So. Md Education News

News from the local county public and private schools and colleges.
Chances are if you hire a local HVAC, known as heating, ventilation and air conditioning, company to service equipment in your home, you may encounter a Charles County Public Schools (CCPS) graduate. With a specialized HVAC program at the Robert D. Stethem Educational Center, students get hands-on training and access to certification exams and courses before they graduate. In the past five years, program enrollment has increased with an average of about 10 seniors graduating annually. The...
Pictured are (l to r): Nicole Penix, Sarah Kane, Shannyn Petersen, Kristal Bonalewicz, Catrina Wright, Jayme Pieretti, Lori DiToto, Lynda Hampshire, Linda Kovacs. The Board of Education of Calvert County Public Schools recognized Employees of the Month for the month of May at the May 23 meeting. The Employees of the Month are: Huntingtown High Jayme Pieretti Lori DiToto Career & Technology Academy Kristal Bonalewicz Catrina Wright Plum Point Middle Nicole Penix Dana Plater Plum...
The day after Asante Ma’at graduates North Point High School on May 30, “When They See Us” debuts on Netflix. The limited series tells the story of who the media dubbed the Central Park 5 — five teens wrongfully convicted for the rape and assault on a female jogger April 19, 1989, in New York City’s Central Park. Ma’at —professionally known as Asante Blackk — portrays Kevin Richardson, who was 14 when he was arrested and charged following a police investigation that at best could be called...
Pam Jenkins, the pupil personnel worker at Milton M. Somers Middle School, believes in building relationships with students and their families. “I heard a quote once at a conference, ‘Relationships heal what relationships harm,’” Jenkins said. “A lot of children have had traumatic experiences or relationships with adults or other children that have created some form of harm. The only way you’re going to get them the help they need is to build a relationship. I can’t control the...
Three Charles County Public Schools (CCPS) unified track teams earned first place at the 2019 State Special Olympics Interscholastic Unified Sports Track and Field Invitational held May 14-15 at the Prince George’s Sports and Learning Complex. Teams from La Plata, North Point and Thomas Stone high schools earned first place in their respective divisions of the tournament. The La Plata team earned first place with 124 points in session II, division I of the event. Athletes compete in...
Several Charles County Public Schools (CCPS) Mathematics, Engineering and Science Achievement (MESA) teams earned top awards at the state event held May 18 at Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Lab. The following teams earned awards at the state competition. Elementary level Dr. Gustavus Brown Elementary School, first place, Basswood Bridge C. Paul Barnhart Elementary School, first place, Interactive Game Design with Scratch William A. Diggs Elementary School, second place, Wearable...
In observance of Memorial Day, the College of Southern Maryland (CSM) will be closed Saturday, May 25, through Monday, May 27. The college will resume normal operations on Tuesday, May 28. In addition, starting May 24 and continuing every Friday in July except for July 5, all CSM campuses will observe early closing for the college’s Code Green Friday initiative. To decrease energy costs during summer months, CSM will close most buildings on Fridays at 1:30 p.m. However, the Children’s...
Superintendent Kimberly Hill announced the appointment of five new principals, three principal transfers, eight vice principal appointments and 15 vice principal transfers for the 2019-20 school year. New principal appointments include: Todd Wonderling from vice principal at Dr. Gustavus Brown Elementary School to principal at T.C. Martin Elementary School. Melinda Johnson, chief academic officer at Marion P. Thomas Charter School, to principal of J.P. Ryon Elementary School. Gary...
Superintendent Kimberly Hill has announced the creation of an advisory board for the Fresh Start Academy. The board, Hill said, will give the community an opportunity to offer input and feedback on the Fresh Start Academy programs, policies and practices. The Fresh Start Academy Advisory Board will consist of one community member recommended by each of the organizations listed below. All advisory board members must be residents of Charles County who do not currently hold a public office...
The College of Southern Maryland (CSM) celebrated 522 candidates for 546 associate degrees and 244 certificates during its 60th spring commencement ceremonies May 17 at the La Plata Campus. Of the students receiving awards at the ceremonies 38 percent are from Charles County, 33 percent are from St. Mary’s County, 23 percent are from Calvert County and 6 percent are from outside of the region. Of the graduates, 63 percent are female and 37 percent are males. Associate degrees were awarded...
