Recent content by MadDogMarine

  1. M

    well, as this year comes to an end...

    I think if any of us knew, it would put most in a panic mode. Not sure if you have seen the attached comparison stock market chart, but it is disturbing. Stunning Chart: Today's Stock Market is Eerily Reminiscent of 1929..."]Stunning Chart: Today's Stock Market is Eerily Reminiscent of...
  2. M

    well, as this year comes to an end...

    Sorry also DoWhat. I agree, as is said, the chickens are going to come home to roost! You can't say on one hand we have a 17.3 trillion dollar debt and on the other hand we have no chickens that need roosting(or is that roasting?) Two extra digits??? Who could have guessed it would have been...
  3. M

    Unbelievably lenient sentence for cop

    There is an excellent saying When a good cop does nothing about a bad cop, he,at that time, ceases being a "good cop" and in reality becomes a criminal known as an "accessory after the fact".
  4. M

    Krauthammer - Nukes The Shark ....

    Society, as a whole , is too complicated for the control freaks to know what to do about it. It was never about economic recovery,it is about power, control and taxation. Get rid of the control freaks from the equation and you will see our nation magnificently rebound with inventions, ideas and...
  5. M

    What's New in D.C.?

    I always believe the best about our country, It is just the big A-HOLES running it that I have issues with.
  6. M

    Pajama Boy, revealed

    Don't worry,a lot of people don't know who he/she is????
  7. M

    What's New in D.C.?

    Not a damn thing! From a top level politician who strongly believes in "distribution of wealth" How sweet! ----------------------From my in basket------------------------- The US has entered into a contract with a real estate firm to sell 56 buildings that currently house U.S. Post Offices...
  8. M

    So, the Red Light Cameras are finally coming.

    Thank You!. More intersection accidents are coming! Thank You again! South Plainfield says red light cameras are causing more accidents | Study finds red light cameras cause accidents - Watchdog Wire - Florida Accident rate rises at intersections with red-light cameras, N.J...
  9. M

    Have you ever been arrested?

    But it certainly appears we are playing the "Rose Colored Glasses" Game! YES, YES AND YES!!! How the REAL justice system works when you aren't looking through "very thick" rose colored glasses! 26-Year Secret Kept Innocent Man In Prison - CBS News...
  10. M

    This is evil...

    Since you mentioned California,see below, This same thing is happening everywhere. Like I said. This is a BUSINESS that has only one concern, the bottom line and we all suffer for it. Rehabilitation and/or treatment are NOT in the best interest of the business. Nothing will change unless the...
  11. M

    This is evil...

    We have been sick for a very long time!. The tumor is just becoming more visible. One can make sense of all this when you realize this is a BUSINESS that has a deep interest in the BOTTOM LINE! Many have heard of the military-industrial complex. Not so many have heard of the Prison...
  12. M

    New Low

    I am convinced this policy comes from the very top! I can sense the response should this policy be questioned. "What are you going to do about it?, PUNK!
  13. M

    AF Sgt shoots home invader, charged w/ murder

    Let us do this ONE MORE TIME! Source please??
  14. M

    AF Sgt shoots home invader, charged w/ murder

    Another forum troll who doesn't believe people can READ for themselves and the LAW is only for lawyers, judges and others with "special knowledge". It is well known cops lie all the time and lawyers lie all the time. I just want to credit the lies to the proper party! But according to you, only...
  15. M

    AF Sgt shoots home invader, charged w/ murder

    Good, now show me the independent source indicating they were shacking up since I would like to double-check. Especially in light of the following statement by Pinkerton's Attorney named O'Neill who appears to be advising the wife to lie, which can be a grounds for disbarrment???