn more. The window to apply for North Point’s CTE programs is 8 a.m. Nov. 25 to 3 p.m. Dec. 20. Programs at the school include biotechnology, Cisco Networking Academy, cybersecurity, engineering...
Dr. J. Scott Smith, Superintendent of Schools, 301-475-5511, ext. 32178 Dr. Jeff Walker, Assistant Superintendent of Supporting Services, 301-475-4256, ext. 7 LEONARDTOWN, MD – October 15, 2019, kicks off National School Lunch Week (NSLW). This special week of celebration is designated to bring positive attention to the school lunch program and the impact it has on our school community. On behalf of St. Mary’s County Public Schools, we wanted to extend an invitation to you to visit our...
Assistant Professor Shanen Sherrer and Colleagues Awarded St. Mary’s College’s First NSF MRI Grant Michael Bruckler October 11, 2019 - 2:45 pm October 11, 2019 St. Mary’s College of Maryland was awarded its first National Science Foundation (NSF) Major Research Instrumentation Program (MRI) grant using lead investigator Assistant Professor of Biochemistry Shanen Sherrer’s expertise on circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy. Geoffrey M. Bowers, assistant professor of chemistry; Randolph K...
St. Mary’s College Presents “We Do Not Beg the Rope: Poems and Music by Aleshea Harris” Michael Bruckler October 11, 2019 - 12:12 pm October 11, 2019 On Tuesday, Nov. 5 beginning at 7:30 p.m., the Office of the President presents Aleshea Harris in Auerbach Auditorium of St. Mary’s Hall. The event, “We Do Not Beg the Rope: Poems and Music by Aleshea Harris,” is free of charge and open to the public. An insistence upon the innate worthiness of marginalized people, “We Do Not Beg the...
Jason Rezaian to Deliver the 2019 Benjamin C. Bradlee Distinguished Lecture in Journalism at St. Mary’s College of Maryland Michael Bruckler October 11, 2019 - 10:22 am October 11, 2019 In July of 2014, Jason Rezaian and his wife were detained in their Iranian home and he went on to spend 544 days in Tehran’s Evin prison, released on the same day that the historic nuclear deal between Iran and world powers was implemented. On Wednesday, October 23 at 7 p.m., former U.S. correspondent...
Tibetan Buddhist Monks will Construct a Mandala Sand Painting and Perform Special Ceremonies at St. Mary’s College of Maryland Michael Bruckler October 11, 2019 - 9:01 am October 11, 2019 Tibetan Buddhist monks from Drepung Loseling Monastery will construct a Mandala Sand Painting from Monday, Oct. 21, through Thursday, Oct. 24, in Daugherty-Palmer Commons on the St. Mary’s College of Maryland campus. From all the artistic traditions of Tantric Buddhism, that of painting with colored...
Dr. J. Scott Smith, Superintendent of Schools, 301-475-5511, ext. 32178 LEONARDTOWN, MD – Superintendent of Schools, Dr. J. Scott Smith, is seeking applicants to serve on the St. Mary’s County Public Schools’ Ethics Panel. The Ethics Panel is the advisory body responsible for interpreting the Ethics Policy and/or Ethics Regulations, subject to review by the Board of Education, and for advising persons subject to the Ethics Policy and/or Ethics Regulations. Panel members serve a three-year...
Dr. J. Scott Smith, Superintendent of Schools, 301-475-5511, ext. 32178 Dr. Maureen Montgomery, Deputy Superintendent of Schools, 301-475-5511, ext. 32178 LEONARDTOWN, MD – There are a variety of STEM-related programs available to students in St. Mary’s County and the Fifth Annual Maryland STEM Festival and Expo brings a myriad of STEM related activities, programs and organizations together in one venue. Parents and students can explore the various hands-on activities to help foster their...
For the third consecutive year, an independent auditor has found Charles County Public Schools’ (CCPS) financial reports in order. Financial auditors presented CCPS with an opinion that they found of no material weaknesses—meaning they found no deficiency in the school system’s internal controls—during its annual audit of the school system’s basic financial statements. Bill Early, an auditor with CliftonLarsonAllen LLP, presented the Board of Education an overview of its report on internal...
The Impact of Climate and Environmental Change on Tick-Borne Disease Michael Bruckler October 10, 2019 - 2:39 pm October 10, 2019 Climate change can result in weather extremes that affect tick populations and seasonal activity patterns, and influence disease outbreaks. The St. Mary’s County Health Department, in partnership with the environmental studies department at St. Mary’s College of Maryland, is hosting an open talk on the impacts of climate and environmental change on tick-borne...