The following students were recognized as candidates for associate degrees, certificates or letters of recognition at the 60th Spring Commencement ceremonies on Friday, May 17 at the College of Southern Maryland’s La Plata Campus. Anne Arundel County Lothian Charmaine Richardson West River Katie B. Arnold Baltimore County Columbia Andrew L. Beauchamp Glen Burnie Andrea Alexandra Padilla Calvert County Broomes Island Daniel Joseph Neiman 2018-2019 Student Government Association (SGA)...
“My advice to you: Don’t doubt yourself. Just go for it. Swing for the fences.” The following remarks were offered by College of Southern Maryland Professor, Dr. Richard Siciliano, during the keynote address of the 60th spring commencement on May 17 at the La Plata Campus. Students, your families and friends, my faculty colleagues, CSM staff (especially those who worked overtime behind the scenes to reconfigure this gymnasium and the AV crew that worked to get the technology just right)...
The following remarks were provided by Dr. Sarah E. Merranko, president of the Faculty Senate at the College of Southern Maryland on May 17, during the 60th spring commencement ceremonies at the La Plata Campus. “It’s often said that learning doesn’t always take place in the classroom and that some of the most important lessons are learned on the playground, in the street, on the job or somewhere altogether unexpected. “We call these opportunities of reflection ‘teachable moments.’ As a...
LEONARDTOWN, Md. - St. Mary's Association of Student Councils (SMASC) held elections for the Student Member of the Board of Education of St. Mary's County (SMOB) position and Naggena Ohri was elected. Naggena is a current 10th grade student at Leonardtown High School and will replace the current Student Member of the Board, Laik Meadows from Leonardtown High School. Naggena is an active member of her school's Principal Advisory Committee, Student Council, National Honor Society, and varsity...
Southern Maryland’s Highly Anticipated River Concert Series Returns for 21st Anniversary Michael Bruckler May 17, 2019 - 1:08 pm May 17, 2019 St. Mary’s College of Maryland, along with the Chesapeake Orchestra and its Music Director Jeffrey Silberschlag, are proud to announce the program for the 2019 River Concert Series. The 21st anniversary of the popular, family-friendly music festival will be held on the St. Mary’s College Townhouse Green every Friday evening from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m...
St. Mary’s College student Ward ’19 Presents at Virginia Commonwealth University Politics and Government Student Research Conference Michael Bruckler May 17, 2019 - 11:58 am May 17, 2019 St. Mary’s College student Jada Ward ’19 presented at the 13th Annual Virginia Commonwealth University Politics and Government Student Research Conference held in April. Her paper, “Understanding Race & Ethnicity in America: The Census’ Role in Shaping Identity,” uses the Census Bureau’s census and...
The Board of Education of Charles County is holding a 6 p.m. work session on Monday, May 20 in the boardroom at the Jesse L. Starkey Administration Building. The work session will be televised live on the Charles County Public Schools (CCPS) website,, and broadcast on Comcast Channel 96/Verizon FiOS Channel 12. The following is an agenda and is subject to change. Executive session may be closed to the public as permitted by State Government Article 10-508 (a). Executive session –...
Samerya Montgomery, a Berry Elementary School second grader, is a national champion for Children's Miracle Network Hospitals. This month, her photo and story are featured on boxes of Cheerios sold at Costco. A Berry Elementary School second grader is a champion. That’s what ambassadors for the Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals (CMN Hospitals) are called. “As a champion, I get to do a lot of different things,” said Samerya Montgomery. That is an understatement. Samerya has been...
2018-2019 Student Government Association (SGA) President and Prince Frederick Campus Student Association President Stephanie Arnone, of Chesapeake Beach and seen here at the Harry Potter-themed SGA awards banquet, will earn her associate’s degree in arts and sciences. The College of Southern Maryland (CSM) is readying to celebrate 522 candidates for 546 associate degrees and 244 certificates during its 60th spring commencements to be held May 17 at the La Plata Campus. The student speaker...
CSM Observes Code Green Fridays. May 24-Aug. 9, College of Southern Maryland (CSM), all campuses. In an effort to decrease energy costs during the summer months, CSM will be running a Code Green initiative starting May 24 and continuing each Friday through Aug. 9. During Code Green days, most CSM buildings and services will close at 1:30 p.m. on Fridays and remain closed throughout the weekend. Code Green does not affect the St. Charles’ Children’s Learning Center, CSM Kids’ & Teen College...