Recent content by snake

  1. S

    Watch out for Tidewater Dental

    They also schedule appointments with months-long waits for you at the wrong office, then tell you to go to the other location, then once there wait until you are done filling out paperwork to tell you they just stopped taking your insurance the same week.
  2. S

    Taxes 2016

    In recent years, the bottom ~48% of wage-earners wound up paying absolutely nothing in federal income taxes after all the refunds and everything. This is abnormally higher than years prior to the recession. Nearly 8-10% of households don't pay any taxes federally whatsoever. Also in recent...
  3. S

    WALDORF: Two-year-old boy shot himself with father's gun

    They'll get off on the basis of "the parents have suffered enough."
  4. S

    DC issues 1 mil worth post-blizzard parking tickets... more to come

    Pretty much every government out there is required by various laws to publish all of their financials every year (some do more often) and the data is easily available and out there. Occasionally sure there is some cronyism and other things that usually get caught, but the majority of these...
  5. S

    DC issues 1 mil worth post-blizzard parking tickets... more to come

    I love the Climate debate. One side always screams end of the world doomsday, while the other likes to point at snow and say "see! It's cold." Everyone's an idiot and nobody knows anything.
  6. S

    Okay with a red light ticket for this,St Marys?

    How about tickets for taking pictures with your phone while operating a vehicle? Not sure what you're so worried about. Everyone within a 50-100 mile radius of D.C. are some of the worst drivers I have ever encountered in my life and especially during rush hours they do some of the most insanely...
  7. S

    GOP Debate Rap Battle

    Just for fun, it's addicting
  8. S

    New speed camera OK’d on Route 5

    Doesn't deter the redneck a$$wipes in huge ugly beater trucks that come up on your ass blaring the horn because you're ONLY doing 10 mph over and the open lane next to you is not good enough.
  9. S

    The ass in Walmart dropping F-Bombs at the toys

    Oh f***, I think this was f***ing me. I didn't mean to f*** up and f***ing ruin your f***ing day. I truly am f***ing sorry that I f***ing forgot raising everyone else's f***ing kids is my f***ing problem. Still better than Waldorf.
  10. S

    (more) Prostitution arrests in St. Mary's

    The idiots at most fast food places sure need a beating
  11. S

    Federal Employees Wages Growing Faster Than Everybody Else’s

    Don't even bother, people just always like to gripe. They love their government services but don't want to pay for them. They also assume every federal employee is lazy and useless as they head to their Walmart job to also gripe about how they deserve a pay raise for showing up on time every day...
  12. S

    Did the Muslim really build that clock?

    Racism, bigotry, how about just ignorant idiot with a mouth. Removed myself for quite a few pages and I was proven correct. The word doesn't matter. If you hate a muslim for being muslim, sure that's not specifically racist, but you are still a racist in addition. I guarantee if you saw a white...
  13. S

    Did the Muslim really build that clock?

    Great defense there idiot. But the reference to "The Muslim" is clearly rooted in racism and it reeks all over these boards and this country. It also is a random child. He didn't instigate anything from anyone, and it's one thing for so many morons to attack adults in racist manners, but now...
  14. S

    The religion of peace assimilating into Europe

    Pushing the racism on these boards some more I see
  15. S

    Alert: possible wicked weather on Sunday

    Just one look at the dude in the video ... down syndrome? Hahahaha