This thread is annoying for me. There's huge difference between being Pro Life and being Anti-Abortion.
Has it ever occurred to anyone that someone who has gone through an abortion.... may have been predestined to make that choice and how they deal with it is what they will be judged on as well? Haven't we all made desperate mistakes?
I abhor the idea of a vacuum hose sucking a baby out of the womb.... and I hate partial birth even worse.... but how can I withhold that escape from a woman who is so desperate... she would do anything rather than remain pregnant.
Sure we say... you can adopt it out.... but there's something about carrying a child to term and then handing it off... that goes against the human female's natural tendencies.... IMHO....
We say we are pro-life... but then we shut down planned parenthood [a source of birth control pills and regular check ups]. Yes... I got angry when I heard they were funding the work by selling baby body parts.... but still.... they were offering help.... shutting down food stamp programs and housing programs for women who keep their babies gets top billing with some.
We tell women.... keep your legs shut..... but God built in passion. We tell men to keep their thing in their pants.... but God built in passion.
Has it occurred that when the population numbers started to get overwhelming.... more lesbians started to talk about adopting babies? Was that part of the plan? Definitely not according to those who would take away food stamp programs or housing for single moms.
I was raised to abhor abortion.... I even quoted "as for me and my household... we will serve the Lord" but Bathsheba served the Lord.... and David prayed over the dying child.... if it happened to David and Bathsheba.... how likely are we non-biblical average humans supposed to put ourselves in any other position.
Someone just murdered 19 children..... in school.... and I bet he would say he hates abortion too... right?
I am totally disgusted with the way people treat babies now. It's a wonder God allows women to still reproduce... the world has become a horrible place to raise babies.... they have to sing their Disney songs in fall out shelters where they are in hiding.
I'm Pro-Life.... when I said "no" to abortion.... I lived up to it. I raised a wonderful daughter... and proved my Pro-Life label to be true.
If you haven't done anything to make life better for babies... then you might as well be pro-abortion.... because there's more to having babies than shooting them out of a whole in the body.... wake up.... make life better for babies and old people.... then you can claim the Pro-Life label for yourself.... until then... IMHO... you should shut the f&^k up.
That's my story and I'm sticking too it....