11 Month school year


I heard on the radio that the school board is going to vote in the next week or so to adopt an 11 month school year. Anyone else heard of this? What are the pro's / cons.

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
There was an article in the Enterprise recently about this. I thought it was only going to affect 300 students, not the whole system.


Happy Camper!
There was an article on the front page of the enterprise yesterday.
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Originally posted by jazz lady
There was an article in the Enterprise recently about this. I thought it was only going to affect 300 students, not the whole system.
I didn't hear too many details, that the first year was voluntary, maybe the year after they would impliment it....blah blah.


Happy Camper!
My support depends on the specifics of the program. I personally think that children loose a lot of what they learn over the summer. My son has lots of little books and worksheets that he does over the summer to stay refreshed but I know most parents don't bother. I think if they give the kids a 1 or 2 week vacation every 3 months that would serve in a better interest for the kids to have a break but still be learning year round.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I think it's retarded. When I was a kid we started school the week before Labor Day and got out the first week of June and we managed get an education just fine. Plus that, I was in Nebraska and we got about 6 snow days a year.

My kids have at least one in-service day a month. If they'd cut that out and teachers would make more productive use of their class time, they would NEED to keep extending the school year.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Not to mention that my kids have stuff they do in the summer. They visit relatives, they take classes, they go to camp. I don't want them to have to give this up because a bunch of teachers think they need more off-days built into the calendar.

Put me in the :boo: column.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by kwillia
Then why are those "..... for Idiots" books selling so well....
Because they give you a comprehensive rundown instead of you having to read dozens of single books to get the complete picture.

<----- no sense of humor today :frown:


jack of all trades
Forget extending the school year...



It's a shame when children come to school and don't even know how to hold a pencil or crayon!


Originally posted by SuperGrover
Forget extending the school year...



It's a shame when children come to school and don't even know how to hold a pencil or crayon!
You are right !! I think they should abandon NCLB and start a program to teach the ghetto dwellers whose parents ignore them to drop the gun and pickup a crayon.

I am sure if you write a big enough check, these losers will see the error in their ways and start paying attention and helping their kids.


If I can shed any light on this -- when I was in elementary school in Prince William County we did year round school. The broke us all up depending on where you lived and gave each community a different color. I was orange. Anyways they'd rotate all the colors. It was ok because you got to see your friends that were on the same color. If I recall correctly we went 6 weeks straight, got two weeks off and back to getting 6 weeks straight again. I was too little to think one way or the other (and I know many may differ) but I came out just fine. When I hit middle school it was weird to have soo many people there saying they went to my elementary school and I didn't recall seeing them there - they were just another color group. I think I prefer the 6weeks on and 2 weeks off. It was just hard for my parents to find a baby sitter at the time because it was soo off and on.


jack of all trades
If we are looking at year-round school to increase the capacity of the school system... that's fine and actually makes fiscal sense.


Originally posted by SuperGrover
If we are looking at year-round school to increase the capacity of the school system... that's fine and actually makes fiscal sense.

although this is how Prince William County handled it about 25 years ago and it seemed to work. I'm just now sure how the teachers felt about it. I don't recall them rotating or being herded through as we were.


What's it 2 U
I can give you some pros and cons of the NC year round schools, but not for St. Mary's. Although, I am sure the results will be very similar.

Alot of people in NC were against year round schools when the idea was first passed. But in the years that have followed more parents have warmed to the idea and are putting their children in year round schools. It is a firm belief among parents in NC that children seem to forget what they have learned over the summer and therefore spend more time refreshing their memories when the new school year starts. I don't think the statistics are a fair assessment of the difference in acheivement because the traditional schools that still exist tend to be magnet schools which receive alot more federal funding for programs such as ELS, Title I and ASP. ASP is a summer program for low to moderate performing children, so basically they are going year round also.

Most of the new schools built in the county we lived in are year round schools and they fill up fast. Parents still have a choice as to which type of school to send their children too. You may have to provide transportation, but you can send them to traditional school if you want.

One con to year round is finding child care for the three week breaks every nine months. Summer programs and after school programs tend to still run on the traditional calendar schedule.


Not too talkative
I did read the article yesterday, but I don;t have it in front of me so some of this could be wrong (from a poor memory).

The discussion at the next school board is to determine if the school system wants to run a test of the 11 month school year. The test is supposed to be at three different schools in St. Mary's county and be for a total of 300 students. The program will have about 10 students per teacher. The schools chosen were the title one schools in the district - Green Holly, Lexington Park and one other I can't recall.

To me it sounds like a "summer program" that will probably benifit those who can not afford to send their kids to day care in the summer months. But I could be wrong on that.


What's it 2 U
By the way, if they really want to do something productive, they shoud make Pre-K and Kindergarten all day programs instead of this half day crap!! I never heard of such and was very surprised and disappointed by this when we moved here. :mad: