Are they?.
They more than anyone else. As any business,well run, would,,and must.
The "evil big oil" kool aid runs like tap water.
Are they?.
They more than anyone else. As any business,well run, would,,and must.
The "evil big oil" kool aid runs like tap water.
All of those old fashioned miners helmets ran on it, so it must have commercially feasible at some point.
Can you give me some for instances and examples please? Kool aid tastes like #### no matter where it comes from.
If you are curious enough and not stuck in your "big oil is bad" meme, you will do what I always do when somebody piques my curiosity...I go research it myself. I get tired of people that try to end a debate that isn't going their way by pulling the 5th grade "I won't believe you and you can't make me!!" along with foot stomp or two. Or go like this:![]()
Good friend of mine is retiring from Exxon this year; for most of the last decade he's been working in their alternative energies division. In chatting with him over the years, I've found it quite remarkable what kinds of things he's been purusing..and how much money Exxon is - and has been - investing. And according to him, up until just a few years ago, BP's aternative energy group and research was even larger than Exxon's...and probably will be again once they get all the costs of of their gulf oil rig disaster behind them.
^^ I was not aware of that. That was exactly what I was asking for, thank you. That wasn't so hard, was it? NOW, I might research more details.
I admit..with apologies, if due..that I am overly sensitive to the "moron crowd"..those exemplified by our very own cellar-dwelling cut-n-paste artist nhboy and so many others. I have very little patience if any for the willfully ignorant.
Baack to the subject at hand. Energy companies are not 'stupid'..but the interesting part of it is how much they are investing in alternative energies out of their own pure self interest (future survival) and how much they invest for public relations (written off)..and how much they invest because they get those infamous "subsidies" that all the lefties love to hate so much. Said subsidies being actually only tax offsets..but we'll go with the meme.
I'm not sure where I fall on the issue of fracking. I'm instinctively "for" any new or increased supply of domestic energy. I've seen zero evidence that fracking has created any problems anywhere...all those "gas in the well water" videos were basically scams and highly inaccurate.
But something about the whole way they go about doing fracking...leaves me with an uneasy feeling that we don't really know what the ultimate consequences might be.
Kind of like hybrid cars - they seem so clean, until you factor in the battery production and disposal. Or like compact flourescents - a couple centuries from now those will be a joke in a textbook. "Look at how stupid they were! Poisoning themselves to avoid using proven, safe technology!"
So does squashing any competition that might infringe on profits.
Germans are baffled that the United States has not taken the same path...
...“This is a very American idea,”...
In the end, ratepayers control the program, not the government. "
oh. Yr one of those. I should have guessed.
Carry on.![]()
Am I misunderstanding your attitude, or are you acting like a douche for some unknown reason?
I've been running a business that competes internationally since 1987. In fact, most of those years saw our foreign business well exceed our domestic business...and its still that way.
But back to the topic at hand. The stories about how oil companies and the automotive companies have conspired to destroy, hide or otherwise prevent some magic new technologies from ever seeing the light of day were written, IMO, by the same guy that authored the "Dubya blew up the twin towers wit dynomite..deed he did!".![]()
Actually, the topic at hand was Germany's renewable energy. :
So I take it you were indeed acting like a douche. :
I knew that from some of your previous posts, so what. How do you compete, Gilligan? Or, do you actually have any competition?
Actually, the topic at hand was Germany's renewable energy. I don't know anything about conspiracies, I only know the nature of business is to create $$$ for business owners/share holders. Are you an exception to the rule regarding your business practices?
So I take it you were indeed acting like a douche. I should have known you're one of those.![]()
How do you compete, Gilligan? Or, do you actually have any competition?
...... guaranteed to create/become a national environmental nightmare out of a scarce material that the Chinese control. Crazy.
How do we compete? A combination of continuous product development and improvement, decent quality control, and an almost obsessive focus on customer support.
We do not compete on price; we've won contracts where we were not the lowest cost solution.