So. Md Education News

News from the local county public and private schools and colleges.
Dr. J. Scott Smith, Superintendent of Schools, 301-475-5511, ext. 32178 Dr. Jeff Walker, Assistant Superintendent of Supporting Services, 301-475-4256, ext. 34136 ST. MARY’S COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS GOLD STAR AWARD WINNERS LEONARDTOWN, MD – The St. Mary’s County Health Department announced the recipients of the Gold Star Achievement Awards given annually to food services facilities that achieve superior food safety standards. All 29 St. Mary’s County Public Schools received a Gold Star Award...
Tayo Clyburn Announced as Vice President of Diversity and Inclusion/Chief Diversity Officer Michael Bruckler March 26, 2019 - 5:16 pm March 26, 2019 St. Mary's College of Maryland has appointed Tayo Clyburn as vice president of diversity and inclusion/chief diversity officer. He will join St. Mary’s College in July 2019 and will report directly to President Tuajuanda C. Jordan. “I’m honored and excited for Tayo to join St. Mary’s College as the Vice President for inclusive diversity...
Dr. J. Scott Smith, Superintendent of Schools, 301-475-5511, ext. 32178 Dr. Maureen Montgomery, Deputy Superintendent of Schools, 301-475-5511, ext. 32178 LEONARDTOWN, MD – St. Mary's County Public Schools is pleased to announce open application for Prekindergarten/Head Start to determine eligibility for school year 2019-2020. All schools will hold an open application period from Monday, April 8, 2019 through Friday, May 17, 2019 from 10:00 AM until 2:00 PM. The goal of the...
Since the recent release of her new book, “Uncle Tom’s Journey from Maryland to Canada,” which traces the life of Abolitionist Josiah Henson from his birthplace in La Plata, Novelist Edna Troiano has been making news with her account of Henson’s role in bringing slaves to freedom via the Underground Railroad. A retired professor who chaired the Department of Languages and Literature for 20 years at the College of Southern Maryland (CSM), Troiano will read from her book and help bring to...
Charles County Public Schools (CCPS) is testing drinking water at schools, centers and office buildings for the presence of lead. The testing is not the result of any concerns with drinking water in Charles County schools. CCPS is conducting the testing to comply with a new state regulation, which was signed into law in May 2017, and requires all Maryland schools, public and nonpublic, served by public water to test for the presence of lead in all drinking water outlets. The new regulation...
Dr. J. Scott Smith, Superintendent of Schools, 301-475-5511, ext. 32178 Dr. Maureen Montgomery, Deputy Superintendent of Schools, 301-475-5511, ext. 32178 LEONARDTOWN, MD – St. Mary's County Public Schools is in the process of renewing its textbook materials for World Languages (Chinese and American Sign Language). The following textbooks will be available for review from March 25 - April 5, 2019, in the Charlotte Hall, Leonardtown, and Lexington Park Libraries: • Discovering Chinese Pro...
Writer, Comedian, Host Erin Ryan to Deliver 2019 Commencement Address to St. Mary’s College of Maryland Graduates Michael Bruckler March 21, 2019 - 5:20 pm March 21, 2019 St. Mary’s College of Maryland is pleased to announce that Erin Ryan, host of Crooked Media's Hysteria podcast, a writer for “It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia,” and a contributor to The Daily Beast will be the College’s 2019 Commencement speaker. The Commencement ceremony will be held on the College’s Townhouse Green on...
Students in North Point High School’s education careers program, along with their peers who wanted an up-close look at the field, stopped by the school’s staff development room on March 14 for a Women in Education event. Superintendent of Schools Kimberly Hill and Kim McClarin, principal of Theodore G. Davis Middle School, spoke to students about their careers and the paths they took to get to where they are now. Hill opened by waving a magic wand, a gift she received from a colleague...
St. Mary’s College Presents the Comedy-Drama “Stick Fly” for One Week Only Michael Bruckler March 21, 2019 - 2:28 pm March 21, 2019 Lydia R. Diamond’s “Stick Fly” opens on Wednesday, April 17 at 8 p.m. and runs through Sunday, April 21 in the Bruce Davis Theater, Montgomery Hall, on the St. Mary’s College of Maryland campus. Ticket prices are $4 for teachers, students, senior citizens, and Arts Alliance members; $6, general admission. To make reservations, email the Theater Box Office at...
Asst. Prof. Freedman Published Article on Stephen Hawking in Psychology of Popular Media Culture Michael Bruckler March 21, 2019 - 11:35 am March 21, 2019 Gili Freedman, assistant professor of psychology, published the article “Obituaries can Popularize Science and Health: Stephen Hawking and Interest in Cosmology and Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis” in Psychology of Popular Media Culture. Freedman’s research examines the influence of physicist Stephen Hawking’s death on public interest...
Superintendent of Schools Kimberly Hill and Jason Stoddard, director of school safety and security for Charles County Public Schools (CCPS), will present information and answer questions about school safety and security at a Town Hall meeting 6:30 p.m., Thursday, April 4 at North Point High School in Waldorf. The North Point Parent-Teacher-Student Organization (PTSO) is sponsoring the countywide school safety and security Town Hall that is open to the public. The meeting is in the school’s...
Kendall Cross, a fourth grader at Dr. James Craik Elementary School, loves to read and learn about math. Earlier this week, Cross was named Top Tiger at Craik, a recognition that honors students for demonstrating personal responsibility and respect. “Top Tiger is an awesome award. Your teacher nominates you for being respectful, responsible and ready to learn,” Cross said. Not only is Cross a role model for her peers at Craik, she is a role model for the community. She recently entered a...
Prof. King to Present at the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum Michael Bruckler March 20, 2019 - 3:51 pm March 20, 2019 Julia A. King, professor of anthropology, will be one of three professors presenting during “New Insights: Native American History in the Colonial Period” on March 27, 6-7:30 p.m. at the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum, Smith Hall, in Boston, Massachusetts. King will discuss her recent historical research into Native American life. The...
Citizen Science for the Birds Michael Bruckler March 20, 2019 - 1:57 pm March 20, 2019 Why do birds come to feeders? In a new collaboration between Assistant Professor of Biology Jessica Malisch and Derrick May’s third-grade class at Chesapeake Public Charter School, scientists new and experienced are working to collect data for Project FeederWatch. Following weekly bird identification instruction from Malisch, May’s students record the number and species of birds visiting the feeders...
Prof. Williams Published in the Journal Psychotherapy Michael Bruckler March 20, 2019 - 1:37 pm March 20, 2019 Professor of Psychology Elizabeth Nutt Williams recently published “Turning 50: Past Presidents Reflect on What We Have Learned in our First Half Century” in the journal Psychotherapy. In the article, Williams asks Society for the Advancement of Psychotherapy past presidents to reflect on the role of Division 29 of the American Psychological Association and to consider the...
St. Charles High School senior Kate O’Meara donated backpacks and school supplies to Eva Turner and Dr. Gustavus Brown elementary schools at the beginning of the year. O’Meara founded Project Leaders 2 Leaders, a nonprofit to help students and those in need. Attending Hugh O’Brien Youth Leadership Conference (HOBY) in her sophomore year, O’Meara learned personal, group and leadership skills. “I learned about how I can help make a difference to the world, but it wasn’t until I went back to...
CSM’s Guided Pathways, Accelerated Course Options, Faculty Advising, and Much More Support Student Learning and Completion Academic innovations at the College of Southern Maryland (CSM) are making an impact in a big way by guiding students toward success and in meeting their goals. Student success is the first pillar of CSM’s three strategic priorities for meeting the college’s mission and serving its students. Integral to student success is how the college can improve student progress...
This year’s History, Industry, Technology and Science (HITS) Expo brought together those who are comfortable digging in dirt with those who have their head in the stars. It attracted those who use their wits to escape a room and those who use science to solve a mystery. “I think it’s so cool here,” said Ca’Sandra McIntyre, a first grader at Dr. Samuel A. Mudd Elementary School. “It’s a wonderful opportunity for kids to show their appreciation for scientific things,” said Richard Coleman, a...
The fourth annual History, Industry, Technology and Science — HITS — Expo was held March 16 at St. Charles High School. Middle school students in public and private schools created documentaries, exhibits, research papers, performances and websites focused on the theme, Triumph & Tragedy in History. The first- and second-place History Day Fair winners advance to the state competition May 11 at the University of Maryland Baltimore County. The national contest will be in June at the University...
David Froom, Multiple Performances in March David Froom March 18, 2019 - 9:21 am March 18, 2019 David Froom's "Petali di Gelsomino" for flute and string orchestra was performed on Sunday, March 17 as part of the North/South Consonance series in New York City at Christ and St. Stephen's Church. On Monday, March 4 at Rowan University, saxophonist Tim Powell played two of his works, "Flying High" (for solo saxophone) and "Before the Dawn" (saxophone and piano). Powell will perform those two...